
KDE 3.0-3.4 Themes by clee 112 comments

Sorry, but I'm still begging for a matching GTK theme ;-) - Mar 18 2003
KDE 3.1 & RedHat 8.0 & Beautiful Fonts

Various Stuff by maitre 7 comments

you made my day.

I have found nothing regarding this on the web by using google, but here on - Mar 18 2003
Konqueror/kdesktop suggestion

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by PovMan 18 comments

Why don't you write a shell script that is restarting konqueror --silent after a crash?

while true; do
konqueror --silent
done - Mar 13 2003
Fusion X Aqua

KDE 3.0-3.4 Themes by AquaFusion 22 comments

I guess QtPixmap from CraigD would be a good start. Maybe you can ask him. - Mar 06 2003
Fusion X Aqua

KDE 3.0-3.4 Themes by AquaFusion 22 comments

And I would like to use it, but I won't until there is not a corresponding GTK theme. - Mar 06 2003

Cursors by haydar 14 comments

we need a new section for cursors here on

;-) - Mar 04 2003
To Be Or Not To Bsod

Wallpaper Other by DarkTUX 2 comments

I really hate those tiny previews, were you are not able to recognize anything.

In this case the preview is not usable at all. - Feb 26 2003

Wallpaper Other by Yaba 2 comments

However I do not know, how to apply an alpha value to the blue underground. I could apply an alpha value around the black but that would look ugly.

If anyone has suggestion how to do that, please let me hear. I do not think, that blender is cabable of creating transparent backgrounds with a smooth alpha channel. - Feb 20 2003

Wallpaper Other by th.cherouny 2 comments

You should write some Gimp Tutorials. I would be really interested in how you did this with Gimp. - Feb 19 2003
See-Hear-Speak Debian

Wallpapers Debian by thanatos 3 comments

the blue color, that makes it cool ;-) - Jan 29 2003

KDE 3.x Window Decorations by fault 43 comments should have another section for BlackBox window decorations. This should become part of the standard KDE. - Jan 24 2003

Icon Sub-Sets by mathew 22 comments

Execute ldd to see the dependencies - Jan 22 2003
fade all but top window: possible?

KDE 3.0-3.4 Themes by probono 13 comments

is not to make the other windows fade, but also to continue updating the content of other windows. The whole effect is worth nothing, if it stops updating the rest of the desktop.

The "logout"-fading e.g. stops updating the desktop. Simple start a build in a Terminal and select logout. You will see that the output in the terminal is stopped as long as the logout window is active and the background is faded.

That is the same problem as with the transparent menus. - Jan 16 2003

Ice-WM Themes by Yaba 2 comments

Since the IceWM theme has fixed colors, it only looks best with the machting underground color scheme. Furthermore it would look better with a right aligned title text.

However both drawbacks are not solvable with IceWM themes. I do not have the time to code a native KWin decoration, but if someone wants to, you are welcomed and you can count on my support. - Jan 04 2003

Icon Sub-Sets by mathew 22 comments

I don't know the syntax of this program, but I assume it works like

icon2png mac.icn new.png

then type something like this on your friendly bash:

for i in (find . -name \*.icn); do
icon2png $i ${i%icn}png
done - Dec 18 2002
Women wallpapers

Various Stuff by ben 6 comments

the problem is, that most wallpapers featuring womans are mostly ripped of from other sites. Theres nothing artistic in ripping content and you also have to consider the legal aspect. - Dec 16 2002
BlueHeart KDE

KDE Plasma Screenshots by jdm 2 comments

Isn't this meant to be a screenshot?

Please change the section. - Dec 02 2002
Not quite kicker

Kicker Panel by fop 84 comments

emulate something like that already. Use Enlightenment with an appropriate theme (e.g. SpiffE) and apply a "pager" border style. - Nov 28 2002
Not quite kicker

Kicker Panel by fop 84 comments

have the taskbar in another tab. Instead I would use a minimized window view (like the Mac OS X dock) on the desktop itself. A little bit like kasbar, but just with the minimed window content as "icon".

Anything else... Great idea!

However we should keep kicker for those Windows-To-Linux-Switchers and provide something like this as an alternative. - Nov 22 2002

Wallpaper Other by pixelgurl 2 comments

on download just to see it. Provide a preview please.

Anyway I guess hardly anybody is using a screen resolution of 800x600. - Nov 22 2002
Noia for KDE 1.00

Icon Sub-Sets by Carlitus 258 comments

KWinTV - Nov 20 2002
Geramik *and* ThinGeramik GTK Themes

GTK1 Themes by CraigD 183 comments

SuSE 8.1 also ships a Version of Keramik with KDE 3.0.3. This works with Geramik. - Nov 20 2002

KDE 3.x Splash Screens by pgomes 19 comments

I also think that the old icons went better with the overall style. Maybe you really should upload the (very) old version and your latest version. - Nov 20 2002

KDE 3.x Splash Screens by pgomes 19 comments

The previous text was IMHO nicer. I'm glad that I downloaded the old version before this update. - Nov 19 2002
Geramik *and* ThinGeramik GTK Themes

GTK1 Themes by CraigD 183 comments

are outdated and should be replaced.

See the author's comments for an installation instruction. - Nov 18 2002
Geramik *and* ThinGeramik GTK Themes

GTK1 Themes by CraigD 183 comments

I'm experiencing the same effect. However this also occured with the XLiquid GTK theme. - Nov 16 2002
Geramik *and* ThinGeramik GTK Themes

GTK1 Themes by CraigD 183 comments

I had no problems compiling it on a fresh installation of SuSE 8.1 - Nov 16 2002
Geramik *and* ThinGeramik GTK Themes

GTK1 Themes by CraigD 183 comments

to the news: - Nov 15 2002
Geramik *and* ThinGeramik GTK Themes

GTK1 Themes by CraigD 183 comments

screenshot using Geramik GTK:

Really great work. We should have matching GTK themes for all the best KDE themes.

So far - as far as I know - we have matching KDE and GTK themes for:

- Keramik
- Liquid
- QNX - Nov 14 2002
Last New-Art-Splash4

KDE 3.x Splash Screens by th.cherouny 7 comments

a sunset would better fit for the shutdown dialog ;-) - Nov 14 2002
Liquid GTK

GTK1 Themes by Yaba 27 comments

it's really called "invisible". - Nov 12 2002
Unixboard German Linux Community

Various Stuff by devil 2 comments

...I'm afraid that more and more people are misusing for promoting their own web sites. - Nov 08 2002
Liquid GTK

GTK1 Themes by Yaba 27 comments

You can get it from - Nov 01 2002
Liquid GTK

GTK1 Themes by Yaba 27 comments

.gtkrc-kde is the gtk file, when you select "Apply colors to non KDE Applications" in the colors module of Kcontrol - Oct 31 2002

KDE 3.0-3.4 Themes by atlantikus 5 comments

Just a question before I install it. Will this theme install as a English version on an English KDE? - Oct 31 2002
Liquid GTK

GTK1 Themes by Yaba 27 comments

not me. If you wish to thank the author, click on the download link and post your thanks on the freshmeat page.

BTW: Someone should vote bad. It can't be that the GTK copy is voted better than the orginial Liquid ;-) - Oct 31 2002
QNX Theme

GTK1 Themes by c99drn 8 comments

It's a window decoration for the Waimea window manager. - Oct 30 2002
Liquid GTK

GTK1 Themes by Yaba 27 comments

I like Keramik more than Liquid and I would love a Keramik GTK style.

However I love a unified Look and Feel more than a funky style. Previously I was using Motif style in all my application therefore.

Now I switched to Liquid and have most of my applications (but programs using other toolsets than QT or GTK) using almost the same style. - Oct 29 2002
Penguin in Motion

Wallpaper Other by bas 1 comment

the rating. I like it.

But I made the experience, that people here do not like clean and simple wallpapers. - Oct 14 2002
They Love Me

KDE 3.x Splash Screens by freakyboogie 8 comments

up the legal aspects of your splash screen. I don't want to annoy you.

Do you have permissions of the two woman that you may publish this photo? Otherwise I hope that you don't get trouble. - Sep 06 2002

Wallpaper Other by btc 8 comments

is there a change to get a 1600x1200 version? - Sep 02 2002
a knot

Wallpaper Other by space-dezine 4 comments

is a wallpaper not KDE related? You can use it with KDE, or not? It also looks nice on the KDE Desktop. So what? - Aug 14 2002
One Shot Splashs

KDE 3.x Splash Screens by deepweep 2 comments

It's pretty nice, but I think, that the icons need more work. Mouse and Flatscreen are Photo Realistic, all other Icons are drawned. It's even worse for the second icon, where you put a drawn graphics card on a photo realistic flatscreen.

It just does not seem to fit together for me. - Jul 16 2002

Wallpaper Other by Kha0S 3 comments

Please add a preview, not an icon. - Jul 15 2002
E is for Enlightenment

Wallpaper Other by oovvaavvoo 2 comments

Thank you very much. You should post it on, if anyone is annoyed by it.

However you can also use KDE Application with Enlightenment ;-) - Jul 15 2002
KDE3 - Next Generation Desktop

Wallpapers KDE Plasma by space-dezine 4 comments

wallpaper that is clearly underrated at

I like it. - Jul 12 2002
Color Burst

Wallpaper Other by Guch 2 comments

Take a look on the tutorials page on, where you might get some great tips and ideas.

;-) - Jul 12 2002
If you can think of a title, post it!

Wallpaper Other by Guch 4 comments

these are his first tries. Don't be destructive. A lot of people here needed some time before they created some of the best wallpapers.

So give him a change and tell him, what he can do better, instead of just telling, what he should not do. - Jul 12 2002

Wallpaper Other by benjaminjames 5 comments

Please don't take it personal, this is just a general comment:

I'm getting tired of those Aqua/Crystal wallpapers. There are tons of such glass marble wallpapers. It's time for something really new. - Jul 12 2002
K colours 1600x1200

Wallpaper Other by oovvaavvoo 7 comments

The yellow one is just great. - Jul 12 2002