Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This is a beta release. Please expect some bugs!
If you like my work, then please consider supporting me!
Paypal Address: prayagjain2@gmail.com
Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/prayagjain
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This is a control centre for KDE inspired by the one in MacOS!
## Fixed
- Text and icons are no longer blurry.
- Icons in quick toggle buttons are no longer tiny.
- Layout and scaling works better.
- Improved the logo.
- Spacing between the title and the subtitle in the LongButton is now smaller.
- Spacing below the horizontal line in the networks section now matches other margins.
- The colour scheme switcher now works properly in other languages.
## Changed
- The scale is now 100 by default instead of 120.
- The code is a lot cleaner and easier to manage.
- The README now includes information about dependencies and contributing instructions.
## Added
- Option to show percentages in sliders.
- Option to show/hide most components.
- Option to change the control centre icon.
- Option to add custom buttons that can run shell commands.
- Option to use control centre in the system tray.
- A "previous" button in the media player.
- A new brightness slider to help you control your display's brightness.
- A new button to switch colour schemes easily.
- A different page for the "Support Me" section in the settings.
- A changelog.
Ratings & Comments
Whenever I try to download it shows this message: This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. error file not found (id: Zq69d7onmB61HaLw1D29qAABF)
10 10 for the builtin rickroll and because it is great
10 Worth the effort of getting it working
10 how to show username, battery level and power button like this theme https://store.kde.org/p/2036834
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
when this widget runs alone, without notification tray or audio widget, volume media keys don't work, hope you can fix it.
9 I hope it can have more feature enough to be a replacement for KDE's tray menu.
hello, i would like to use this, but when i try opening it, it says: Error loading QML file: file:///home/brian/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.github.prayag2.controlcentre/contents/ui/main.qml:2:1: module "QtQuick.Controls" version 2.15 is not installed
9 looks great, what theme are you using? I just installed it and it's all square. How do you activate the round corners as your screen?
I'm using the WhiteSur Global Theme.
8 8 great
8 This was SORELY MISSING in Plasma! Great job! Already downloaded and using it. Hope it can manage bluetooth devices in the future just like it does to wifi options
Tried adding it from the 'download new plasmoid widgets' button in 'add widgets' and get this error: Unknown Open Collaboration Service API error. (0) Kubuntu 22.04, current with all updates (using apt-get and discover (yuk!))
This is a known issue in KDE Store. You can try again later or download the package from this link: https://github.com/Prayag2/kde_controlcentre/releases/download/0.1.0/kde_controlcentre0.1.0.tar.gz
No joy. I tried all the steps I could think of. Using "Add Widgets, Install from File". File itself, not recognized. Extracted to a directory with the metadata.json in the root with a contents folder containing the remaining dictionaries and files. File dialog closes after each effort and no icon or object appears as a selection afterwards.
Follow these steps: - Download the file from the link. - Open the terminal. - Run this: `kpackagetool5 -i `. Make sure you have opened the terminal in the directory of the file.
Results: Current Path: /home/dglenn/Downloads $ kpackagetool5 -l Listing service types: KPackage/Generic in /home/dglenn/.local/share/kpackage/generic/ Current Path: /home/dglenn/Downloads $ ls *.gz kde_controlcentre0.1.0.tar.gz tr-pc-3.7.0.tar.gz New result after viewing cmd line closer. Although your package cmd appeared to be "L (l)" and failed, it occurred to me it should instead be an 'i' (eye) instead. Current Path: /home/dglenn/Downloads $ kpackagetool5 -i kde_controlcentre0.1.0.tar.gz Successfully installed /home/dglenn/Downloads/kde_controlcentre0.1.0.tar.gz
Well this looks like crap. Bottom line: it worked Looks much better than I thought it would. I hope you don't mind if I browse through the code. Haven't dabbled in QML before.
9 needs option to choose font and font size/weight etc. otherwise nice
10 This is soo good, nice work, would be awesome if brightness bar and option to replace your own quick settings is added. And also shutdown buttons.
The brightness bar and option to use custom blocks was added :D Will update on the store after some testing and polishing!
On openSUSE Tumbleweed, without KDE Connect installed it doesn't work at all: file:///home/**********/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.github.prayag2.controlcentre/contents/ui/main.qml:31:34: Type FullRepresentation unavailable file:///home/**********/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.github.prayag2.controlcentre/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:14:1: module "org.kde.kdeconnect" is not installed
Good jobs man, really really good.
Thank you :D