Plasma 5 Widget:
A simple desktop weather widget based on the default KDE widget that shows the current temp, forecast, and min/max temperature.
While useful for users, this can also serve as an example widget for other developers to use as a starting point to create their own weather widget.
Layout based on:
- Shows Environment Canada weather warnings (can be turned off).
Ratings & Comments
1 Comment
Hello, thanks for your work. i was trying it on my KDE 6 system but upon in launcing the widget i get error file:///home/madmiz/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.github.zren.simpleweather/contents/ui/main.qml:12:2: Type LibWeather.WeatherData unavailable file:///home/madmiz/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.github.zren.simpleweather/contents/ui/libweather/WeatherData.qml:10:1: module "" is not installed