Description: Very simple yet effective MPD client. It uses a combination of DBUS calls to KLauncher + mpc executable.
Requirements: - Running MPD server - MPC ( MPD command line client) - Running KDE4 Session + Plasma
Installation :
# Extract the gzip archive : tar -xvf plasma-mpc.tar.gz cd plasma-mpc #Create Build directory mkdir build cd build #Specify installation directory cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/lib/kde4/ # for kubuntu make #Install sudo make install
#testing the client plasmoidviewer plasma_applet_mpcLast changelog:
Too much has changed in KDE since this was written. It no longer compiles.
It would be very cool if the author or someone who knows how otherwise would kindly give this little gem a maintenance update.
yay, now we have amarok control in kde4!
It still needs song infos, a display of the cover image and a bar for the track position.
Great to see kde4 is going somewhere.
It's a C++ based applet which makes it hard to install without compiling. Maybe it would be possible for the Python, Ruby or Interpreted languages based applets.
Ratings & Comments
Too much has changed in KDE since this was written. It no longer compiles. It would be very cool if the author or someone who knows how otherwise would kindly give this little gem a maintenance update.
It does not compile any more. error: plasma/layouts/vboxlayout.h: No such file or directory there is no layouts dir, API has been changed.
yay, now we have amarok control in kde4! It still needs song infos, a display of the cover image and a bar for the track position. Great to see kde4 is going somewhere.
I Don't want to disappoint you. This client is used for MPD program, since Amarok's API is not yet finialized. Maybe in the near future.
[complete off-topic] I think KDE4 have to work on a installer (import) function, This is really hard to do for a normal user.
Yes I agree. I REALLY hope they do!
It's a C++ based applet which makes it hard to install without compiling. Maybe it would be possible for the Python, Ruby or Interpreted languages based applets.