Description: A Plasma 6 widget for showing data from Wunderground Personal Weather Stations.
Wunderground lets you upload data from Smart Ambient Weather stations through their API. You can view the data through wunderground or through Wunderground API. This widget lets you input the station ID then view the properties that the station sends up.
Feel free to comment on any errors or feedback you have here or on GitHub!
You can add translations for the widget on GitHub.
Thanks for the widget, I will add my voice to those who loved the plasma 5 version. was the best version imho.
Perhaps it will inspire you.
8The first good weather applet for Plasma 6, much better than the stock one. Of course, there is lots of interesting and useful data which could be displayed from the service used, I'd love to see the functionality of other plasmoids from Plasma 5! Nevertheless, great job!
Hello, thank you for using the widget! As far as I know, the transparency is dependent on the Plasma theme you are using. What theme are you using? You may have a configuration error within that.
if i may add 2 more suggestions..
-option to refresh in the right click menu
-m/s option as alternative to km/h (wind speed), m/s is whats used where i am and km/h is difficult to relate to
Ratings & Comments
Thanks for the widget, I will add my voice to those who loved the plasma 5 version. was the best version imho. Perhaps it will inspire you.
Thanks for the input! I'm slowly but surely adding features back in!
10 Now is excellent. Great job!
10 Excellent job, all praise.
Cannot get this to work on MX Linux 23 KDE 5.27.5, KDE Framework 5.103.0
Hello, this page is for the widget that works only with KDE version 6. You can find the old page here: Thanks!
8 The first good weather applet for Plasma 6, much better than the stock one. Of course, there is lots of interesting and useful data which could be displayed from the service used, I'd love to see the functionality of other plasmoids from Plasma 5! Nevertheless, great job!
Thank you so much for using the widget! There is a lot of work to be done so thanks for the input!
i actually prefered the system native icons, any chance of an option to choose either? anyway, still 10/10
Thanks! Will add
the best just got better!
Almost as cumbersome and complicated as before...
10 Beautiful weather forecast but: No transparent display regardless of whether or not show background is checked.
Hello, thank you for using the widget! As far as I know, the transparency is dependent on the Plasma theme you are using. What theme are you using? You may have a configuration error within that.
I use it Klassy theme.
Transparency works fine here, Tumbleweed, Plasma 6.1.3, Standard openSUSE theme (based on standard Breeze)
Visually pleasing. Extremely cumbersome and confusing to find a location.
Thanks for the input! Simplifications are coming for the station picking system.
10 Nice to finally see this on Plasma 6!
getting better and better!
Any chance you could make an extended version like this which seems to be abandoned?
Thank you for the input! Currently, I am working on mostly backend changes, but I hope to incorporate more feature/ui improvements later. Thanks again
if i may add 2 more suggestions.. -option to refresh in the right click menu -m/s option as alternative to km/h (wind speed), m/s is whats used where i am and km/h is difficult to relate to
The units customization is with 0.1.2! The context menu option is on the TODO, thanks!
no, thank YOU !