Icons for Plasma 5/6
There exist also an Win2000 theme and a XP Theme as pnginsvg scaling icons, search easy for "blacky"
the both Themes will be maybe later update also as a SVG icon theme, if i have time ..
Many Icons have i make as SVG fresh from my hands .
the SVG Iconsthemes from me be all tweakable by symlinks,
there, as example the Linking/overlay Picture (small arrow at the right side) can you change
If you see the number, right mouse -> Property's and change out the number from the linked picture
from [./emblem-symbolic-link-01.svg_____________] to [./emblem-symbolic-link-04.svg_____________]
become you an other Link picture, as example.
This can you also make with ~/device/computer.svg(Symlink) , if you use a RasberryPI as Computer,
can you change out the number to the rasberrypi picture-monitor as computer.svg(Symlink)
Also have i add a couple Driveicons, with fallback drive or drive-network as
network drive and so on, check it out !
And have i add a Script where make known files like cmd, bat and systemfiles of WinNt
( but it works only under Wine, if you link it! ) and so on so be therewith also
icon-able and have add these icons, (but not executable not in Linux but in Wine, as subsystem )
check out the sh-bash script in the theme folder ! look it on and if okey for you,
let it run in cmd-lin/konsole/xterm or what's ever..
This Mimetype addin is in the usersace and is save and add these
mimetypes(icons only in the Usersace and not systemwide,
this names then, only in your account..not in the system and runable as your user
so free downloadable.. this Iconset is a Collection of them and a couples compiled and changed Pictures.
i have make this Theme for feel me a biiit more homy in linux, like them of XP and W2k..
so, i want no money for it, also because they icons be not mine.. so, like i told, it's a compilation of Icons
out of the net.. so be not mine, because this also no money..
So have fun by use and have a pleasant work desktop

have FuN Folk´s
p.s. Win 10 and 11 will it not give from me..
For Konsole : The Ultimate Oldschool PC Font Pack
The world's biggest collection of classic text mode fonts, system fonts and BIOS fonts from DOS-era IBM PCs and compatibles - preserving raster typography from pre-GUI times:
- TrueType (.ttf), bitmap (.fon) and web (.woff) remakes for 200+ character sets
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- Multi-lingual Unicode enhancements of selected system character sets
- Free to use under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license
Homepage : Th3, VileR's Homepage
DD : (could maybe anyone make an rpm ?)
Font for Konsole : PxPlus IBM VGA 8x16
for nfo and other things : BigBlue Terminal DD (could maybe anyone make an rpm ?)
for gnome : download the pack,
"mkdir $HOME/.icons "
extract the theme into $HOME/.icons
tar xzvf XXXX.XX.XX-xx-xx.krxpltbc-letztherebeclassic-icontheme-blackysgate.tar.gz -C $HOME/.icons
open gnome-tweaks at Gnome and select the Icon theme
(tested at eurolinux&gnome)
Ratings & Comments
9 super, me trae buenos recuerdos
Gracias, Debería hacerte sentir como en casa ;) Diviértete acurrucándote *gran sonrisa* Atentamente Blacky