4CLIX 24.1 Violetta


Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):


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4CLIX 24.1 is based on xubuntu-24.1 minimal
This is a preconfigured, virgin OS Backup
Now we have 2 ISOs, nvidia driver "n" and intel driver "i"
Please check out folder containing the ISOs and manuals, etc. at:
Previous users of 4CLIX 24.0 are encouraged to install this version

OS size: ~ 10 GB installed (4 GB on USB)
This OS is very similar to 4CLIX-22

The aim is to bring back the old Gnome looks; so:
Removed all Xfce specific components and sessions
Installed the "Gnome Flashback" session

Replaced the bottom gnome-panel with
"Avant Window Navigator" (AWN)
Placed awn-extras applets in Backups folder
Added radio stations from Australia, Britain, Germany, Switzerland
Alternative docks:
KSmoothDock, a simpler dock
DockX, with DockbarX launcher/tasklist used in AWN

Dual Language Support for all English and German
Keyboard set to: English (US) and German (CH)
Partial Support for Welsh

Replaced thunar with "Nemo" file manager
For window manager we have "Compiz Reloaded" and "Metacity"
For window decorator we have "Emerald"
For media player we have "Smplayer" and "VLC"
For music player we have "Strawberry"
For screenshooter we have "Shutter"
For QR code viewer we have "QtQR"

"Caprine" facebook messenger with theme to match
For notifications we have "Dunst" compiled from source
QBitTorrent compiled from source
Caffeine ng, compiled from source
XScreensaver, added some home made screensavers

All software compiled from source
was integrated with apt via checkinstall

Cardapio, a standalone menu
Added shortcut to Settings > Keyboard > Custom Shortcuts:
Shortcut = Ctrl + Alt + M

Made some helper apps to configure, backup etc.:
Conky Configuration Editor
Dunst Notification Settings
Reset Grub & Reinstall Grub
Set/Reset Download Monitor
Compiz Backup
DConf Backup
Eject Disc
Metacity Theme Selector
Wallpaper Management Compiz/System
Restart Bluetooth

Installed older software with
QT 4, Python 2, GTK 2 and GTK 3:
Krecipes, Ubuntu Tweak, DVD Styler,
Download Monitor, Cardapio, Screenlets,
Net Activity Viewer, Camera Monitor,

Using software from other environments: Pluma,
K3b, Kolourpaint, Kruler, KNetload (QT3), Kvkbd, Kcalc,
Orage, Mate terminal, Mate system monitor, Nemo (& Preview)

Lunar, KBD Caps ON, Birdtray,
Safe Removal of USB, KNetload, PN-Mixer,
Package Updater, Radio-Tray, KBD Flag

Various software
Unetbootin, to write Linux ISOs to USB
WoeUSB, to write Windows ISOs to USB
Lots of Filesystem formats, Codecs, Extractors & Compressors

Educational applications:
Marble, a map viewer
Google Earth with "keyring" hassles fixed

Image Converters: Converseen
Audio Converter: Sound Converter, Audacity
Video Converter: QWinFF, VLC
Camera: GTK UVC Video Viewer, Cheese

Software Versions as of 05 Dec 2024:
Bleachbit 4.6.2-0
Caffeine-ng 4.3.0-4
Compiz 2:0.8.18-6 (mostly)
Dunst 1.12.1-t
DVD Styler 3.3~b3
Emerald 0.8.18-4
Firefox-ESR 128.6.0esr
Gnome 3.44
Google Earth
GTK2 2.24
GTK3 3.24
GTK4 4.14
Indicator-Lunar 1.0.100
Libreoffice 24.2.7
Linux kernel 6.8.0-49
LSB 11.6
Mesa stack 24.0.9
Nemo 6.2.8
Nvidia 535.183
Python2 2.7.18
Python3.10 3.10.12
Python3.11 3.11.2
Python3.12 3.12.3
Shutter 0.99.2-4
Stardict 3.0.7
Strawberry 1.2.4
Thunderbird 128.6.0
VLC 3.0.20

Theme colours are maintained throughout
A dark purple/marron background
and darker orange text
Themes can be changed in Gnome Tweaks
Made stylesheet userChrome.css for thunderbird

The Log shows all changes, tweaks,
installations and removals done to this system
and comments on software etc.

System is set to automatic login
Credentials are revealed at left bottom screen corner

Bluetooth Sound
Made application to manually restart Bluetooth after
connecting, trusting and pairing. See Read-Me

OS on USB takes from 80 to 160 seconds to boot
depending on flash-drive quality and PC speed
Once installed it takes around 13 seconds
from the grub boot menu to full desktop

Because of the limitation of a Live OS on USB
we don't have all apps and indicators initiated
Many in: System > Preferences > Startup Applications
can be enabled and others disabled as desired
once the system is installed
Last changelog:

Changelog from version 4CLIX-24.1.09 to 4CLIX-24.1.10

New installations:

cdda2wav (10.02a09-0ubuntu1~noble~cdrtoolsppa1)
iw (6.7-1build1)
crda (4.14+git20191112.9856751-1t)
gnome-video-trimmer (0.8.2-2)


Mozillas 128.6.0

Updates to external files:

emovix (0.9.0-17t)
epson-inkjet-printer-escpr2 (1.2.24-1)
libwebp6 (0.6.1-2.1+deb11u2)
libva1 (1.8.3-1t)
python2.7 (2.7.18-13ubuntu1.5)
python3.10 (3.10.12-1~22.04.7)
python3-compizconfig (2:0.8.18-2+b7)
python-feedparser (5.2.1-2pclos2022)
python-webencodings (0.5.1-1)

Updates compiled from source:

qt6ct (0.9-3)
dunst (1.12.1-t)
v4l2ucp (2.0.2-2020)


fusion-icon (0.2.5-9-4clix_all) added more menu items
using higher version number to avoid updating

blueman (2.4.5-tw) using normal icons in menu
using higher version number to avoid updating

MPV player
Added /home/user/.config/mpv/mpv.conf
disabled line 64
changed line 66 from ja, jap to: de, deu

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0 Affiliates
license GPLv2 or later
version 4CLIX-24.1.10
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 1

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