Description: An SGI workstation theme for Xfce, Gnome, MATE, Cinnamon, LXDE, etc. Introducing IndigoMagic GTK+ 2/3 widgets, icons and bootsplash!
To install, extract into /usr/share/themes and copy or link to ~/.themes then enable as user AND root in Xfce:
Settings>Appearance>Style>>Icons>>Fonts>>Settings Settings>Mouse and Touchpad>Theme Settings>Window Manager>Style Settings>Desktop>Background Settings>Session and Startup>Add>Sound Settings>Panel>Appearance>Background Applications Menu>Properties>Icon
To enabe bitmap fonts: sudo rm /etc/fonts/conf.d/70-no-bitmaps.conf then extract into /usr/share/fonts and run: sudo fc-cache -fv
To enabe QT5 theme: sudo apt install qt5-style-plugins then add to ~/.profile: export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=gtk2
To install Plank theme: extract into ~/.local/share/plank/themes/folder plank --preferences to select it, then drop in your desktop shortcuts.
To install system monitor with tray icon: 1. sudo apt install xosview kdocker 2. Settings>Session and Startup>Add>xosview and enter: kdocker -i iconfile.png -n gr_osview xosview 3. Then copy included template to ~/.Xdefaults
oops! missed a line in my fix below
also put
.thunar .sidebar .view:selected {
background-color: #FFFF00;
.thunar .standard-view .view:selected {
background-color: #FFFF00;
then selection color shows up properly in thunar (including multi-select)
Best theme ever! Note that for some reason newer versions of thunar don't show selected bg color, I hacked around a bit and slopped this on the end of gtk-3.0/gtk.css and it worked (no idea what it is overriding, it just works (tm) so i stopped worrying about it)
treeview.view:selected {
background-color: #FFFF00;
.view:hover {
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px alpha(currentColor, 0.08);
.view:selected:hover {
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px #FFFF00;
.gtkstyle-fallback:selected {
background-color: #FFFF00;
color: black;
9I love how good it looks but i have a couple of issues
1-When i select text in Firefox. it only makes it a tiny bit bolder and has no yellow background so its impossible to see what i am selecting.
2-Its impossible to see text in select file dialogs. Perhaps blends with gray background?
3-Does this theme share icons with this?
4-What fonts should i set for Window Manager Titles?
5-What icon should i use for Menu? i cant find toolchest icon
I am on Debian Testing. Thanks for the theme
I do recommend Debian Stable (stretch) which uses gtk2 Xfce by default. You can downgrade the select packages via the repositories.
1. Hmm, I'll have to look into it. Firefox is fine on stable Debian. Chrome has a nice option that uses the desktop scheme.
2. This, again is a gtk3/Xfce 4.16 issue which is a tad less stable.
3. Icons are as thorough as it's going to get, you may add more manually.
4. Helvetica Bold Oblique 10
5. /usr/share/icons/panel/
9I love the theme a ton, but the fonts do not seem to work no matter what i do, installing them through FontManager and such does not want to work for some reason, and it seems the pcf.gz format is unsupported by most things nowadays, with bitmap fonts mainly starting to only be supported on .otb, but i dont know enough about fonts to be able to convert it, even after nearly 3 hours of trying, i was hoping you had the raw files to be able to export natively as otb, which is the only reason im rating this a 9 and not a ten, because i really love this theme
Glad you like it! These are the raw files. The above method doesn't work on say, the latest version of Ubuntu since most distros phased out the old fonts and I don't know the work around for it. I would peruse the internet for the latest method on enabling them. Good luck!
Excellent IRIX theme! Now one of my favorites together with the CDE / Motif theme... I love Unix workstation look ;) If this had similar color switching, border sizing scripts and maybe custom panel for the toolchest, then it would be absolutely perfect.
I share your sentiment. Why is color selection such a chore in linux? What I miss most from mwm guis is pressable button style titlebars as trivial as that sounds. It's got that tactile look and feel you don't get with xfwm. Could you suggest a wm with that and a good ui?
I was previously using fvwm, it has color theming and built-in CDE/motif look that I wanted. Not sure about good ui, it has to be all done by user :D For me it was too much work to maintain my configuration (I have to do real work with my VMs, not just tuning desktops), so I moved to XFCE and the nice themes here at to get the same effect.
Switching colors directly in fvwm might not be that easy, because IRIX style borders need to be pixmaps. I think the best solution for color theming would be using something similar to python scripts for CDE style xfwm theme here This theme has all the color palettes from CDE, but could (maybe) easily use IRIX palettes instead.
The default gray and gold is quite lovely though. It's pretty easy to touch up the pixmaps with your own color and do a quickie find and replace in the gtkrc. Just digging up the color schemes is a bit of a job as IRIX emulation is super slow. Meh. I'll probably end up doing it...
Emulation? Nice, so you are using that "new" IRIX support in MAME?
I have those IRIX color schemes from another IRIX look-alike project somewhere in my HDD.
I remember each scheme having lots of color definitions. Hard part would be
figuring out where each of them goes in the UI.
Ratings & Comments
9 So retro!
love the theme. having trouble fully integrating it though -_- would legit pay money to see how to make Xubuntu look like the first pic
10 10 the best
9 Simply l<3ve the retro look
oops! missed a line in my fix below also put .thunar .sidebar .view:selected { background-color: #FFFF00; } .thunar .standard-view .view:selected { background-color: #FFFF00; } then selection color shows up properly in thunar (including multi-select)
10 10 the best
Best theme ever! Note that for some reason newer versions of thunar don't show selected bg color, I hacked around a bit and slopped this on the end of gtk-3.0/gtk.css and it worked (no idea what it is overriding, it just works (tm) so i stopped worrying about it) treeview.view:selected { background-color: #FFFF00; } .view:hover { box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px alpha(currentColor, 0.08); } .view:selected:hover { box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 9999px #FFFF00; } .gtkstyle-fallback:selected { background-color: #FFFF00; color: black; };
oops! missed a line. also put .thunar .sidebar .view:selected { background-color: #FFFF00; } .thunar .standard-view .view:selected { background-color: #FFFF00; }
10 It's awesome
10 10 the best
9 I love how good it looks but i have a couple of issues 1-When i select text in Firefox. it only makes it a tiny bit bolder and has no yellow background so its impossible to see what i am selecting. 2-Its impossible to see text in select file dialogs. Perhaps blends with gray background? 3-Does this theme share icons with this? 4-What fonts should i set for Window Manager Titles? 5-What icon should i use for Menu? i cant find toolchest icon I am on Debian Testing. Thanks for the theme
I do recommend Debian Stable (stretch) which uses gtk2 Xfce by default. You can downgrade the select packages via the repositories. 1. Hmm, I'll have to look into it. Firefox is fine on stable Debian. Chrome has a nice option that uses the desktop scheme. 2. This, again is a gtk3/Xfce 4.16 issue which is a tad less stable. 3. Icons are as thorough as it's going to get, you may add more manually. 4. Helvetica Bold Oblique 10 5. /usr/share/icons/panel/
9 I love the theme a ton, but the fonts do not seem to work no matter what i do, installing them through FontManager and such does not want to work for some reason, and it seems the pcf.gz format is unsupported by most things nowadays, with bitmap fonts mainly starting to only be supported on .otb, but i dont know enough about fonts to be able to convert it, even after nearly 3 hours of trying, i was hoping you had the raw files to be able to export natively as otb, which is the only reason im rating this a 9 and not a ten, because i really love this theme
Glad you like it! These are the raw files. The above method doesn't work on say, the latest version of Ubuntu since most distros phased out the old fonts and I don't know the work around for it. I would peruse the internet for the latest method on enabling them. Good luck!
10 10 the best
It's a Unix.®
9 9 excellent
Thanks! Kudos to the original design team.
Pretty happy with this I gotta say. the trick with the xfce panel is to skin the background and make your button logo transparent. Happy trails!
Excellent IRIX theme! Now one of my favorites together with the CDE / Motif theme... I love Unix workstation look ;) If this had similar color switching, border sizing scripts and maybe custom panel for the toolchest, then it would be absolutely perfect.
I share your sentiment. Why is color selection such a chore in linux? What I miss most from mwm guis is pressable button style titlebars as trivial as that sounds. It's got that tactile look and feel you don't get with xfwm. Could you suggest a wm with that and a good ui?
I was previously using fvwm, it has color theming and built-in CDE/motif look that I wanted. Not sure about good ui, it has to be all done by user :D For me it was too much work to maintain my configuration (I have to do real work with my VMs, not just tuning desktops), so I moved to XFCE and the nice themes here at to get the same effect. Switching colors directly in fvwm might not be that easy, because IRIX style borders need to be pixmaps. I think the best solution for color theming would be using something similar to python scripts for CDE style xfwm theme here This theme has all the color palettes from CDE, but could (maybe) easily use IRIX palettes instead.
The default gray and gold is quite lovely though. It's pretty easy to touch up the pixmaps with your own color and do a quickie find and replace in the gtkrc. Just digging up the color schemes is a bit of a job as IRIX emulation is super slow. Meh. I'll probably end up doing it...
Emulation? Nice, so you are using that "new" IRIX support in MAME? I have those IRIX color schemes from another IRIX look-alike project somewhere in my HDD. I remember each scheme having lots of color definitions. Hard part would be figuring out where each of them goes in the UI.
*SGI hw support in MAME