Edit as Root

Dolphin Service Menus by gammaknife 44 comments

Name[de]=Als root bearbeiten

Greetings Seraphyn

Sometimes there would be Users, who want to manage their Linux in this way.
To Accept that Linux is an Operating System which is build up by the Users himself in their own way,
is one of the substructures from Linux and this is the difference between some Operating Systems.
It's Cool that You care about each other, but do it in a Way that would be better than this.
Post a HowTo on a Website and tell the Link to each other here, this will be a choice for people who are interested in your type of version and could make some Installations more Secure as they are.

Just my 2 Cent - Apr 14 2004
KDE Code

Wallpapers KDE Plasma by marcm2003 1 comment

Would be nice, because it seems you've post the same Wallpaper 2 times... - Apr 05 2004

Icon Sub-Sets by flow 217 comments

I used em since the alpha,

please more and a nice Icon for Krusader please. - Apr 02 2004
Mac Foot

Wallpaper Other by Ugalonk0 2 comments

But make it al little big bigger
min 1280x1024

Thx - Apr 02 2004

Dolphin Service Menus by prjanique 283 comments

And it should have a check if the folder servicemenus exist or not, if not it should create one, because this would give an Error, if there is no Servicemenu.

I have wrote up a stepbystep german Installationmanual on http://linuxeinsteiger.info/ called
"Über das Rechtsklickmenü in KDE eine ISO-Datei auf den Dekstop einbinden" for Begeinners who don't know Howto do this and have complications with the Installation.
I have included the Howto for putting the german Language into the Script mount-iso-image-0.3.7.

I think this one will be obsolet, after the script checks if there is a servicemenu or not and the german language is in.


Ich habe eine deutsche StepbyStep-Anleitung unter http://linuxeinsteiger.info/ mit Namen "Über das Rechtsklickmenü in KDE eine ISO-Datei auf den Dekstop einbinden" hinterlegt. Falls es Komplikationen bei der Installation geben sollte und wie man die deutsche Sprache in
mount-iso-image Version 0.3.7 bekommt.

You have done a very Good Job and i think it should be a default in KDE, because most of the Beginners asks in our forum How to mount an ISO and why it is so hard.


Seraphyn - Mar 29 2004

Dolphin Service Menus by prjanique 283 comments

Name[de]=ISO-File einbinden
Name[de]=ISO-File Einbindung lösen

Greetings - Mar 29 2004

Wallpapers KDE Plasma by tuxalot 7 comments

Not a Gif, png iss better, i forgot - Feb 22 2004

Wallpapers KDE Plasma by tuxalot 7 comments

Yes, This would be very nice :)

Greetings - Feb 22 2004
Knifty (KDE >= 3.2)

KDE 3.x Window Decorations by ceebx 77 comments


i was wrong and learned something new,that was never happend before.

If somebody having that Problem try:
automake and the ./configure ... - Jan 29 2004
Knifty (KDE >= 3.2)

KDE 3.x Window Decorations by ceebx 77 comments

bute please change all the calls for 1.6 to normal like automake....

I got 1.7 and must set all the times new lns


Seraphyn - Jan 29 2004

Wallpapers KDE Plasma by tuxalot 7 comments

Transparent would be Cool.
Please do it, please *on my knees* Please - Jan 28 2004
BlackN'BlueCurve 1024x768

Wallpaper Other by sbrown1038 4 comments

Yepah this would be Cool - Jan 28 2004
trash icon

Icon Sub-Sets by riccardopavone 17 comments

But no download available ?!?

Could u fix it ?

Greets - Jan 28 2004
Wallpaper: Curve Collection

Wallpaper Other by sbrown1038 4 comments

But is one Available without the K in the middle and the the types in the left lower corner ?
Could u put one in a package,please, because then it will be really cool for me to use on my IBM Thinkpad. - Jan 28 2004
Keeping my Right to Choose

Wallpaper Other by seraphyn 3 comments

There will be more next time. ;)

Seraphyn - Jan 17 2004
Transparent Liquid Weather + Background

Karamba & Superkaramba by estatik 4 comments

Thanks for the Fast Help.

Happy New Year 2 u - Dec 31 2003
Transparent Liquid Weather + Background

Karamba & Superkaramba by estatik 4 comments

But where could i find the Wallpaper yo're using ?

THX ind advanced

Seraphyn - Dec 30 2003

Icon Sub-Sets by flow 217 comments

No Comment, or

i can't await that you're finish this.
Niceee :) - Dec 03 2003
*Kill Bill*

Wallpaper Other by Chaaun 40 comments

Good Idea and a very nice Work.
Thx for the fast update, what should i say more, ohhh, more of that movie wallpapers from you ( Lord of the Rings :) ?).

Seraphyn - Nov 24 2003

KDE 3.0-3.4 Themes by ThEOnE 3 comments

I worked with that Theme under OSX nice job.
I like it. - Nov 11 2003
TGlas 0.0 - Preview and Idea collection!

Karamba & Superkaramba by chip2003 11 comments

Mach weiter so gute Arbeit, sowas hatte ich gesucht, einfach und schlicht, man kann noch mehr draus machen.


ps: Naja Kinternet, hmm, ich denke Netzwerk reicht :)

Keep On the Good Work. I have searched for something like that. Easy,slick nand everybody could make more with it.

ps: I think we don't really need Kinternet, Network should be enough. - Oct 24 2003
AA - Flava ... What's your flava ?

KDE 3.0-3.4 Themes by ThEOnE 25 comments

I cant change the Backgroundpic from my Kicker ?
I tried it with right Mouseklick Prefs and change Background.
I won't work for the Icons.

Could anybody help me ? - Oct 24 2003
iTunes style for KDE

KDE 3.0-3.4 Themes by ThEOnE 23 comments

That one is really nice.
I am dreamin of a Alphablending for the menues, could you do that ?

Nice Job, very Nice...

Greetz Seraphyn - Oct 22 2003
Noia for KDE 1.00

Icon Sub-Sets by Carlitus 258 comments

It seems like a Problem with Deviantart.
After i walked trough the Page and it works after tried to download it directly from then.
Here's the Link.

But Could you fix it the same.

Thx - Sep 15 2003
Noia for KDE 1.00

Icon Sub-Sets by Carlitus 258 comments

Got a Problem in the same Way,
could you fix it ?

THX in advanced

Seraphyn - Sep 15 2003