
GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 31 comments

This theme is 'old-school', in that it contains allot of images to create the buttons. (Which btw is no longer necessary in modern GTK3). Unfortunately the buttons(in focused and active state) have orange edges. So there is nothing you can do there. Or you can use Gimp to change the colors of these buttons (in the file 'assets').
About changing the selected_bg_color: well I did the same to test it. And I do not experience any dark grey in any drop down menu's of GTK3-apps. Make sure you change the GTK-3.20 file and not the GTK-3.0. - Nov 06 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 31 comments

In principle, yes. I've written it the same way as the original version. Although I'm not sure Canonical did, when adapting this theme to gnome. Here and there are '#xxxxxx' kind of color-definition. So it could be that you'll have to look into the file itself
- Nov 06 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 31 comments

I'm flattered, there is a new version now, with more 'improvements' - Nov 06 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 119 comments

Uploaded new version 1.1 - Nov 04 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 119 comments

Thanks, I will look into to it, and upload a new version - Nov 04 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 119 comments

There is a version available in the files-tab: Gnome-PRO -dark. Which is a totally dark theme. But I guess you mean just dark headerbars and the rest not dark? - Sep 20 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 119 comments

The sliderbutton, and any other button is related to the kind and the size of the font you use. So trim down the size, or change the font (I work with Droid Sans, size: 11) - Sep 20 2017
Poppy OS X Revieve

GTK3/4 Themes by kayover 27 comments

so here is a screenshot:

I think the problem arises because you define a font-family: Myriad Set Pro and a font-size and font-weight to go along with it. But if you have not installed this font, it will not recognize it and replace it with the default-font. Which, in this case is allot bigger... - Sep 18 2017
Poppy OS X Revieve

GTK3/4 Themes by kayover 27 comments

I'm having the same problem here: font-size is way to big on context-menu's.

Using font-size within a theme conflicts with the user-defined font-size. Also the sort of font used has a major influence , Next, even if you use the gnome-desktop, it differs depending on the distro and on the use of X11 or wayland as the compositor.

So basically I tend to stay away from using a fixed font-size in a GTK.CSS - Sep 18 2017
Poppy OS X Revieve

GTK3/4 Themes by kayover 27 comments

Totally beside the point perhaps but what is 'revieve'? Do you mean revive or revival? - Sep 04 2017
Poppy OS X Revieve

GTK3/4 Themes by kayover 27 comments

for example the entry-error background not being red) - Sep 04 2017
Poppy OS X Revieve

GTK3/4 Themes by kayover 27 comments

I've been looking over your theme and noticed that - for the combo box -arrow - you use a double arrow-SVG. Which looks fine, but its fixed position is troublesome when the font is smaller or bigger than normal. It then gets out of its normal center place. If tried something similar and ran into the same issue. Unfortunately I couldn't come up with a decent solution, so I abandoned the idea.... Other than that, it looks promising. But still allot of ground to cover (for exa - Sep 04 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 119 comments

the issue in Solus OS is because Solus iincorporates an additional gnome extension on the headerbar. Unfortunately this is one that has the odd effect on the headerbar-theming. I have no solution yet... You can deactivate it using tweak-tool > extensions. Than, the theme should work. The double shadow on transmission is strange as I cannot reproduce it myself, could be a side-effect of the text-shadow that is used for the + version. Or the fact that you use Solus OS.
Please use the normal Gnome-PRO-version if it annoys you. I will look into it though. thanks for the comment. - Aug 26 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 119 comments

Read the solutions for the arrow-position in nautilus down in the comments. - Aug 15 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 119 comments

I know, applications that use the headerbar have bigger shadows, other use a titlebar, which is unfortunately shadowed differently. I have not found out yet, what I could do to change that. - Aug 15 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 119 comments

I've uploaded your request. You can now download it... - Aug 15 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 119 comments

thanx for trying anyway - Aug 09 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 119 comments

It will never work, because GTK2.0 uses an image for the menu-items-hover - Aug 09 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 119 comments

I've uploaded Gnome PRO+, a version with better (slightly heavier) font-rendering on the inteface-elements and GTK3-apps. This is experimental. I'm awaiting your reaction/comments on how this actually works on your screen. So please, download Gnome-PRO+, try it by comparing it with the normal version. Does it work for you?... - Aug 08 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 119 comments

Don't get your hopes up to high... GTK4's roadmap is such that it would not be until GTK 4.6 or so, that a stable version is available (you can make a theme for GTK 4.0, only to find out that it is completely broken at GTK 4.1, and so on...) I would not hesitate trying the 'expected' blur-effect (which gives true translucency like Mac OS), something I've been waiting for. - Aug 07 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 119 comments

tell me what you like as windows buttons, I can provide you a theme with them. - Aug 04 2017
Poppy OS X Revieve

GTK3/4 Themes by kayover 27 comments

going in the right direction... - Aug 03 2017
Poppy OS X Revieve

GTK3/4 Themes by kayover 27 comments

Really appreciate the things you've done with my theme. It's an interesting learning experience to see the changes you've made to my CSS-code. So thumbs up! But you should check the logs: Your theme is flooding it with errors, mainly because you use depreciated code. It is easy to fix though.... - Aug 03 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 119 comments

thank you - Aug 02 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 119 comments

1.1 release now supports dark mode ! - Jul 31 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 119 comments

Thanks - Jul 30 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 119 comments

I cannot reproduce your problem, but there is something you can try: delete the following text on line 17 in the GTK.CSS of GTK 3.0:
background-image:linear-gradient(to bottom left,rgba(238,244,246,1),rgba(221,227,232,1),rgba(221,227,232,1),rgba(238,244,246,1));
Do not remove the bracket '}' !
This might me the cause... - Jul 27 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 119 comments

There is no support for nemo,(in fact I removed any code related to nemo) because this theme only works in a standard gnome-desktop. Nautilus is the default and is therefore seriously tweaked ( in fact tweaked in a very unorthodox way) . Nautilus manages the desktop-background and icons. So using a different file-manager has some major side-effects on the theme-front. Anyway, I will look into it, since I'm curious... - Jul 27 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 119 comments

You're welcome... - Jul 25 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 119 comments

remove line 6090 'padding-left: 88px;' in the GTK.CSS of GTK 3.0 (if you know what you are doing) to remove the empty area in nautilus headerbar. - Jul 25 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 119 comments

LighterBlue is the new version (4A85CB) - Jul 25 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 119 comments

I removed the cyan-version to LighterBlue (4A85CB). Try if it is to your liking.... - Jul 25 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 119 comments

Working on it. I might change the standard theme to use 4a85cb. - Jul 25 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 119 comments

true, it is designed that way. Such that (when sliding the sidebar as far left as possible) it positions itself right between the arrows and the location-bar - Jul 25 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 119 comments

I would love to make a dark version, if only it didn't pose so many problems. There are many issues to deal with, and compromises to make, in order to get it working properly. Such, that it would lower the quality of the theme as a whole. All of my other themes have no dark version either for the same reason. - Jul 24 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 119 comments

I've made a softer version for you: Gnome-PRO-DifSelColor - Jul 23 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 119 comments

I've tested it, and yes there is no blue highlight-color. aMule's downloadlist treats its items as buttons (not like items in a list) so it selects the color of a selected button (which in this theme is white with a different bordercolor) So you will see a different border-color around the selected item in aMule's download-window. - Jul 23 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 119 comments

Would you like a softer blue instead? - Jul 23 2017

XFCE/XFWM4 Themes by paulxfce 33 comments

It should:
download an extract the files you can download in 'Files'-tab above. Put the individual files into a '.themes'-folder in your home-directory. This '.themes' is a hidden file. So open thunar (the file-manager) , under the 'view'-tab you can tap 'show hidden files'. Now, if you do not see a '.themes'-folder in your home-directory, you need to create a new file called '.themes' (notice the dot!!). Once you have done that, you can put the extracted files there.
Next, open Settings/windowmanager and choose the theme in the left pane.

That should do it. - Jun 07 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 38 comments

Yes, Transparency has little sense in full-screen-modus. - Jan 29 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 38 comments

There is red, and then there is red: give me a html-colorcode (something like #FF0000"): a soothing kind of red I think might work. Still first need to refine this theme first, before adding variants in colors... - Jan 25 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 38 comments

there's a tab just above these comments: Files. Download the file, extract it and move the content to .../usr/share/themes or move it to the '.themes' folder in your home directory. To see the hidden files press ctrl h. If there isn't any file that is named: '.themes' then create one. - Jan 22 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 38 comments

I've tried the dark version for testing, but I run in allot of issues: dark theme looks dreadfull on Libre-office, Inkscape, the gimp. Because those applications don't theme right. It only works good on pure gnome3-applications. Which is why I hesitate on uploading it now. - Jan 22 2017

GTK3/4 Themes by paulxfce 38 comments

I'll do that! Not that to much work. - Jan 22 2017