Alkano All In One
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
1. Breeze-aio https://www.kde-look.org/p/1099867/
2. Comix-aio https://www.kde-look.org/p/1135101/
3. Hacked-aio https://www.kde-look.org/p/1102526/
My idea original of this theme, is include all variations of Alkano cursor theme http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Alkano+Serie?content=164388, just in one theme called "Alkano-aio". Additionally, we'll have the possibility to choose for each variation, three sizes: Small, Medium and Large.
How to do it?
1. This is accomplished using the multi-size concept.
2. Defining the real size of the cursors in its three categories: small, medium and large.
3. To choose a variation with one of three sizes -Small, Medium and Large-, we need to define the initial value for each of the three size categories.
4. The increase of one pixel between each variation within each size category.
In this case, we have 10 variations: Aluminium, Amber, Butter, Chameleon, Emerald, Plum, Scarlet, Sky, Default and White.
The real size of the cursors, are: 32 pixels for Small, 48 pixels for Medium , and 64 pixels for Large.
The initial sizes for choosing theme and size category are: 16 pixels for Small size, 28 pixels for Medium size, and 39 pixels for Large size.
Then we have:
For compatibility with Xfce I have decided that the range for choosing cursor size, is from 16 pixels to 48 pixels. This does not mean that the real size of the cursor is within that range: is only to choose a cursor, for example:
The size 36 does not mean that the size of images of the cursors is 36 pixels; it means that we are choosing the Default variation and the Medium size category with size of 48 pixels. So works.
As ever, I offer the full serie for lefties and righties. You can download it on this web page. The cursor themes name is same for both lefties and righties, only I use the clause comment of index.theme file, to differentiate them: this is to put a stop to discrimination.
I have tested it under Zorin 11, Cinnamon, KDE, Pantheon, Xfce, Unity, also Gnome 2/3.x and it works great. I decided to upload it, and after will go improving it. I would like change a few things so you can expect updates. If you find any bugs, please let me know in comments section.
If you don't know how to install a mouse theme with multi-sized property, or for choosing a cursor size, go to http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=164300, there you can see the instructions for Gnome2/3.x, Unity, Zorin, KDE, Cinnamon, Pantheon and Xfce.
Marcus Haro.
2016 Apr 08 v3.2.0 added new variations: Butter, Chameleon, Plum, Scarlet and Sky.
2016 Mar 25 v2.8.2 changed all sizes , from 16 to 48, to have compatibility with Xfce. I have also redrawn almost all cursors..
2016 Mar 13 v2.7.5 built with the cursors taken from the Alkano series, version 2.7.5.
2014 Apr 03 v1.01 Now is in Alkano's serie. It means, i will update it at same time all mouse themes.
2014 Mar v0.60 New sizes, and I am offering three packs: large, medium and small sizes.
2014 Mar v0.50 It has new colors and sizes.
2013 Sep v0.40 I include new color: Orange (#ff8700). Was Susan Janet, member of this Web Site, who requested me this color. I hope she like it.
2013 Aug v0.30 I changed the cursor left_ptr_watch, coloring more pronounced the watch cursor, and just leaving the cursor left_ptr; was very faded, now it looks better. There is a new cursor theme with gray80 color.
2013 Jun v0.20 I changed the cursor design bd_double_arrow, fd_double_arrow, h_double_arrow, v_double_arrow, sb_h_double_arrow and sb_v_double_arrow. Now look better.
The watch cursor now is more bigger
2013 Jun v0.10 Initial release
Ratings & Comments
where can i get the download? the install link is not working.
Would love to try your theme and maybe others of yours, but dropbox is blocked in China. Good work, your design!
Could you try to download it, and tell me if you managed to do? Now the download is from openDesktop.org. If it works then I will change all my download links for all my artworks. Thanks, Marcus Haro
Could we get a red cursor version? The same colour you have in your "Alkano with background all in one".
Of course. I'm doing some variants of ALKANO. I will include your request gladly.
It appears that i'm kind of a dumb because I only just now noticed your Alkano Serie cursors (the separated cursors version). I would like even more seing the red version in the Alkano Serie. Anyhow sounds awesome and thanks.
right at this moment, I have uploaded the new Alkano all in one, including the variation called SCARLET ( your red cursor). enjoy it. Thanks.
have no idea why I posted 4 messages!
For some reason I can't change color on ubuntu 15.10 gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-theme Alkano-aio && gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-size 32 It should be black but after log out - log in cursor always remain white, changing via dconf directly doesn't help after logout - login settings becomes default size - 24
Your linux distribution is Ubuntu 15.10 with Unity as desktop environment. I have KaOS with plasma 5, and Alkano theme works fine. Before you, other member of this web site, asked me how works Alkano on Ubuntu 15.10 with Xfce, in other words Xubuntu. Then ....... I downloaded and installed Xubuntu 15.10 on a virtual machine. I made a video to show, that issues of cursor multi-sized if they work in the Xfce desktop environment. Please, see the video; no audio because I have no microphone, but it is understandable and very high definition. You can download it on: https://www.mediafire.com/?cdls0wv0g7necgv I know you have Ubuntu 15.10, but if you wait for me, I will check, how works on Ubuntu 15.10, and I will make a video to show you the way to do. Just in this moment, I am downloading Ubuntu 15.10... Thanks.
I think it's a bright idea to make an "all-in-one" cursor theme, but - as it often happens with such bright new ideas - developers of this or that desktop environment are not yet ready for this it seems ;-) The problem with Unity is the cursor size setting. Unity does not provide this setting in its shiny GUI! You have to enter a terminal command like "gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-size 35" (for a medium-size sky-blue cursor) which apparently Unity does not like ;-) Probably developers thought they should correct any possible wrong setting that might be entered by users. So after each login this cursor-size is automatically "corrected" by changing it to 24! I think this should be considered as a Unity bug as they should allow users to use any sensible size for their cursor. But until they change this behavior it seems Unity users should either choose another cursor theme or add a small startup script to apply this "unusual" cursor-size every time they login.
You have reason. Under KDE and Xfce works fine, they have a GUI for choosing the cursor size, furthermore they "remember" the settings made previous, after login. Unity and Gnome have the same problem for choosing cursor size: they have not a GUI to help users. We have to use dconf editor GUI for choosing cursor size or will have to use the terminal and execute commands "gsettings". The issue not stop there, as you well said, after each login it seems the cursor size restored to default size of 24 pixels. I have not any problem, because I use KaOS on my desktop computer, and Xubuntu on my laptop. I have tried to find way for do that my "all in one" themes, works fine on gnome and Unity, but no found yet, without use any script on login. For Xfce desktop environment a made a video "How to do it", you can download it on https://www.mediafire.com/?cdls0wv0g7necgv Thanks for commenting, my friend Sadi, marcus haro
Dear Marcus, First of all, congratulations for your work and great idea. I was facing the same problem here (with Ubuntu 16.04), and and finally found a solution. What I touch was, as we cannot change to a value different of the "default", why not change the default instead. Looking how to do that I found this instruction over the askubuntu. Create this file: gksu gedit /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/my-defaults.gschema.override Inside this file include: [org.gnome.desktop.interface] cursor-size=19 Save the file and close it. In my case is 19, but can be used whatever you want. After that run the following command: sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/ Reboot and enjoy. source of the solution directions: http://askubuntu.com/questions/65900/how-can-i-change-default-settings-for-new-users I hope it helps others. Best regards
For some reason I can't change color on ubuntu 15.10 gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-theme Alkano-aio && gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-size 32 It should be black but after log out - log in cursor always remain white, changing via dconf directly doesn't help after logout - login settings becomes default size - 24
For some reason I can't change color on ubuntu 15.10 gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-theme Alkano-aio && gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-size 32 It should be black but after log out - log in cursor always remain white, changing via dconf directly doesn't help after logout - login settings becomes default size - 24
For some reason I can't change color on ubuntu 15.10 gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-theme Alkano-aio && gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-size 32 It should be black but after log out - log in cursor always remain white, changing via dconf directly doesn't help after logout - login settings becomes default size - 24
I'd love to see this cursor in orange too :).
I included your color Orange. You can read in Change Log section this note. I hope you like it. I included new previews. The preview number 1 is yours. Thanks.
Thanks a lot! :)