Awesome Widgets
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Updated to Plasma 6.
(Plasma 5 is kept in a separate branch and at version 0.70)
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
Other Plasma 6 Applets:
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Could you consider to add buttons to switch on or off nvidia card? Like the gnome prime-indicator
That sounds a good idea. But as I know root permission is needed to turn the card on or off, so not sure how I could add this.
It shows "[ERROR]Error running "nvidia-smi": No such file or directory" and degree sign, not the discrete card temperature instead. What I do wrong?
Hi. It seems that there is something wrong with your bumblebee installation. A monitoring and management command line utility, nvidia-smi, is included with the NVIDIA Linux graphics driver.
When I installed Bumblebee it also installs a "nvidia-304" package. And yes, in "/usr/lib/nvidia-304/bin" file "nvidia-smi" is included, and its running through terminal app using "optirun ./nvidia-smi". Where does your plasmoid searching this file? Can I make a shortcut in this directory?
Also you have errors in your command that checked the GPU temperature. The command should look like this: "optirun ./nvidia-smi --query --display=TEMPERATURE | grep Gpu", because "grep Current" gets nothing. And, maybe, it should detect driver version and going in its folder through "cd /usr/lib/nvidia-XXX", where "XXX" means driver version (e.g. "nvidia-304").
Yes it seems that the command I call is too specialized. I will update it in the next days. If you have the time, you can also contribute the change (with pull request I think)
Hi, finally I think I made the fix for this. I added code to look for the nvidia-smi in the /usr/lib/nvidia-, so now it should also works if the nvidia driver is installed this way. There is also a layout fix included. If the grep "GPU Current Temp" is empty for you, can you send your output to compare?
It is quite disappointing to click on this plasmoid and find it empty! Some nice info could be put there, such as GPU usage, temperature, total usage time this session etc.
thanks the observation. These are good ideas, I am planning to add some of them in a new update.
Another small thing: bumblebee indicator should hide itself when the nvidia card is OFF, and show when the nvidia card is ON. ;)
this looks doable.
Thank you for the new version. However, I find it is a terrible design decision that when you click on the applet, the GPU is turned on. On amy systems, bumblebee has a bug in which the GPU is not turned back off. This means that on my system, if I click on the applet, to turn off the GPU I have to go through the removal of nvidia modules, and restarting bumblebee. It's a nice option, but since there is this annoying bug, if should be optional IMHO. Thanks again!
I had no idea about this driver bug. It's surely a pain to remove and reinstall. I did not found yet a wait to get the info without turning the card on, ideas welcome. I can add a setting, something like "Only show data if the card is already on", or "the widget is allowed to turn on the card to query the information page"
That'd be awesome!
Thank you for the update!