Description: Universal Colour Scheme. Suitable for any Wallpaper. Alpha value 50 except Alpha 20 and 100 (and folder view of Alpha 50 Glass & Alpha 50And120). Black accent colour. Alpha 50 - Solid black selection & button. Alpha 50 transparent - Transparent selection & button. Alpha 50 Glass - Full glass folder view. Alpha 50and120 - Folder view alpha 120. Alpha 50 Blue, Light Blue, White and Lemon - Alpha 50 Transparent with dark blue, light blue, white and Citrus yellow accent colour. Alpha 20 - Full glass, alpha value 20 (Not the best option on white backgrounds). Alpha 100 - Smoke glass, alpha value 100. Alpha 50 T100 & T150 & T200 - Titlebar & toolbar alpha 100, 150 and 200, respectively.
Red ang green wallpaper available in . To adjust/disable/enable blur: System Settings - Workspace Behaviour - Desktop Effects - Blur (Under Appearance-header).
In Plasma 5.24 install Lightly from In Plasma 5.25 and forward in order to have blurred Titlebar install Lightly from Choose Transparent Dolphin view in Appearance/Application Style/Lightly/Settings/Frames tab and adjust Sidebar transparency in Transparency tab. Remember also to choose Lightly in Window Decorations! A very good Lightly installation manual in YouTube: changelog:
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