Comix Serie


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Outlook of Comix Serie cursors by Marcus Haro, is not a faithful copy of Comix cursors by Jens Luetkens,, but my own original vision of the issue, trying to have significant variations, yet not lose the shape of the main cursor, furthermore I have paid special attention to solving the aliasing effect to a minimum.

This one has the ten variations of Comix Serie by Marcus Haro, multi sized on 16 with 32 px, 24 with 40 px, 32 with 48 px, 40 with 56 px, and 48 with 64 pixels.

All icons have been built using Inkscape software. They have been changed of color different than original, and also offering them with black and white stroke. Added new cursor elements: color-picker, grabbing, dnd-ask, dnd-copy, dnd-link, dnd-move, and dnd-none. Modified some cursor elements: no-drop, pirate. Now crosshair, horizontal-text, and vertical-text cursors, are look well in both, dark and clear backgrounds.

And something important: new and modern progress and wait cursor, furthermore for compatibility with Xfce I have decided that the range for choosing cursor size, is from 16 pixels to 48 pixels. This does not mean that the real size of the cursor is within that range: is only to choose a cursor, for example:

The size 32 does not means that the size of images of the cursors is 32 pixels; it means that we are choosing the size of 48 pixels. So works. As result a cursor theme with a full and real modification.

I have tested it under Zorin 11, Cinnamon, KDE, Pantheon, Xfce, Unity, also Gnome 2/3.x and it works great. I will appreciate any comments to improve them. I decided upload them, and after i will improving them. I would like change a few things so you can expect updates. If you find any bugs, please let me know in comments section.

If you don't know how to install a mouse theme with multi sized property or to choose a cursor size, go to, there you can see the instructions for Gnome2/3.x, Unity, KDE, Cinnamon, Pantheon, Zorin and Xfce.

Marcus Haro.
Last changelog:

2016 Jul 03 v2.0.0

Fully rebuilt themes and included new variations.

Ratings & Comments



8 8 great


I love these! They would be even more awesome if you could make a purple and/or indigo set as well


Sorry, I know I am late, but I want say you that if you want this cursor theme with variation purple or indigo, I can build it and I send you a download link. Please tell me the stroke color: white or black. Thanks, Marcus Haro.


I like your cursors, but I also see the small default cursor in Chromium. How can I make the default size 32? (I am using PCLinuxOS-MATE.)


On bottom of page's description, you'll find a text which says: "If you don't know how to install a mouse theme with multi sized property or to choose a cursor size, go to" Just click on There you can see the instructions for Gnome2/3.x, Unity, KDE, Cinnamon, Pantheon and Xfce. Follow the instructions. I hope I have helped, Marcus Haro


There are applications that works only with the default cursor, as Chromium Web Browser and Google Chrome. If you don't make comix as default cursor, you always will see the default cursor, and the cursor-size default. What do you must do after select comix cursor theme with tweak-tools, ubuntu-tweak, or another Desktop Settings Tool? You must edit, as root, the index.theme system file located in /usr/share/icons/default, changing the name present after of "=", sign to theme's name. Use next command: sudo gedit /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme Save, close and reboot. That's all. Thanks for commenting, Marcus Haro.


I am sorry, I had not seen that you are using MATE as desktop environment. Because MATE is a fork of GNOME 2, it is different how to select the cursor theme and cursor size. And solve the problem you have with chromium browser. Right now I'm working on my business, but if you give me a chance to help you, tomorrow I'll explain how to do it. But if you already did it, you send me a private message, to help other people who ask me for help. Thank you, and I'm here to serve you, Marcus Haro


i can never get the default pointer/arrow to change to the theme. The other pointers seem to change.


On bottom of page's description, you'll find a text which says: "If you don't know how to install a mouse theme with multi sized property or to choose a cursor size, go to" Just click on Follow the instructions. If you have issues, tell me what is your linux distribution and your desktop environment. I hope I have helped, Marcus Haro


Thanks. i already knew how to apply themes. i changed the theme in the Themes section of settings and i had tried changing it in dconf (but it was already pointed to the correct theme). Just in case i followed the gnome instructions this time (and not cinnamon) and added Xresources file. So i made that. The only change that it made is in Google Chrome When my cursor is in my chrome window, it works. Anywhere else i have tried, including the desktop and panel, has no effect. But i feel like i have seen this particular bug before and so i am going to google it and see what comes up. Just in case, i am using both Linux Mint 17.1 Cinnamon and Ubuntu Unity 14.04


and just in case i want clear in my original comment. the cursor DOES change. that has never been a problem. It is that the default/regular old white arrow pointer stays the same. i should have said arrow i guess. things like link hover, resize, hour glass all change with the theme.


There are applications that works only with the default cursor, as Chromium Web Browser and Google Chrome. If you don't make comix as default cursor, you always will see the default cursor, and the cursor-size default. In your case, it seems that your default cursor is DMZ-White with 24 pixels as cursor size. You see the main cursor (the white arrow) , text cursor, grabbing cursor (closedhand) and hand2 cursor (pointing_hand). What do you must do after select comix cursor theme with tweak-tools, ubuntu-tweak, or another Desktop Settings Tool? You must edit, as root, the index.theme system file located in /usr/share/icons/default, changing the name present after of "=", sign to theme's name. Use next command: sudo gedit /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme Save, close and reboot. That's all. Thanks for commenting, Marcus Haro.


No shadows?


hi, Yes, the icons have shadows with 85% transparency, and they are colored with 82% opacity. Thanks for commenting, and thanks for your fantastic cursor theme, which i have used as starting point for this artwork. Marcus Haro

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version 2.0.0
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