Ultimate Serie for right handed
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Ultimate Serie for Right Handed X11 mouse themes, fully animated. Available colours: Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Red and White. Available cursors size: 24, 32, 40, 48,56 and 64 pixels. I am offering the full serie for right and left handed, with property multi sized and also as pack for those who don't like or have trouble with mouse themes multi sized. Link for left handed: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Ultimate+Serie+for+left+handed?content=165310
It's a modification of Ultimate Edition Mouse Theme. If you want see the original, you can go to http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Ultimate+Edition+Cursor+Theme+Pack?content=164259
The pointers were modified with Gimp. Cursors are look well in both, dark and clear backgrounds. I will appreciate any comments to improve this cursor theme.
I have tested them under Zorin 10, Cinnamon 2.0 with Muffin, KDE 4.10.5 with Kwin, Xfce, Unity, also Gnome 2/3.x and it works great. I decided to upload them, and after will go improving them. I would like change a few things so you can expect updates. If you find any bugs, please let me know in comments section.
I decided to upload it, and after i will improving it. I would like change a few things so you can expect updates. If you find any bugs, please let me know in comments section.
Important: These instructions are for installing any of my mouse themes with multisized property. Just change "ThemeName" with the name of the downloaded theme.
0- Download the cursor theme.
1- Locate the file ThemeName.tar.gz downloaded. It's probably in your Downloads folder.
2- Right click on it and left click on "extract here". You will see the folder ThemeName.
3- Move the theme folder to ~/.icons/. Open a terminal and you can use the following command line.
[quote]mv Downloads/ThemeName ~/.icons/[/quote]
4- Change to your choose theme, with any Desktop Setting Tools; Zorin has gnome-tweak-tool in his repositories: please install it, before to continue.
5- To update the cursor theme and cursor size: Search for and install Dconf Editor in Software Center.
6- Use next Command, changing theme's name and the current cursor size to your custom cursor size xx. Could also use 24, 32, 40, 48, 56 or 64 pixels.
[quote]gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-theme ThemeName && gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-size xx[/quote]
If you wish choose the cursor theme and cursor size, using the Dconf editor graphic interface (GUI), then launch it, and go org-->gnome-->desktop-->interface.
7- Finally, create or edit the ~/.Xresources file using next command:
[quote]gedit ~/.Xresources[/quote]
Add the following two lines. Change ThemeName and xx to match size defined in previous step:
[quote]Xcursor.theme: ThemeName
Xcursor.size: xx[/quote]
8- Save, close and reboot.
5- To update the cursor theme and cursor size: Search for and install Dconf Editor in Software Center.
6- Use next Command, changing theme's name and the current cursor size to your custom cursor size xx. Could also use 24, 32, 40, 48,56 or 64 pixels.
[quote]gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.interface cursor-theme ThemeName && gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.interface cursor-size xx[/quote]
If you wish choose the cursor theme and cursor size, using the Dconf editor graphic interface (GUI), then launch it, and go org-->cinnamon-->desktop-->interface.
7- Save, close and reboot.
5- To update the cursor theme and cursor size: Search for and install Dconf Editor in Software Center.
6- Use next Command, changing theme's name and the current cursor size to your custom cursor size xx. Could also use 24, 32, 40, 48, 56 or 64 pixels.
[quote]gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-theme ThemeName && gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-size xx[/quote]
If you wish choose the cursor theme and cursor size, using the Dconf editor graphic interface (GUI), then launch it, and go org-->gnome-->desktop-->interface.
7- Save, close and reboot.
5- Change cursor theme and choose the size cursor with desktop setting tools.
6- If you want to make it the default cursor and see this cursor theme on login screen KDM, you must edit as root the index.theme system file located in /usr/share/icons/default, changing the name present after of "=", sign to theme's name. Use next command:
[quote]nano /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme[/quote]
7- Save, close and reboot.
ON Xfce
5- Launch the Settings Desktop Environment by clicking on Top Panel: Application Menu-->Settings Manager, then Settings window is opened; scroll down to section called "Other", you can see "Settings Editor", launch it and in the left panel of the window opened, scroll down to locate "xsettings", click it, now you can change the fields value CursorThemeName and CursorThemeSize xx, located in the right panel.
6- You must edit and save as root the index.theme system file located in /usr/share/icons/default, changing the name present after of "=", sign to theme's name. Use next command:
[quote]sudo mousepad /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme[/quote]
7- Edit or create the .Xdefaults personal configuration file, adding to the final, the next two lines, set your own size matching size defined in the step 5:
Xcursor.theme: ThemeName
Xcursor.size: xx
[quote]mousepad ~/.Xdefaults[/quote]
8- Save, close and reboot.
Marcus Haro
2015 Nov 13 v2.5.0 Only I included instructions about how to install and configure any cursor theme on the ZORIN 10 desktop environment. I do it, because this page is the instruction base for almost all my X11 mouse themes. Thanks.
2015 Jan 21 v2.5.0 All icons have been redrawn. Added Black version. Fixes all troubles about aliasing. Icons now looks better.
2015 Jan 02 v2.1.0 Added White version.
2014 Dec 26 v2.0.0 Almost all icons have been redrawn.
2014 May 18 v1.7.2 fixed half-busy hotspot.
2014 Apr 21 v1.7.0 Added back 24 pixels size.
2014 Mar 23 v1.0.0 initial release.
Ratings & Comments
No command for LXDE???? Really???
I tried everything to get the Maya-OrangeP mouse cursors to install on my KDE LM 18.2 64bit system following all instructions but I had no luck. Since the Maya-Black installed automatically through 'System Settings'/'Get New Themes' (download/install). Since I use a very dark desktop, the black was too hard to see. All I did to make the icons orange was swap the Maya-Black cursors folder (found in ~./icons) with the Orange32 cursors folder! The theme still says Maya-Black, but I have my much wanted orange cursor! Maybe this could be of some help to someone. Thanks for the coolest cursor ever!
I like that conky MARKITOS66 where did you get it from can you send to me please. Also what icons are those your using i like those too. What DE you on
1. That desktop environment is cinnamon on elementary distribution. 2. The icons name is iLinux, and you can find it on [url]https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1013274/[/url] 3. The conky theme is built by me and I called "Titanium", and has a clock modified by me, but i don't know where i got it. I have been searching on [url]https://www.gnome-look.org/browse/cat/124/ord/latest/[/url], but I don't found it. It's like conky mint-lua [url]https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1115224/[/url] Only works on 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution screens. I need insert more code to fit all resolution screens, then i will post it on this web site. Currently i am using Linux Mint with Cinnamon as desktop environment, and I will install it to take a desktop video, then you will see how works. Please be patient, I'll let you know it. Thanks.
@markitos66. Can i get that conky in screenshot please with the lines and wifi and boxes. Where did you get it from. mine is 1920x1080 also :)
Hello, you have a good pack of cursors, especially i liked "Ultimate White" . i have one question, can we combine our works? My is here: " http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/LINUX+PENGUIN+CURSORS?content=175673 "
Hello, you have a good pack of cursors, especially i liked "Ultimate White" . i have one question, can we combine our works? My is here: " http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/LINUX+PENGUIN+CURSORS?content=175673 "
I use the following script when I switch between one of your cursor themes :-) I thought I might share this simple bash script (to be used by simply entering appropriate values displayed with a strong emphasis) here as it might perhaps be helpful for some users of Ubuntu/Gnome Desktop Environments: Quote:
# Add the cursor theme to the corresponding group of alternatives
sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/share/icons/default/index.theme" x-cursor-theme "$HOME/.icons/<CursorThemeName>/index.theme" <CursorSize>
# Choose the cursor theme
sudo update-alternatives --config x-cursor-theme
# Apply the user's cursor theme
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-theme <CursorThemeName>
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-size <CursorSize>
# Modify the user's .Xresources file
sed -i "s/^Xcursor\.theme\:\s*.\+$/Xcursor\.theme\: <CursorThemeName>/g" "$HOME/.Xresources"
sed -i "s/^Xcursor\.size\:\s*.\+$/Xcursor\.size\: <CursorSize>/g" "$HOME/.Xresources"
#Restart computer
sudo reboot
hi, can you make blue with red cursor i mean both of them in same cursor . thaks in advance.
This cursor is unstroked and just shadows. It is a single color. Sorry, I can not combine. Maybe I could degrade from blue to red color. I need much time to do it because it is fully animated. Each animation has 32 pictures. Send me a picture of the main cursor, to see exactly what you want. Thank You.
thanks for reply if don't mind i want it look like the chameleon version of utlimate edition but with two color red and yellow sorry for bothering you.
Don't worry, Is not bother for me. Chameleon? As you said, I have an Ultimate Chameleon version with six colours. Do you want a new version just with two colours: Red & Yellow or Red & Blue?. What's version of Ultimate Edition would you like? the old 1.06 or the new 2.5.0. Thanks, Marcus Haro
thanks god it's not bothering you , red and blue version 2.5.0. thanks
Ultimate Edition Chameleon Blue & Red is ready from Copy. Please download it from next link: https://copy.com/ObLwgRcwgkHU6qZz Thanks, Marcus Haro
thank you so much it's perfect
hi, can you make blue with red cursor i mean both of them in same cursor thanks in advance
Hello Markitos, Currently Im testing your UE cursors. Normaly not my style. But I must say, very good. As with leaves Cursor also: Looks very good. Is funny. And above all, realy useful. I will still use it for a while. greetings, aedrasil
So you've decided to put all color variations in a pack. As a fan of the Blue theme, I wonder if there are any changes since 1.0?
Hi, Sadi No change on the issue. However, this new version is multi sized to: 32, 40, 48, 56 and 64 pixels. No more 24 pixels: is very small. But the size 64 pixels could use it people with sight problems. Thanks for comment and vote. Greetings, Markof.
Ultimate Edition is one of my favourite distros and i really love what you did her for its community!! maaany thanks!
I have an idea to build a multi sized mouse theme for Ultimate Edition. You know if there are problems to choose the size of cursor in this distro? If there is not, I will continue with my idea. and thanks for commenting greetings, MarkoF