Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:xiaomi
• Added KernelSU Support 0.7.1
• Trying to Fix module not working
• Fix some kernel panics!
• Low some of Kernel Latency
• Improve multitask applications Usage.
• Improve battery consumption for bluetooth usag
Ratings & Comments
Best but don't use overclock
3 Hello. I installed this kernel and the phone did not boot. Then I installed other kernels, I also could not start the phone. Thanks to there was a script to clean up the tails of the kernel and after that installed the previous kernel and the phone returned to itself.) Why does the kernel not allow the phone to boot normally? Firmware AncientOS v7.2
Just wait the next update maybe it will fix your issue, Sorry
Full rate
Best kernel
10 Best