This is just a fun command line tool based off an old shell script for which I don't remember where it came from. This is written in C++ and my own algorithm with it's own unique features:
- Defaults to color, but has a -m, --monochrome switch
- Can change size dynamically with the terminal resolution and font size, but the size can also be set statically (-c,--columns, -l,--lines).
- Exits gracefully with [Enter] or [Ctrl+c] with no error/exit code (0) like a shell script would (127 for example).
- Can be used with a multitude of -f,--frames (characters,words) including UniCode; all dependent on the capabilities of the terminal you use. With anything longer that a single or UniCode character you can readjust the width so it doesn't affect terminal overflow (--columns, either) by doing the math. An example is provided at the repository, but here's a simple example:
string="A String"
colorstatic --frames "Word1,Word2, , , ,${string}' --columns $((($COLUMNS - ${#string}) - 1))
You can either download the files here or from the main repository under Releases.
At the Repository you will find more information and some examples.
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