Implement KDE's SVG cursor format, add sizes 84 and 96 for the bitmap cursors.
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
Other Cursors:
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Ratings & Comments
10 its an amazing theme brings back nostalgia from the xp days
If you download any of the tarballs and the extension becomes something like "Hackneyed-*whatever*-.tar.tar," simply rename it to "Hackneyed-*whatever*-.tar.bz2"
10 use it! gooood
10 10 the best
10 10 the best!!!!!!
10 10 the best
10 10 the best - nice, scalable, lisible. Thank you.
ok it's taking forever to update this goddamn page and I've run out of patience, get the new release from gitlab as usual:
9 Awesome! It's my favorite cursor since I found it. The ONLY thing that makes me to give it 9 instead 10 is the "arrow" cursor that is pointing to "right_ptr" file instead to "default", making the cursor appearing wrong sometimes (I've noticed this behaviour with Ubiquity installer and Unity game engine).
oh well, I must've made a mistake while changing the way symlinks are created. will be fixed soon™
10 Thank you for your work!
10 <3
10 Awesome!
10 10 the best
How install .tar.bz2 on debian ? (on mine it can only install .deb file)
Extract the files to $HOME/.icons or (as root) to /usr/share/icons if you want a system-wide installation.
10 10 the best
Any brave soul building this from source is advised to get the latest source from git. Added support for Inkscape 1.0, but with no changes in the artwork I see no point in version-bumping.
10 10 the best
I give up on trying to upload files here. Get them from Gitlab.
Very Nice pointer theme really like it.
9 9 excellent
10 Nice. I love the hourglass pointer.
10 10 the best
10 10 the best