Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:gtk2gtk3-24gtk4-6xfce-416
Description:This is a very complete theme, including:
- GTK2, GTK3 and GTK4 (which can overwrite libadwaita's default style quite well, so it can really be used in Gnome. Check the preview with Nautilus, for example)
- Kvantum (qt svg theme, qorks with both qt5 and qt6)
- qtCurve configuration (qtcurve for now it works only in qt5)
- Plasma color scheme
- xfwm4 theme (XFCE window decoration)
It is a skeuomorphic theme (that is, non-flat, that tries to imitate real-world objects and interfaces, like real three-dimensional buttons). It tries to use as little CPU as possible to draw widgets (almost no round corners, no gradients, almost no box-shadows and almost no transparency, except where it is unavoidable to keep usability). It also tries to be extremely legible, that is: the function of every element should be obvious. I have decided to make a compromise, though: toolbar buttons (and a few others) are not raised by default (because in some apps it may make the UI look too crowded, like "too many things happening").
Draggable elements (sliders, reorderable tabs, some separators) have a dotted pattern.
Because of these design decisions, it looks very much like a theme from the 90s. It may even have som pixel art flavor too, beacause all borders are two pixels wide, and relief is widely used to help distinguish elements.
This theme's colors are light, with orange and brown accents. It's not very bright, so it is easy on the eyes.
This theme is based on Adwaita GTK3 and GTK4 (source sasscs!) and built from there. Sources are also available.
GTK2 is based on Clearlooks.
I've created a way to use different color themes:
- go to `source/templates/` directory and run `./use_scheme.sh name_of_color_scheme` (for example: `./use_scheme.sh colorscheme-Skewaita_original_light.sh`
- move one directory upwards with `cd ..` and rebuild theme, using new selected scheme, and bearing in mind whether it's a light or a dark theme: `./compile.sh light` or `./compile.sh dark`
There are already many color schemes available, both dark and light.
Integration with other DE
(note: some elements described here are not yet available for Oldiewaita (they were for Simplewaita). When time comes, I'll add them; therefore I'll keep this text)
To integrate this theme with Plasma or QT: You can either download corresponding Simple themes using Plasma Configuration tool, or, if you prefer to use the cloned repo, then:
- Plasma:
- import the color scheme in `kde_plasma_qt/plasma_colorscheme/` folder.
- With Kvantum manager, either import `kde_plasma_qt/Kvantum/Oldiewaita/` with the Kvantum Manager, or create a symbolic link to `kde_plasma_qt/Kvantum/Oldiewaita/` in `~/.config/Kvantum`.
- create a symbolic link to `kde_plasma_qt/aurorae/Simple/` called `Simple` at `~/.local/share/aurorae/themes`
- Other QT desktops:
- copy Simple.conf in `kde_plasma_qt/qt5_or_6ct_color_scheme/` to `~/.config/qt5ct/colors` (to activate it, you need to use qt5ct or qt6ct to manage the aspect of your QT applications)
- Do the same as with Plasma for Kvantum
- Gnome and libadwaita apps: link or copy its `Simplewaita/gtk-4.0/gtk.css` to `~/.config/gtk-4.0/gtk.css` and the folder `Simplewaita/gtk-4.0/assets` to `~/.config/gtk-4.0/assets` (linking is the recommended option, especially if you use the cloned repo). This theme is quite tested under Gnome!
(note: you can also use the strategy of creating symbolic links for Kvantum and color scheme).
For GTK, metacity, xfwm4, openbox and Unity, just copy the root folder in `~/.themes` (or, if you want it to be available to all users, `/usr/share/themes`). If you clone the repo, then I'd recommend to create a symbolic link to Simplewaita's folder in `~/.themes`, instead of copying it, so you just need to `git pull` in order to fully update it.
Improved Kvantum theme
The orange strip for active tab is much more visible, therefore improving readability. It's not exactly like gtk's, although I like it even more (but it's not possible to do it properly in GTK, so GTK will stay like it is)
Ratings & Comments
9 have to go from 7 to 9 as the kvantum theme matches perfectly the gtk's!
Thank you! I'm glad you like it
10 I love it! Thanks
Thank you :)