Tiled Menu [Plasma 6]

Plasma 6 Menus

Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):


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A menu based on Windows 10's Start Menu.

Plasma 5 Widget: https://www.pling.com/p/1160672/

Plasma 6 WIP:
* Right Clicking Search Results will crash Plasma
* Resizing the Popup no longer snaps to the width of a tile
* Drag and Drop is disabled
* App List Transitions/Animations need to be re-implemented
* There's some bugs with Tiles Only mode and Search
* Sidebar Buttons don't use the hover outline effect
* Cannot customize panel icon

* Pin/Favourite apps/files through the context menu (or by dragging them from dolphin).
* Resizing (permanently) the size of the menu by Alt + Right Clicking and dragging.
* Any size tile 1x1, 2x2, 4x4, 4x2, 1x3, etc.
* Easily edit the background image of a tile.
* Customizable sidebar shortcuts.
* Jump to Letter/Category (can also default to this view)
* Defaulting to only showing the tiles.
* Labeling Groups of Tiles + Move Groups of Tiles + Sorting items in the group
Does not support (Win10):
* Tile Groups ("Folders")

Translations: Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Korean, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, ...
Translators: Fill out https://github.com/Zren/plasma-applet-tiledmenu/blob/master/package/translate/template.pot, paste into https://www.hastebin.com/ and comment with the link.

Ratings & Comments



1 This plugin has sadly been abandoned and causes the entire plasma shell to crash on startup in Plasma 6.2. It is located in "~/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.github.zren.tiledmenu" if anyone else also needs to manually remove it.


9 It is with great regret that I come to say that the developer of this wonderful application launcher has given up on continuing this project. 😭😭😭😭 Various defects. Even in Plasma 5 for over a year I could no longer use it because it broke the whole desktop and, if you are as me, who is not a programmer, if I was forced to create a new area of ​​scratch, with a new identity, New Home Folder, etc. The concept of tiles, in my opinion, was one of the best inventions of computer science of all time. And this application gave us, even parily, a little of that. I would very much like a programmer to take this app for itself and to put it again on the axes with even more power. Research Android Square Home. You will see the best application launcher of all time. If they ported it to plasma, it would be the realization of a dream.


What a shame, but it must be said that on Plasma 6 the problems and malfunctions were numerous but on Plasma 5 it was really a perfect application launcher, but everything has an end ..


the top sidebar icons labels are kinda messed up :/ https://imgur.com/a/buhnTV3 other than that this is a pretty solid widget


8 El port a Plasma6 no funciona bien. En Plasma5 es de lo mejor.


Thanks for getting this ported, it's much appreciated. One question though are we going to get the ability to drag from the menu into the tile area back?

0 Affiliates
license GPLv2 or later
version 46
downloads 24h 12
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 10

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