Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
A service menu for KDE that allows you to select two files or folders within Konqueror and compare those files/folders in Kompare. Kompare is a KDE frontend to the Open Source diff application.
This program has the same effective function as the Compare Text service menu, but uses the standard kompare application from kdesdk instead of kdiff3. File and folder support is included.
If you would prefer to install this application via apt (Fedora 1 & 2), repository information can be found at http://www.rockerssoft.org/ Last changelog:
This program has the same effective function as the Compare Text service menu, but uses the standard kompare application from kdesdk instead of kdiff3. File and folder support is included.
If you would prefer to install this application via apt (Fedora 1 & 2), repository information can be found at http://www.rockerssoft.org/
Changelog 0.4
-Fixed a bug that caused komparetwo to fail on folders with spaces in name.
-Works on KDE 3.1 and 3.0 now.
Changelog 0.3
-Added directory diff support.
Ratings & Comments
Hello, this seems to be for KDE 3 only. Is there any version for kde 4 ?
Your desktop look great! Is this a color-themes that comes with KDE? If not, could you make ist available for others? :-) And which fonts do you use? So many questions ... Thilo BTW, I like your tool as well ;-)
Thanks, its a personal color theme I made back in the KDE 3.0 days. Sinse you like it I will submit it to kde-look in the next couple of days. The fonts are generally Verdana or Arial.
I have posted the desktop color scheme to kde-look under the name of Bob Color Scheme if you are still interested
They are part of the Nuvola Icon theme. Its available here: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=5358
great icons! where is it available?