Sitting around the gear (Rendered & SVG)

Various Artwork by Yaba 22 comments

Hm... may be a good idea. I hope that I will find the time for trying that.

Could be that it will make it look better or worse. Not sure yet, but it's worth a try. - Jan 21 2004
Sitting around the gear (Rendered & SVG)

Various Artwork by Yaba 22 comments

Just two colors will become hard, since you will loose a lot.

However if gradients are allowed, it currently contains just 2 colors.

I'm thinking about creating a simplified version with no gradients and some colors, suitable for easy T-Shirt printing. However this requires me to redraw the image in SVG. Well, maybe some good Sodipodi practice ;-) - Jan 21 2004

Various Artwork by artur 25 comments

Konqi looks great. You got my vote. - Jan 18 2004
2004 Conference Logo

Various Artwork by vettemph 5 comments

Definitively. The other looks like someone fiddled with a filter. - Jan 18 2004
Sitting around the gear (Rendered & SVG)

Various Artwork by Yaba 22 comments

I thought of adding a world globe there, but I want to keep it simple.

I definitely won't add a penguin, since I do not think that it's appropriate for a desktop that also runs on xBSD and Solaris.

Anyway... thank you for your feedback. I will think about it. - Jan 17 2004

Ice-WM Themes by Yaba 19 comments

QtCurve 2nd Version and Reinhardt Icons - Jan 17 2004

Various Artwork by artur 25 comments

Yeah! Konqi would be great! He could look out of the O and cover some parts of it with his head. - Jan 17 2004
Sitting around the gear (Rendered & SVG)

Various Artwork by Yaba 22 comments

Wow... what a honor to hear that from the master himself. - Jan 17 2004

Various Artwork by artur 25 comments

Well, I never liked the Crystal Penguin. While it looks funny on a desktop it looks somehow irritated or even mad. I don't think that this is good for an conference. Maybe you should try the original tux here?

And then KDE does not only run on Linux. A lot of people use it on *BSD or even Solaris. - Jan 17 2004

Various Artwork by zmeden 8 comments

I would remove the Penguin for political correctness, since KDE does not only run on Linux. - Jan 17 2004

Various Artwork by artur 25 comments

although it looks nice, I do not get the link to the conference. - Jan 15 2004

Screensavers by Andi 41 comments

It compiled for KDE 3.2 beta2 without the include lines. However I also cannot open the setup screen.

I compiled it as mentioned in the readme and moved /usr/local/bin/qstars to /opt/kde3.2/bin and /usr/share/applnk/System/ScreenSavers/QStars.desktop to /opt/kde3.2/share/applnk/System/ScreenSavers/QStars.desktop.

I can run qtstars -setup from the command line though. - Jan 12 2004

Screensavers by Andi 41 comments

However it would be better to be able to specify an install directory other than /usr. My KDE Directory is /opt/kde3.2 for example. - Jan 12 2004

Board by Capzilla 14 comments

Well, we've installed monopd on a computer and use it for LAN sessions. - Jan 11 2004
Quickly Icons SVG Gray

KDE Plasma Screenshots by Quickly 3 comments

Gee, I was waiting for an Icon theme with a minimum amount of colors for such a long time...

Looks very great. However I don't like the borders around the kicker icons. Or are these just background tiles? With the borders it will look awkward on a transparent kicker in KDE 3.2 - Jan 08 2004

Icon Sub-Sets by systemx 45 comments

To me this looks extremly like BeOS - at least partially. Are these icons released under the GPL? - Jan 08 2004

GTK1 Themes by thezoi 28 comments

E.g. with GIMP 1.2.x I cannot see any sliders. - Jan 07 2004

Karamba & Superkaramba by newbie 5 comments - Jan 05 2004

Utilities by trueg 225 comments

as it is. Simply the best, since it offers all needed features, while still beeing easy to use.

However I hope, that K3B will not suffer from featuritis in the future. - Jan 05 2004

Wallpaper Other by n8wish 3 comments

No problem. However the site is currently in development. I will inform you as soon, as it goes online. - Jan 03 2004

Wallpaper Other by n8wish 3 comments

Well, I like it as it is. And I really would like to take a part of it as a banner image for my new homepage. Is that OK with you? - Jan 03 2004

GTK1 Themes by thezoi 28 comments

You mean the qtpixmap engine, not the Geramik engine ;-) - Jan 02 2004

GTK1 Themes by thezoi 28 comments

This was put in the GTK 1.x section, but it looks like it is also available for GTK 2.x, since you screenshots shows GIMP 1.3.x

Is the GTK2 Version included? - Jan 01 2004
Suse 9 [windoze]

KDE Plasma Screenshots by flow 3 comments - Dec 19 2003
EmotiKons 0.2 for Kopete

Icon Sub-Sets by kborrey 4 comments

The wink icon looks differnet in the second screenshot. Which one is included? - Dec 18 2003

Icon Sub-Sets by flow 217 comments

Maybe... Hey... it's just my personal opinion. The opinion of the majority rules ;-) - Dec 10 2003

Icon Sub-Sets by flow 217 comments

but to me it's just another variation of Crystal.

What I really would like to see, would be an icon set, that uses a minimum amount of colors, like the icons seen on this screenshot: - Dec 09 2003
Wish: Text for Icons on Kicker

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by Yaba 17 comments

If the kicker is set to < Normal should the text automatically align to alongside?

Although this makes sense, I think it would be better to let the user decide it manually. However at some time it will be impossible to display the text below the icons. Maybe if kicker is too small, remove the text.

Should the font size change as the kicker get's smaller?

No. But the size should be configurable.

The icon size will have to be smaller in order to include the text, is this acceptable or should the panel be made larger?

I vote for resizing the icons instead of the panel. - Dec 09 2003
ICOnvert service menu

Dolphin Service Menus by dirge 9 comments

Don't be afraid. It's normal that the score drops after a while. Don't ask me why, but I frequently see this. - Dec 06 2003
Wish: Text for Icons on Kicker

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by Yaba 17 comments

Wow! Last time I suggested a different pager and several hours later you did it and now once again. Thank you very much for your efforts. - Dec 06 2003
My version of desktop...

KDE Plasma Screenshots by mgear 1 comment

This is not a wallpaper, it's a screenshot. Please change the category. - Dec 03 2003
Wish: Text for Icons on Kicker

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by Yaba 17 comments

Well... I use Eterm. The shadowed text makes it easy to read, independend from the background I use.

This should also be in Konsole. Well, you can vote for that on ;-) - Dec 02 2003
Wish: Text for Icons on Kicker

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by Yaba 17 comments

(1) Install Eterm (

(2) Configure sudo (/etc/sudoers) in such a way that you are not asked for a password, e.g. add the line:

yourusername ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL

(3) Launch the command below:

kstart --alldesktops --skiptaskbar --skippager --buttonbar 0 -- trans --scrollbar-type xterm --scrollbar-popup --foreground-color white --borderless -e sudo tail -f /var/log/messages - Dec 02 2003
Wish: Text for Icons on Kicker

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by Yaba 17 comments

I am not talking about toolbars (see my Screenshots and you will see that I already know that).

I am talking about the kicker. IMHO the Kicker is nothing else than a global toolbar. And therefore having text for application toolbars, but not for the kicker is inconsistent. - Dec 01 2003
dark kde 3.1

KDE Plasma Screenshots by jake 2 comments

Well, I guess it is Gnome and not KDE. - Nov 30 2003

Icon Sub-Sets by everaldo 10 comments

than crystal. - Nov 28 2003
*Kill Bill*

Wallpaper Other by Chaaun 40 comments

Thanks a lot.

Since the Background is a gradient it's quite some work with the Gimp, but doable ;-) - Nov 24 2003
*Kill Bill*

Wallpaper Other by Chaaun 40 comments

Why did you include the mandrake logo in the wallpaper? Should this great wallpaper only be used by Mandrake users?

Please remove the Mandrake logo. It's easy to add a logo of your favourite distro, but it's hard to remove it. - Nov 24 2003

Various Stuff by gg3po 6 comments

Does someone know, if the clock finally displays the kicker background? This is really disturbing, if the background of kicker is not a plain color. - Nov 19 2003

Nature by clearbeast 1 comment

but please, if you upload a lot of wallpapers at one time, bundle them all in one tar.gz.

Some people might get angry with mass postings. Well I don't care, but I can understand these people somehow. - Nov 18 2003

KDE 3.0-3.4 Themes by ceebx 233 comments

that I'm missing is a QTpixmap based GTK1/GTK2 style - Nov 15 2003

KDE 3.0-3.4 Themes by stic 9 comments

At least someone ported a GTK pixmap theme to KDE. Thanks a lot.

Just one question. Where can I get the Glacier theme from? - Nov 11 2003
Shinobi Desk

KDE Plasma Screenshots by ThEOnE 1 comment

You make very nice styles. Great! That's something we are really missing here.

As more me however, I won't use a style that has no GTK equivalent. So I'm stuck with QtCurve since there are just so few GTK/KDE themes available.

Of course it's a lot of work to create themes for two completely different engines. But maybe you could simply take a GTK theme and port it to KDE? - Nov 07 2003

Wallpaper Other by moty66 4 comments

If you create a wallpaper with a single colored background, why don't you simply make the background transparent and let the user decide, which color he likes to have. - Oct 30 2003
Odyssey Style

KDE 3.0-3.4 Themes by ThEOnE 5 comments

Is there a matching GTK style available for some of your themes? If yes, where can I find them? - Oct 30 2003

Nature by th.cherouny 1 comment

I would remove the curve at the bottom. This would make the wallpaper better IMHO. - Oct 30 2003
AA - Flava ... What's your flava ?

KDE 3.0-3.4 Themes by ThEOnE 25 comments

I guess that this is a pixmap theme, right?

Could you please tell me, how you've learned to do that? Is there any tutorial on Pixmap Themes available? Where do I have to look, to find out more about pixmap themes? - Oct 24 2003

Various KDE 1.-4. Styles by apsivam 7 comments

Can you also add the icons from the Aqua icon set? - Oct 20 2003
Simply Clean v2.0 Released

KDE 3.0-3.4 Themes by Lexville 11 comments

what's so special here? Looks like Keramik with an IceWM theme, that is also available here on KDE-Look, plus Crystal icons. - Oct 20 2003
New set of icons

Various Stuff by osrogon 5 comments

How does these icons look at smaller sizes, e.g. 22x22? - Oct 13 2003