Miku Cursors
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Animated Miku cursors for Linux!
This cursor set is a modified version of a small Windows set created by petit devil (ぷちでびる) [https://petitcan.blog.shinobi.jp] with a few original ones made by myself!
Thanks a lot to AshtakaOOf on GitHub for locating the original artist!
I do not own any of this, this is a modified version of an already existing cursors set, but with a few original additions made by myself, hope you enjoy it! Last changelog:
This cursor set is a modified version of a small Windows set created by petit devil (ぷちでびる) [https://petitcan.blog.shinobi.jp] with a few original ones made by myself!
Thanks a lot to AshtakaOOf on GitHub for locating the original artist!
I do not own any of this, this is a modified version of an already existing cursors set, but with a few original additions made by myself, hope you enjoy it!
Changelog 1.2.6
Fixed the "no-drop" and "not-allowed" cursors being swapped.
Fixed the wrong hot spot on the following cursors:
· help
· not-allowed
· zoom-in
· zoom-out
Thanks to EatHatsuneShallots for pointing out those issues on GitHub!
Ratings & Comments
10 Best Miku Cursor I've seen so far!!
10 this is very interesting
10 this is awesome!
10 thank you! i love this cursor <3
you're welcome! >:3
would you mind making a hidpi version?
I'm not sure about what a hidpi is, I did a little searching about and as far as I understand it's just a bigger resolution for the cursor is that right?
basically, yes, you just need to like double it's size
okay! I'm planning to update the cursors soon to make the ones that are missing so, I'll look into it!
any progress on this, i really wanna use this cursor but it's tiny on my hidpi display lol
SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG! now you should be able to use the HiDPI ver! :D
10 Hello I just wanted to say I absolutely love this cursor theme and thanks so much for the port 🙇 But this theme is missing the index.theme file so that it can appear as a selectable item in the Budgie dropdown menu. Otherwise I can't choose the theme. So if anybody else has this same issue just created the index.theme file in the root directory with Name=Miku under the [Icon Theme] section.
thanks for warning me up! I'll update it right now
okay, I have checked the files and I noticed that on the root folder inside the zip file, there's a cursor.theme on it, I'm not sure if changing the "cursor" name to "index" will make it appear for you because I can select it without any problems through gnome tweaks on my end, maybe you created another folder and put the root folder inside it when extracting?
I don't know much about this all I did was download a bunch of the most popular cursors on this site and examined the folder structure and the only thing that was different in the Miku folder was that it was missing the index.theme file. So I copied the index.theme from another cursor folder and modified it a little and it showed up in only then did it show up in the Budgie settings. From what I seen popular cursor pack has both a cursor.theme and index.theme
okay! I'll see what I can do to fix that, maybe examining the structure from popular sets will help a bit, thank you a lot for pointing this up!
No problem man. Thank you so much for the cute Miku cursors 👌