Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
PlasmoTide is a KDE Plasmoid Widget that plots the predicted tides for the day, and shows the current level. Mousing over the plot causes detailed data to be shown. Configurable UI colors & font. Currently only supports US tidal stations. Last changelog:
-fix bug off by 1 hour (NOAA data url changed)
-adjust grid hstep based on tiderange
-fix bug when bigtidedatastring null
-fix refresh when netwkmgr not present
-fix mouseover showing yesterday's data
v1.10 - handle network up/down event
v1.02 - show min/max tide for day
Ratings & Comments
Hi, I would love to see xtide prediction into a plasmoid as well. However, if I understood the NOAA site you are using, that's real time data, not a prediction! That is really cool and should not change! Maybe a new plasmoid with tides prediction based on xtide is the best way to go...
Niiiiiceeeee :D Too bad there's only US data. For Slovenia (EU) I managed to find: http://www.arso.gov.si/vode/morje/Plima2011_a5_sun.pdf Just curious, would it be possible to do the same with a script as well?
Thanks, Yes I would like to port it to script so it will be more accessable to other OSes than the binary. Sorry that site only seems to show actual measured data in graph form. I need numerical predictions. I'm thinking of supporting xtide, which has many worldwide locations. ..anyway, Mediterranean tides are only like +- 1 foot aren't they? :p
If you'd do that it'd be grand! :D Hmmm, I imagine you'd have to take into account the local coastshape (e.g. of the Adriatic), but to be honest, I haven't the slightest... I'm pretty sure that already throughout the Adriatic the tides are not the same for every port (which to US standards are pretty close together). If you have any ideas where to look or ask, I'd look into how to get the right data or difference.
Also, mediteranean tides are not only ± 1 ft :P In the Adriatic sea we use them often to predict local weather though.