Mint Leaf
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
MintLeaf is a X11 mouse theme multisized to 32, 40, 48, 56 and 64 pixels. It is dedicated to Linux Mint Petra with Cinnamon as desktop environment.
If you do not like or have trouble installing a mouse theme of multi sized like this one, you can download by separated sizes: MintLeaf32, MintLeaf40, MintLeaf48, MintLeaf56 and MintLeaf64. All mouse themes are here.
The pointers and animations were made with Inkscape. They are an attractive pointers, for people who like this fantastic cursor theme. Cursors are looking well in both dark and clear backgrounds. I will appreciate any comments to improve this cursor theme.
I tested it under Pantheon, Cinnamon 2.0 with Muffin, KDE 4.10.5 with Kwin, Xfce 4.10, also Gnome 2/3.x and it works great. I added it symlinks for some cursors required for Steam, and all required for Cinnamon, KDE, Xfce, Gnome, and Unity.
I decided to upload it, and after will go improving it. I would like change a few things so you can expect updates. If you find any bugs, please let me know in comments section.
If you don't know how to install a mouse theme with multi sized property or to choose a cursor size, go to http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=164300, there you can see the instructions for Gnome2/3.x, Unity, KDE, Cinnamon, Pantheon and Xfce.
Thanks, and greetings,
MarkoF. Last changelog:
If you do not like or have trouble installing a mouse theme of multi sized like this one, you can download by separated sizes: MintLeaf32, MintLeaf40, MintLeaf48, MintLeaf56 and MintLeaf64. All mouse themes are here.
The pointers and animations were made with Inkscape. They are an attractive pointers, for people who like this fantastic cursor theme. Cursors are looking well in both dark and clear backgrounds. I will appreciate any comments to improve this cursor theme.
I tested it under Pantheon, Cinnamon 2.0 with Muffin, KDE 4.10.5 with Kwin, Xfce 4.10, also Gnome 2/3.x and it works great. I added it symlinks for some cursors required for Steam, and all required for Cinnamon, KDE, Xfce, Gnome, and Unity.
I decided to upload it, and after will go improving it. I would like change a few things so you can expect updates. If you find any bugs, please let me know in comments section.
If you don't know how to install a mouse theme with multi sized property or to choose a cursor size, go to http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=164300, there you can see the instructions for Gnome2/3.x, Unity, KDE, Cinnamon, Pantheon and Xfce.
Thanks, and greetings,
2014 Jul 17 v0.03.00 I modified the grabbing icon.
2014 Jun 22 v0.02.00 I modified the left_ptr animation.
2014 Mar 24 v0.01.00 initial release.
Ratings & Comments
Thumbs up! If you like Linux Mint, then you’ll like this — even more than Leaf Simple!
Very nice; looks like a lot of work went into this...
Frankula, You're right. I had to work too hard to achieve this elegant and expected theme; i have several friends who asked me to build a theme related to a leaf. I have another called Simple Leaft. Is similar to Mint Leaft: has different icons and the animations are similars but not equal. Soon I will build this theme but for lefties: when I started to build mouse themes, there was only one theme for them. Today I have built and published fifteen themes for lefties, including Oxygen and DMZ in black and white colors. Thanks for commenting, MarkoF.
Very very good design. greets
Thanks for commenting, and i repeat you that I am interested about your ideas for modification the my mouse theme called Plines. greetings, MarkoF.
Hello Markitos, I send you a Mail about pLines Variation. I think Its to long to post it here. aedrasil
Ok. I'm working in that. Thanks
I like the new leaf!! it is just amazing many thanks!!
Thanks Brahim, Did you saw my new Ultimate Edition? I deleted all my Ultimates: red, orange,.... now i have only one page. All themes are multi sized. You can see the modifications on the page. New sizes: 32, 40, 48, 56 and 64 pixels. Please you test them and if you want vote + greetings, MarkoF