4CLIX-22.3.3 Gnome Flashback
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This is a preconfigured, virgin OS Backup
OS size: ~ 10.3 GB installed (3.8 GB on USB)
The ISO (3.8 GB) is avaiable in folder 4CLIX-22.3.3:
This is an update to 4CLIX-22X and 4CLIX-22.3
The aim is to bring back the old Gnome looks; so:
Removed all xfce specific components and sessions
Installed the "Gnome Flashback" session
A better method than using Ubuntu-Gnome as a base
Replaced the bottom gnome-panel with
"Avant Window Navigator" (AWN)
Alternative docks:
Cairo Dock, imported 3rd party Cairo Dock applets
DockX, with DockbarX launcher/tasklist used in AWN
Dual Language Support for all English and German
Keyboard set to: English (US) and German (CH)
Partial Support for Welsh
Replaced thunar with "Nemo" file manager
For window manager we have "Compiz Reloaded" and "Metacity"
For window decorator we have "Emerald"
For media player we have "Smplayer" and "VLC"
For music player we have "Strawberry"
For screenshooter we have "Shutter"
For QR code viewer we have "QtQR"
"Caprine" facebook messenger is (not installed) available in Synaptic
For notifications we have "Dunst" compiled from source
QBitTorrent, Qasmixer, Qastools compiled from source
Caffeine ng, compiled from source
XScreensaver, added some home made screensavers
All software compiled from source
was integrated with apt via checkinstall
Made deb packages for all non Debian installs
xnretro, netping, geomapapp
Made some helper apps to configure, backup etc.:
Conky Configuration Editor
Dunst Notification Settings
Reset Grub & Reinstall Grub
Set/Reset Download Monitor
Compiz Backup
DConf Backup
Eject Disc
Metacity Theme Selector
Wallpaper Management Compiz/System
Restart Bluetooth
Installed older software with
QT 4, Python 2, GTK 2 and 32 bit packages:
Krecipes, Analog Clock S.S., Ubuntu Tweak,
Download Monitor, Cardapio, Screenlets, DVD Styler,
Net Activity Viewer, Camera Monitor, XN Retro,
Using software from other environments: Pluma,
K3b, Kolourpaint, Kruler, KNetload (QT3), Knemo, Kcolorchooser
Orage, Mate terminal, EOM image viewer, Nemo (& Preview)
Lunar, Sound Switcher, KBD Caps ON, Birdtray,
Safe Removal of USB, KNetload, PN-Mixer,
Package Updater, Radio-Tray, KBD Flag
Various software
Net Ping Panel, to check connectivity
Unetbootin, to write Linux ISOs to USB
WoeUSB, to write Windows ISOs to USB
Filesystem formats, Codecs, Extractors & Compressors
Scientific applications:
Marble, a map viewer
Previsat, a satellite tracker & viewer ?
Geo Map App, a bathymetric viewer
Fixed "keyring" hassles for Google Earth
Image Converters: Converseen, Xn Converter
Audio Converter: Sound Converter, Audacity
Video Converter: QWinFF, VLC
Camera: GTK UVC Video Viewer, QT V4L2 Test Utility
Software Versions:
Bleachbit 4.6.0-0
Caffeine-ng 4.4.1+
Calibre 5.37
Compiz 2:0.8.18-5 (mostly)
Dunst 1.92-2
DVD Styler 3.3b3
Emerald 0.8.18-4
Firefox-ESR 115.4
GeoMapApp 3.7.1
Gnome 3.44
Google Earth
GTK2 2.24
GTK3 3.24
Indicator-Lunar 1.0.99-1
Java 21~35ea
Libc6 2.35
Libreoffice 7.3.7
Linux kernel
LSB 11.1
Mesa stack 23.0.4
Nemo 5.4.3
Nvidia 535.129
Python2 2.7.18
Python3.10 3.10.12
Python3.11 3.11.0
Python3.12 3.12.0
Shutter 0.99.4-1
Stardict 3.0.7
Strawberry 1.0.4
Thunderbird 115.4.2
VLC 3.0.16
Added many apps to: Startup Applications (automatic start)
The user can enable or disable them as desired
Theme colours are maintained throughout
A dark purple/marron background
and darker orange text
Themes can be changed in Gnome Tweaks
Made stylesheet userChrome.css for thunderbird
The Log shows all changes, tweaks,
installations and removals done to this sytem
and comments on software etc.
System is set to automatic login
Credentials are revealed at left bottom corner
Bluetooth Sound
Made application to manually restart bluetooth after
connecting, trusting and pairing. See Read-Me
It is up to the user to figure out a better way
OS on USB takes from 80 to 160 seconds to boot
depending on flashdrive quality and PC speed
Once installed it takes around 13 seconds
from the grub boot menu to full desktop
Changelog for 22.3.3
Changelog for 22.3.3 since version 22.3.2
From 2023-10-12 to 2023-11-10
Updated external files:
rarian-compat to v. 0.8.4-2 Fedora
emovix to v. 0.9.0-16 KAOS
checkinstall to v. Open Mandriva
blueman to v. 2.3.5+mint1+vera Mint
usb.ids to v. 2023.08.24-2 Mantic
caffeine core.py triggers.py utils.py
Updated internal files:
bleachbit to v. 4.6.0-0
openjdk to v. 21~35ea
thunderbird to v. 115.4.2
ccsm to v. 2:0.8.18-4
Adjusted geomapapp to use this version of java
New applications:
Installed OpenStreetMap Viewer in java
Made desktop file for jmapviewer
Installed python3.12 v. 3.12.0-1
Installed Qr-Code Reader-Encoder QtQR v. 2.1-0~46
Installed gtk4-theme-changer from github.com/funcy2267
Installed kcolorchooser 4:21.12.3
Imported 6 gtk-4 themes locally
Added 3 more radio stations:
ABC Newcastle, Radio Swiss Jazz, Energy Bern
Created new GTK-2/3 theme: 4CLIX-Nuvora
Reduced spacing in gnome-panel indicator
Using bigger window buttons in gtk-3; therefore >
Removed emerald decoration from Gnome System Monitor
Added 5 more search-plugins in QBitTorent
Activated Search tab
Retained kernel at version 5.15.0-88
Kernel version 5.15.0-90 is a dud:
Error; does not mount external USB devices
One can try again later versions, when fixed
Unpinned and installed latest version 1:115.4
Created new chrome folder and userChrome.css
Remedied the colour theme clash; Set Density to Default
toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets true
Corrected wrong ownerships (to root) in /usr /etc /var
HDD used = 10.3 GB
ISO size = 3.8 GB
4CLIX 22.3 Changelog since 4CLIX 22X.2
Updated caffeine to 4.2.0-202308
Updated GeoMapApp to version 3.7.1
Updated kernel to 5.15.0-88
Updated fusion icon to 0.2.4-7.tweaked
Copied gnome-panel.desktop to local applications folder
in case of an update messing up our changes (local before global)
RC Configuration
Reactivated cups server to be ready for printers
Tried newest version 115.3.1; which has bad theme clash;
Reverted to previous version 102.15 and hold/pinned
Introduced new wallpaper with matching conky conf,
New login sound: 4CLIX plus cockatoo
4CLIX 22.2 Changelog since 22.1.03
Details in /home/user/Documents/Info/4CLIX-22X_PC-Dev-Log
Upgraded all software up to date; as of 2023-07-08
simplscreenrecorder, python 3.11, calibre (reader), speechdispatcher
Removed packages:
vokoscreenrecorder, python 3.9, openjdk-18, foliate, dmz-cursors
Java updated to openjdk-19
Made java applications (GeoMapApp, etc.) adopt gtk themes
Updated software from bionic, focal, with python2 tweaks applied
Recent updates had increased the size of the system by a lot;
So removed this software to clear space:
stellarium, franz, inkscape,
With Synaptic we can install:
stellarium, inkscape, caprine (FB messenger), etc.
Nvidia Driver upgraded to ver. 535
Compiled new versions of caffeine, shutter and dunst from source
Integrated with Synaptic: GeoMapApp, Netping Panel, XN-Retro
New Software:
Avant Window Navigator (AWN), favourite dock; compiled from source
Installed awn-applets:
dockbarx, feeds, media-player, places, radio,
main-menu, file-browser-launcher, shinyswitcher, showdesktop,
slickswitcher, volume-control, webapplet, cairo-menu, cardapio
Placed awn-extras with applets in Backups folder
Added radio stations from Australia, Britain, Germany, Switzerland
Added feeds of Linux/Ubuntu sites
DockX & Dockmanager
Using DockbarX as a quick-start & launcher in AWN
Macromedia Flash Player to play flash videos (flv)
Installed last Linux version: flash_player.32.0.0
Added older KDE software
Knetload shows in gnome-panel as network time graphs;
one for in, one for out. It is from QT-3 days and now only
works under a special environment, tweaked to make it work
Knemo shows network activity separate for wifi and wired
Created new icons for knemo modem theme (Breathe-Plus 48 32 22)
The netload and text modes don't work; all others do
Acoustic alerts are set for connect/disconnect/available
Completed language support: en, de (except mythes and help files)
Completed whole Libreoffice suite: base, math, draw, impress
New screensavers: Melting Clock, Fishtank, binaryhorizon, marbling
Added a Shutdown button to AWN dock in case gnome-panel isn't in use
Added menu entry for File Type Associations, part of KDE settings
Fixed nvidia-persistenced failure to start
Fixed bluetooth failure to start
Fixed gnome-panel session start
Fixed compiz session start
Fixed compiz's interference with nemo-desktop start
Fixed default theme text highlight
Fixed audio-volume .svg icons mismatch
Copied firefox & new thunderbird icons to B-P, hicolor, gnome
Set mouse cursor default to: Maya-Orange32
Grub has a bug after ver. 7 that prevents the grub background from showing
Pinned grub ver.7 packages in synaptic and declared on hold in status
To reverse this, when bug is fixed, unpin in Synaptic and use command:
sudo apt-mark unhold grub-common grub-efi grub-efi-amd64 grub-efi-amd64-bin grub-emu grub-pc-bin grub2-common
Adjusted calamares bootloader configuration to grub limitations
Alacarte has a bug that prevents changes from being saved
Swapped relevant file: /usr/share/alacarte/Alacarte/ItemEditor.py
from Ubuntu-20.04. Backed up original to: ..../ItemEditor.py.22.04
Pinned in Synaptic and declared: "alacarte set on hold"
To reverse, after bug fix, unpin in Synaptic
And command: sudo apt-mark unhold alacarte
Set system updates to "jammy-proposed"
Reversing this can cause version mismatch!
Nautilus updates make it the desktop handler
To revert back to nemo handling it >
Made an application to do that:
System Tools > Make Nemo Default > reboot
Pinned and Hold nautilus* (see Read-Me)
Cardapio Menu
Added shortcut to Settings > Keyboard > Custom Shortcuts:
Shortcut = Ctrl + Alt + M
Bluetooth has a bug with headphones not having HiFi sound
Made application in System Tools > Restart Bluetooth
For an explanation see Read-Me > Things to be aware off > Bluetooth Sound
Cleaned up permission modes and ownerships in global folders
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