KPDF icon

Various Artwork by The-Q 7 comments

I am against adding a magnifier. A magnifier is often used for the zoom or find actions. Not for a view action.

And KPDF is a viewer application. - Oct 01 2004

Various Stuff by oisch 76 comments

Would be great if you could integrate somehow with Taskbar v2 ( to use a common repository of applikation screenshots.

Currently both apps are taking screenshots. I think it would be great, if kompose could simply use the screenshots from Taskbar v2. - Sep 29 2004
Taskbar v2 (flat + thumbnails)

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by lucher 201 comments

It would be great if you could integrate taking Screenshots of Windows with Kompose.

If you have Kompose and your Taskbar running, Screenshots are taken twice. It would be great if you app would take screenshots and kompose can access these screenshots. - Sep 29 2004
just athought

Various Stuff by motyR 8 comments

and with a platform, which is way better than KDE-Look can be for something like that.

Ever heard of - Sep 27 2004
Prometeus Linux

KDE Plasma Screenshots by promete7 2 comments

Now that karamba theme looks nice. Where can I find it? - Sep 27 2004
Taskbar v2 (flat + thumbnails)

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by lucher 201 comments

Another problem is that your taskbar does not support Drag n Drop. You know, when I want to dnd a file form one konqueror windows to a different window, which is hidden, the classic taskbar allows to drag the file to the taskbar, which then brings this window to the front and then you can drop the file in this window.

This does not work with your taskbar.

But anyway... this problem won't hinder me from using your taskbar. It may just be something that needs to be implemented, if your taskbar will be included in KDE. - Sep 24 2004
Taskbar v2 (flat + thumbnails)

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by lucher 201 comments

The problem when you use Window Background color ist, that the text becomes invisible, when you display the buttons on hoover. On the buttons, the text should become the default text color again.

And then it would still be nice to have a possibility to remove the shadow, when it's not needed. - Sep 24 2004
AKDC Beta3 preview 2(see changelog)

KDE 3.x Window Decorations by jrch2k 356 comments

READ the GPL! You need to credit all authors. You don't need to ask for permission to modify it, but you still have to credit the original authors and thats what the thread initiator wanted to express. - Sep 24 2004
Taskbar v2 (flat + thumbnails)

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by lucher 201 comments

Hm... at first I was sceptic, but after installing it... Yeah! The new shadows are looking way better.

However I still would like to have a colorizable text. I would patch your program, but first I am a Java Developer and second I am currently very busy with a lot of other things. - Sep 23 2004
Taskbar v2 (flat + thumbnails)

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by lucher 201 comments

I really don't want to bitch around, especially since you are doing a great job.

BUT... First you said, that you don't want to allow someone to change the color for consistency and then you add the shadows, which even can't be disabled (or I'm just so dumb and can't find the option.

But with this shadow it looks very inconsistent and disturbing IMHO (others might like it however). So please make the shadows optional and simply allow the text to be drawn in a different color, like it is possible for desktop icons and the clock. - Sep 23 2004
Taskbar v2 (flat + thumbnails)

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by lucher 201 comments

OK, I don't use the transparent menu applet. But I use the clock applet, where I can adjust the colors.

I don't need any funky shadows. A configurable color for the text is just enough. - Sep 21 2004
Taskbar v2 (flat + thumbnails)

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by lucher 201 comments

This is great. but I have one major problem: The font color should be configurable. E.g. if you have a dark background and a transparent kicker, a black font is hardly readable. - Sep 21 2004
another kpdf icon

Various Artwork by mart 12 comments

but I had the same basic idea before. However I don't believe that I would have realised it that good.


And best: The icon can easily be recognized at any resolution. - Sep 15 2004

Various Artwork by salahuddin66 6 comments

but keep in mind that it must also be recognizable at 16x16 or at least at 22x22.

If not, think of an alternative small icon. - Sep 15 2004

Various Artwork by meNGele 19 comments

Oh, OK. I didn't know this.

Thank you for the explanation. - Sep 12 2004

Various Artwork by meNGele 19 comments

I guess the splash screen should have some transparent backgrounds to give it a form that is not simply rectangular.

Well, this would mean that the splash screen currently could only be implemented on X11R6.8.0.

Please keep this in mind, when you design funky splash screens. - Sep 12 2004
Kde Mac OSX Splash Screen

KDE 3.x Splash Screens by dplace 16 comments

> Remember who the enemy really is

Uhm, and that's not counterproductive?

Productive is to allow everybody to use the tools he is able to work best with.

So, who is the enemy?

(OK, if you mean SCO, then I agree ;-) ) - Sep 10 2004

KDE 3 Color Schemes by Yaba 4 comments

1.) Start a konsole with the command (e.g. to watch the /var/log/messages file)

kstart --skiptaskbar --skippager --keepbelow --alldesktops konsole --nomenubar --notabbar --noscrollbar --noframe -e sudo tail -f /var/log/messages

Note that this examples requires sudo to be set up properly.

2.) Move the window to where it should appear.

3.) From the context menu of the titlebar select "Advanced -> No Border" (and I also have checked "Advanced -> Keep Below Others).

4.) From the KMenu select "Save Session". If "Save Session" is not available here, first open the control center and go to "KDE Components -> Session Manager" and select "On Login -> Restore manually saved session."

Next time you login the konsole should appear as you've left it before.

NOTE: This requires KDE 3.2.x - Sep 09 2004
AKDC Beta3 preview 2(see changelog)

KDE 3.x Window Decorations by jrch2k 356 comments

ASSK is not a really good name. Not only because of the first three letters, but more of what the acronym stands for: Advanced Skin Support for KDE. That's not true - it's just for KWin. And well... Is it really 'Advanced' just because it's a generic theme that uses Pixmaps for easy customization? No doubt - it's a great thing, especially since IceWM themes are pretty outdated with limited capabilities. But what makes this advanced? There is no big new functionality. (Well, I hope I can make myself clear without annoying you, which is really not my intention).

The next thing is 'Skin Support for KDE'. It sounds like it skins the KDE desktop, but it just skins the window decoration.

I would suggest a different name. What about KwiP - Kwin Pixmap theme?

Or what about Khameleon - since it changes the skin of Kwin like a Chameleon? - Sep 08 2004

KDE 3.x Window Decorations by dralgebra 541 comments

I guess you have put a lot of effort into making this style transparent, so I hope you don't mind, if I request the following: The style is also great in a non-transparent mode (like it is faded the borders by 100%). However I am afraid that in this case there is still some overhead. What about a fork without transparency that offers more performance? - Sep 07 2004
Would it also be possible to create an integration for Thunderbird? These stupid GTK file dialogs always annoy me, when I have to use them. - Sep 07 2004
AKDC Beta3 preview 2(see changelog)

KDE 3.x Window Decorations by jrch2k 356 comments

Wooohooo... You must have a 24" Monitor or Xinerama screen with one monitor on top of the other.

At least the config dialog for the decoration does not fit on my 1280x1024 TFT. - Sep 03 2004
AKDC Beta3 preview 2(see changelog)

KDE 3.x Window Decorations by jrch2k 356 comments

You could look at Dynice, where IceWM themes are made fully colorizable: - Sep 02 2004
AKDC Beta3 preview 2(see changelog)

KDE 3.x Window Decorations by jrch2k 356 comments

Is the theme colorizable, i.e. do you use grayscale images and recolor them according to the current color scheme?

BTW: I like the Corona style in the first screenshot more. In the second, the buttons are too big. - Sep 01 2004

Karamba & Superkaramba by victor73 100 comments

What are you updating? I see this frequently updated with no visible changes. Any reason to redownload it? - Sep 01 2004
msstyle loader prototype

KDE 3.5 Themes by equinoxe 29 comments

It's not that easy. Remember what the author of DeCSS experienced?

Luckily he won, but I don't think that he had had that luck, if he would have lived in the U.S. - Aug 26 2004

KDE 3.x Window Decorations by motyR 16 comments

The site does not do this, your browser does. Hold the SHIFT key and click on reload. - Aug 25 2004

Various Stuff by oisch 76 comments

Actually you can launch it through an icon, if you use a dcop call to kompose. (Run kdcop for more info) - Aug 24 2004

Various Stuff by oisch 76 comments

Surely some people may like it to have unused desktops smaller.

In my opinion it's confusing to have a different desktop layout depending on the current usage.

Would be great, if you could make this configurable, so that I can switch back to the previous view with lots of wasted space ;-) - Aug 23 2004

Various Stuff by salahuddin66 4 comments

What' the purpose of this submission? - Aug 22 2004
Break the WINDOWS

Wallpapers Windows by orso 3 comments

Uhm... could it be that you mean "break"?

;-) - Aug 22 2004

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by ipv4 223 comments

Uhm... I normaly have my application windows covering the center of the screen. How do you do it? - Aug 16 2004

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by ipv4 223 comments

1. Open an application on desktop 1
2. Minimize it, using Kooldock, so that it shows the screenshot as icon
3. go to desktop 2.
4. go back to desktop 1

After that, the screenshot icon of the minimized application on desktop 1 is gone and shows the application icon instead. - Aug 16 2004
IDEA: split view toolbar, sync/diff

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by Amibug 9 comments

Could be accomplished as a frontend fuer Unison. - Aug 14 2004

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by ipv4 223 comments

OpenGL can only be really transparent, if the background objetcs are also displayed in OpenGL. - Aug 13 2004
Athens Olympics 2

KDE 3.x Splash Screens by dcristian 1 comment

What? No Construction works in the picature? This can't be the Olympics in Athen this year ;-) - Aug 13 2004
Windows Vs Linux

Wallpapers Windows by Dridhas 7 comments

These wallpapers are provided by the German IT magazine c't and they do not allow restribution.

Most certainly you're not allowed to publish this under the GPL.

Please remove this submission in your own interest. You checked that checkbox, that you assure not to violate any copyrights, when you've submitted this wallpaper. - Aug 13 2004
bee time

Wallpaper Other by qwerty 7 comments

about a picture I took some days ago. Here it is: - Aug 12 2004
bee time

Wallpaper Other by qwerty 7 comments

You're right. It's a bumblebee. - Aug 12 2004

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by ipv4 223 comments

If you minimize a Window using KoolDock it shows a Screenshot of the Window as icon. However after changing the desktop and going back, the screenshot is gone and the applications icon is shown again. - Aug 12 2004

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by ipv4 223 comments

How to reproduce:

1) Remove all applications form the application list (create a TaskBar-only configuration).

2) Enable the Taskbar and let it only manage the current desktop.

3) Switch to a desktop with no running windows, e.g. Kooldock should show no icons - Aug 12 2004

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by ipv4 223 comments

I only let KoolDock show the tasks of the current desktop. However after switching to a desktop with no Windows open, KoolDock crashes and restarts steadily. Here is the BackTrace:

[New Thread 1093892800 (LWP 16164)]
0xffffe002 in ?? ()
#0 0xffffe002 in ?? ()
#1 0x40691563 in KCrash::defaultCrashHandler(int) ()
from /opt/kde3.2.3/lib/
#3 0x080529ea in Item::getId() ()
#4 0x0805b436 in KoolDock::activeWindowChanged(unsigned long) ()
#5 0x0806baaf in KoolDock::qt_invoke(int, QUObject*) ()
#6 0x40a3c4e9 in QObject::activate_signal(QConnectionList*, QUObject*) ()
from /usr/lib/qt-3.3.1/lib/
#7 0x40678133 in KWinModule::activeWindowChanged(unsigned long) ()
from /opt/kde3.2.3/lib/
#8 0x40676b2e in KWinModulePrivate::x11Event(_XEvent*) ()
from /opt/kde3.2.3/lib/
#9 0x40616449 in KApplication::x11EventFilter(_XEvent*) ()
from /opt/kde3.2.3/lib/
#10 0x4096cd03 in qt_set_x11_event_filter(int (*)(_XEvent*)) ()
from /usr/lib/qt-3.3.1/lib/
#11 0x40976e77 in QApplication::x11ProcessEvent(_XEvent*) ()
from /usr/lib/qt-3.3.1/lib/
#12 0x4098d25b in QEventLoop::processEvents(unsigned) ()
from /usr/lib/qt-3.3.1/lib/
#13 0x409f29bf in QEventLoop::enterLoop() ()
from /usr/lib/qt-3.3.1/lib/
#14 0x409f287c in QEventLoop::exec() ()
from /usr/lib/qt-3.3.1/lib/
#15 0x409e0f94 in QApplication::exec() ()
from /usr/lib/qt-3.3.1/lib/
#16 0x0805f0ad in main ()
#17 0x42015704 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/tls/ - Aug 12 2004
File tips - small improvement

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by jadrian 9 comments

Oops... you already did that...

Sometimes I am faster at typing than reading. - Aug 11 2004
File tips - small improvement

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by jadrian 9 comments

I like the idea with the space. You should post a wish on and tell us the URL, so that we can vote for it. - Aug 11 2004

Chat & Messenging by mattr 100 comments

Have a look on KDE-Look. There are some available. - Aug 10 2004
Klogo Milk

Wallpaper Other by gg3po 6 comments

You can only upload one content. You must host the rest of the downloads elsewhere and specify the URL here. - Aug 10 2004
Kde Mac OSX Splash Screen

KDE 3.x Splash Screens by dplace 16 comments

What's that? Something like KDE Windows XP? - Aug 09 2004
XP WTF Splash Screen

KDE 3.x Splash Screens by darren 2 comments

do you have a script running that converts every posted wallpaper into a splashscreen?

Or why are you creating a splashscreen from a totally off topic wallpaper? - Aug 08 2004
Konqi-SuSE Splash Screen

KDE 3.x Splash Screens by darren 4 comments

Actually you can provide up to 6 different downloads per submission.

So please use it for similar submissions. - Aug 07 2004
Konqi-SuSE Splash Screen

KDE 3.x Splash Screens by darren 4 comments

Instead of spaming the frontpage of KDE-Look, you simply could place all the Splash screens, which just differ by the distro, into a tar file. - Aug 07 2004