
Network by SkyCoder 8 comments

Great THX - Mar 23 2010

Network by SkyCoder 8 comments

Disabling line 32 works.
Seraphyn - Mar 13 2010

Network by SkyCoder 8 comments

seraphyn@sayuri:~/Downloads/histwi-0.4.0$ python histwi.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "histwi.py", line 32, in <module>
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8')
File "/usr/lib/python2.5/locale.py", line 478, in setlocale
return _setlocale(category, locale)
locale.Error: unsupported locale setting


There's an Error. Possibility to Fix it ?
- Mar 13 2010
Old Wallpaper

Wallpaper Other by danieljucan 2 comments

This one rocks.
Who aersoled the wall?
Greetings - Jan 30 2010
Audio/Video/Image/Text/ISO Convert

Nautilus Scripts by marc41 383 comments

Great Thanks :D
Seraphyn - Oct 23 2009
Audio/Video/Image/Text/ISO Convert

Nautilus Scripts by marc41 383 comments

instead $HOME for the configs?
This means ~/.config/avconvert/.

Greetings Seraphyn - Oct 22 2009

Nautilus Scripts by gueraph 23 comments

and use lang-files with include.
so it's possible to send you only the lang-files and you do not need to provide diffrent versions.
One would be enough.
Interested in a german on, so give us the possibility to send you some lang-files like that.
Greetings - Sep 19 2009

Wallpaper Other by derma 4 comments

But the white lines aren't in parallel at the end of the road.
Keeps my head to the left.
Greetings - Aug 12 2009
Rapidshare Downloader

Network by Amine27 18 comments

to implement something like Freerapid.
Freerapid is Java and uses too much ressources. But a native one would be nice.
Greetings - Jul 04 2009

Graphic Apps by discursive 4 comments

Would be nice for the others to talk in English.
Greetings - Jun 29 2009

Wallpaper Other by KimberleyJo 1 comment

You know what i mean? - Jun 20 2009
a ncruses-gui?
It will make it possible to run it in a screen-session on a Srv
Greetings - Jun 16 2009
MP3 Diags

MP3 Taggers by ciobi 21 comments

need an Debian Lenny deb?
Seraphyn - Jun 05 2009

Developers Apps by unclewerner 17 comments

make[1]: Entering directory `/root/DEB_Build/KONZEPT/konzept-0.2.2-deveth'
pyuic4 uicmainwindow.ui > uicmainwindow.py
pyuic4 uicaboutdlg.ui > uicaboutdlg.py
pyuic4 uicumlconnectorattributedlg.ui > uicumlconnectorattributedlg.py
pyuic4 uictextaligndlg.ui > uictextaligndlg.py
An unexpected error occurred.
Check that you are using the latest version of PyQt and send an error report to
support@riverbankcomputing.com, including the following information:

* your version of PyQt (4.4.2)
* the UI file that caused this error
* the debug output of pyuic4 (use the -d flag when calling pyuic4)
An unexpected error occurred.

So, it is not possible to build a deb from this.
Rewrote makefile from pyuic to pyuic4.
This one gave me an ERROR.
Any hints for that?
Chris - May 27 2009

Qt Tools by DrHorrible 17 comments

Thanks. - May 19 2009

Qt Tools by DrHorrible 17 comments

while building the deb:
RCC: Error in 'resources/application.qrc': Cannot find file 'translations/running_en_US.qm'
RCC: Error in 'resources/application.qrc': Cannot find file 'translations/running_it_IT.qm'
RCC: Error in 'resources/application.qrc': Cannot find file 'translations/running_en_US.qm'
RCC: Error in 'resources/application.qrc': Cannot find file 'translations/running_it_IT.qm'

startet with qmake.
This Error came up.
Any hints?
Greetings - May 19 2009

Browser by mtux 100 comments

Used own laconia-Service with https://identi.ca and it works.
Need some more configuration options. Like own services für short-URLs. Should be a possibility.
But I must say, that i prefer something on a console. Still waitin for an ncurses-app.
But nice work indeed.
Greetz - May 16 2009

Browser by mtux 100 comments

Authentication failed with this result: Could not authenticate you.

Is the message, compiled with no Errors under Debian Lenny.

choqok(11030) AccountManager::AccountManager:
choqok(11030) KWallet::Wallet::openWallet: Pass a valid window to KWallet::Wallet::openWallet().
choqok(11030): The kwalletd service has been disabled
choqok(11030): The kwalletd service has been disabled
choqok(11030): The kwalletd service has been disabled
choqok(11030): The kwalletd service has been disabled
choqok(11030) AccountManager::loadAccounts:
choqok(11030) AccountManager::loadAccounts: 0 accounts loaded.
choqok(11030) MainWindow::settingsChanged:
) = 1 ([{fd=3, revents=POLLIN}])
read(3, "l\2\1\1\220\n\0\0$\0\0\0/\0\0\0\6\1s\0\6\0\0\0:1.206\0\0\5"..., 2048) = 2048
read(3, "<arg type=\"i\" direction=\"out\"/>\n "..., 2048) = 720
brk(0x9fbf000) = 0x9fbf000
brk(0x9fb7000) = 0x9fb7000
writev(3, [{"l\1\0\1\36\0\0\0\10\0\0\0\202\0\0\0\1\1o\0\20\0\0\0/MainAppl"..., 152}, {"\0\0\0\0\26\0\0\0\0\0\0\16/home/seraphyn\0\0\0\0"..., 30}], 2) = 182
gettimeofday({1241634802, 132662}, NULL) = 0
poll([{fd=3, events=POLLIN}], 1, 25000) = 1 ([{fd=3, revents=POLLIN}])
read(3, "l\2\1\1\4\0\0\0%\0\0\0/\0\0\0\6\1s\0\6\0\0\0:1.206\0\0\5"..., 2048) = 68
read(3, 0x9f864b8, 2048) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)
exit_group(0) = ?
seraphyn@takeshi:~$ choqok(11030) AccountsWizard::AccountsWizard:
choqok(11030) MainWindow::setTimeLineUpdatesEnabled:
choqok(11030) MainWindow::loadAccounts:
choqok(11030) MainWindow::disableApp:
choqok(11030) AccountsWizard::slotButtonClicked:
choqok(11030) Backend::Backend:
choqok(11030) Backend::verifyCredential:
choqok(11030) Backend::slotCredentialsReceived:
choqok(11030) AccountsWizard::slotError:

btw i do not use kwallet. So there could be a problem with this.

Greetings Chris - May 06 2009
SGI Screen Fonts

Fonts by jct007 5 comments

Nope their are nice.
You got my Good vote.
thanks for the Screenshot...
Are they really SGI-fonts, can't remember it's long time ago i've worked with a real SGI machine.

Greetings - Apr 25 2009
SGI Screen Fonts

Fonts by jct007 5 comments

Not provide a Preview.
Sometimes a reason to vote bad for me, but SGI stops for that. So, please keep up the good work and give a Screenshot.
and i'll vote for it.
Greetz Chris - Apr 24 2009

Utilities by golnaz 42 comments

Nothing works like a chamr.
But autokonfiguration said it is wordpress. Just a bug i would mention to you.
Greetings - Apr 09 2009

Utilities by golnaz 42 comments

what's about posting as draft?
Greets - Apr 09 2009

Utilities by golnaz 42 comments

Serendipity is the beste plattform to blog with.
No security-problems like wordpress.
Most of the administrators use it, and its code is straight forward on security.
See http://s9y.org/ for more Information.
Greetings - Apr 09 2009

Utilities by golnaz 42 comments

So i think i should rebuild the deb. And not use the one provided, because there are some dependcies not in it.
btw. i use debian and we prefer aptitude ;)

Thanks, that one was it.

Bilbo do not know serendpity, there it is movable type and not wordpress in autodetection.
And bilbo should have the possibility to set own tags, like [geshi] instead of <code> and important is the <blockquote> or the class quote, too.
I think if it is possible to set own tags this could be ignored.
Will Blog a Week with that and gave resume here.
greetings Chris - Apr 08 2009

Utilities by golnaz 42 comments

Do ot use KDE, ion3.
But all dependencies are here, so there wasn't any problem at all, but this one:
[code]seraphyn@takeshi:~$ bilbo
bilbo(11126) global_init:
bilbo(11126) MainWindow::MainWindow:
bilbo(11126) Toolbox::Toolbox:
bilbo(11126) SysTray::SysTray:
bilbo(11126) DBMan::DBMan:
bilbo(11126) KWallet::Wallet::openWallet: Pass a valid window to KWallet::Wallet::openWallet().
bilbo(11126): The kwalletd service has been disabled
bilbo(11126): The kwalletd service has been disabled
bilbo(11126): The kwalletd service has been disabled
bilbo(11126): The kwalletd service has been disabled
bilbo(11126) DBMan::DBMan: Could not use Wallet service
bilbo(11126) DBMan::createDB:
bilbo(11126) DBMan::connectDB:
QSqlDatabase: QSQLITE driver not loaded
QSqlDatabase: available drivers: QMYSQL3 QMYSQL
bilbo(11126) Toolbox::reloadLocalPosts:
bilbo(11126) DBMan::DBMan:
bilbo(11126) KWallet::Wallet::openWallet: Pass a valid window to KWallet::Wallet::openWallet().
bilbo(11126): The kwalletd service has been disabled
bilbo(11126): The kwalletd service has been disabled
bilbo(11126): The kwalletd service has been disabled
bilbo(11126): The kwalletd service has been disabled
bilbo(11126) DBMan::DBMan: Could not use Wallet service
bilbo(11126) DBMan::createDB:
bilbo(11126) DBMan::connectDB:
QSqlDatabase: QSQLITE driver not loaded
QSqlDatabase: available drivers: QMYSQL3 QMYSQL
QSqlDatabasePrivate::removeDatabase: connection 'qt_sql_default_connection' is still in use, all queries will cease to work.
QSqlDatabasePrivate::addDatabase: duplicate connection name 'qt_sql_default_connection', old connection removed.
bilbo(11126) DBMan::connectDB: Cannot connect to database, SQL error: "Driver not loaded Driver not loaded"[/code]
All other KDE-Apps work nice, like krusader with kwallet etc.
Any hints?
Greetings - Apr 08 2009

Science by cottrellnc 1 comment

could be bigger, after clickin' on the thumb.
Greetings - Mar 28 2009
Copic Colors for The Gimp

Gimp Palettes by gatogirl12345 3 comments

One more big Thx;) - Mar 09 2009
Griffin Embers Suite

GTK2 Themes by jameshardy88 21 comments

Downloads over 2thousand but only 53%.
I really now that well and i can tell you:
" Keep up the good work, you've done till now a right job"

Greetings - Mar 04 2009

GTK2 Themes by r5d 11 comments

Thx for the answere.
I'll give it a try - Jan 28 2009

GTK2 Themes by r5d 11 comments

This one Rocks, i like it, but i need a correspondending QT-Theme, have you got one, or a hint to gtd?
Greetings - Jan 26 2009
Minimum Suite

GTK2 Themes by thibaut28 26 comments

So my ion3 will look close to My , and maybe some other users, basic idea how a desktop should look alike.
Greetings - Jan 17 2009
Minimum Suite

GTK2 Themes by thibaut28 26 comments

But, did you plan a QT_Version, because i got some QT-Apps ( just k3b, krusader) and they look weird with this nice theme.
Or did you know a theme that fits with yours?

Seraphyn - Jan 15 2009
Minimum Suite

GTK2 Themes by thibaut28 26 comments

This is Great, thanks for the nice work.
I like it like that, no glossy, no blingbling, fine.
Keep up the Good work - Jan 07 2009

Fonts by KOLYA56 16 comments

Can not sign this really.
I prefer Opera and dislike Iceweasel.
But we do not make a flamewar here;)
greetings and merry xmas
Seraphyn - Dec 23 2008
Taskjuggler Debian Etch deb

Groupware by seraphyn 2 comments

After so much vote down, i do not renew the version. Do not know why it voted down, no hints left.
Seems like 868 Downloads here have had irreproducible problems.
Thx - Nov 12 2008

Wallpaper Other by daveyboy 3 comments

Thanks and greetings - Nov 04 2008

Wallpaper Other by daveyboy 3 comments


Greetings - Nov 03 2008

Fluxbox Themes by alsvartr 6 comments

Thx for the fast answere
- Oct 16 2008

Fluxbox Themes by alsvartr 6 comments

Vote and use it.
Where dud u find the Wallpaper?
Greetz - Oct 15 2008
Copic Colors for The Gimp

Gimp Palettes by gatogirl12345 3 comments

Much needed for any Graphicdesigner
Greetings - Aug 21 2008
Elegant Dark Flat Grey

GTK2 Themes by herbster 5 comments

Thy for the answere, possibility tto share the krsc?

Greetings Seraphyn - Aug 21 2008
Elegant Dark Flat Grey

GTK2 Themes by herbster 5 comments

I have a small question, what do you use for the QT-Apps as Theme, or color?
Any hints?

Greetings - Aug 07 2008

GTK2 Themes by skinwalker 2 comments

Possible to build a corresponding QT-Theme. I'm using ion3 and E17 and use Shellapps with some QT/GTK-Apss together. I use normally Zenburncolors but yours is looking nice too. So is there a possibility to have a complete desktop from your side?
thanks for the answere in advance and keep up the good work

Seraphyn - Jul 22 2008

Various Stuff by histo 2 comments

but plz comment it in english;)
Seraphyn - May 29 2008
UTube Ripper

Network by Bestia 4 comments

Not really.
No simple conversion like you have,
No possibility to rip audio.
So, there is not an automatism like in your App.
I know i could write my own script...

Greetings Seraphyn - May 19 2008
Black Series - Debian

Wallpapers Debian by VemeC 1 comment

but it is a little bit too fuzzy on the edges.
Is it possible to make a sharper version?
Greetings Seraphyn - May 18 2008
UTube Ripper

Network by Bestia 4 comments

a nice Shellonlyversion?
Would be nice.
Greetings Seraphyn - May 18 2008
Xtreme Yin-yang

Wallpaper Other by spayder26 2 comments

First I thought, wtf, and the with a second look at it it must really say, nice and fresh idea, not seen before.

Seraphyn - May 13 2008
New Website Layout

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by falco101 34 comments

i like it like it is.
Nice red Color, don't bring up eyebleeding and not big glossy somtehing.
It is KISS and i like simple designs.
Seraphyn - Apr 29 2008

Wallpaper Other by Serg71 1 comment

isn't LGPL.
In fact you put the cat in, but this Photo isn't made by you.
You should ask for using this one and put it under LGPL

Greetings Seraphyn - Apr 18 2008