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Available as/for:gtk2gtk3-16gtk3-18gtk3-20gtk3-22gtk3-24gtk4-0gtk4-2gtk4-4gtk4-6xfce-414xfce-416
This is my first serious attempt with a coherent theme for GTK2, GTK3 and GTK4. It is also yet another skeuomorphic theme (that is, non-flat, that tries to imitate real-world objects and interfaces, like real three-dimensional buttons. It looks retro or old because years ago widgets were usually more or less skeuomorphic.

This theme is based on Adwaita GTK3 and GTK4 (source sasscs!) and built from there. Sources are also available.

GTK2 is based on Clearlooks.

It is a light theme but with gray tones, in order to be easy on the eyes. Accents are bright green, so selected text stays the same color. Disabled elements have a subtle red tint, in order to clearly identify their state.

I've created a way to use different color themes (which will work for all three GTK versions):
- go to `source/templates/` directory and run `./ name_of_color_scheme` (for example: `./`
- move one directory upwards with `cd ..` and rebuild theme, using new selected scheme, and bearing in mind whether it's a light or a dark theme, using either `./ light` or `./ dark`

The downloaded file points to master git, so it is always updated. You can also clone the repo and create a symbolic link to its directory from within ~/.themes, to easily update it from time to time.

There a script to compile source sassc, so it is also an easy base to create more themes. I haven't merged all the mergable parts from gtk3 and gtk4 bases (just a few, like buttons), so there is room for improvement there, too.

theming Libadwaita (Gnome, mainly) apps

Libadwaita apps apply the styles of `~/.config/gtk-4.0/gtk.css` on top of libadwaita's default style, overwriting it (and `~/.config/gtk-4.0/gtk-dark.css` for dark themes).
This theme has gtk4 support, but does not attempt to overwrite all of libadwaita's default settings, therefore it might do some weird things for some elements.
If anyway you wish your libadwaita app to use this theme, you should do the following:

1. Open a Terminal app and go to directory `~/.config/gtk-4.0/`
2. create a symbolic link to
- skewaita/gtk-4.0/gtk.css
- skewaita/gtk-4.0/assets

For example: suppose you've cloned the repo at `~/Themes/gtk/skewaita`. Then you'd open a Terminal and type:

cd ~/.config/gtk-4.0/
ln -s ../../Themes/gtk/skewaita/gtk-4.0/gtk.css
ln -s ../../Themes/gtk/skewaita/gtk-4.0/assets

[Qt apps]

For Qt apps, you may want to use a Kvantum theme of mine called Greybird regenerated darker accent. It's not a perfect match, but I'd say it's good enough so that apps at least won't hurt in the eyes. I'll also add a Plasma color theme to Pling /, useful for Oxygen, QtCurve, Fusion, Breeze, etc., widgets, but the problem is that these can't tint pressed/toggled buttons with accent color.


I've decided to add an option to donate money: If I had enough time and income, I'd definitely dedicate much more time to this activity, which I enjoy very much. Thank you!
Last changelog:

Improvements in xfwm4 and some other things

Translucent scrollbars
greatly improved xfwm4 theme
squared window corners
slightly lightened default color theme
Fixed .solid-csd (for Chrome/ium)

Ratings & Comments



9 Love the blue with light variant. Please add a note about enabling GTK4 theming using symlinks like I found in one of your other repositories. Now there is harmony on my desktop! Looking forward to some Qt theming along these same ideas.


It was certainly missing, so thanks for the tip! Now It's there.


That help should others who, like me, had long scratched their head wondering why GTK4 themes seemed to be ignored. If ever you decide to tackle Qt, it seems Kvantum is the preferred method of theming.


Ah, yes... I've added a somewhat matching Kvantum theme (I hadn't published it, but I had done it some time ago), and I've linked it in the description.


10 Soft and precise.


8 Not exactly my colors, but very clear elements, well done


9 9 excellent


9 9 excellent


10 So glad I found this. . . It reminds me (in a good way) of the old Amiga Workbench with its embossed controls and neutral gray panels that are easy on the eyes. I love the attention to detail and all the visual hints making things easy to discern at a glance, that all those oh-so-fashionable flat themes have stripped out. Nitpick. . . Is this theme supposed to include window frames at all? I'm not getting the window decorations that I see in your screenshot. Complicating things. . . I'm trying to migrate from MATE to Cinnamon, and they seem to handle Window Manager themes differently. Cinnamon isn't giving me an explicit choice of window borders the way MATE did. (It's not letting me use my old favorite Electronica FX Green either.)


Hi! I'm glad you enjoy it :) Exactly, I pay attention to a lot of small details so each element can be easily distinguishable, especially its function. Maybe the biggest concession aesthetics over function is allowing what technically are called "flat buttons", which are buttons that have just the icon until you hover them, when the full button appears. If I don't do that, toolbars appear too crowded and all these buttons introduce a lot of noise and they make finding the icon the user is looking for more difficult. As for Cinnamon: I don't use it, so I can't tell now how it manages window decorations for non-CSD windows. My captures here were made in XFCE. Maybe when I have some spare time I'll try to install Cinnamon, because making my themes compatible with this desktop would be a good improvement.


OK. I have been moving from MATE to Cinnamon, and one thing I learned was that Cinnamon no longer uses Metacity. So, my old Metacity window frame themes (like Electronica FX) will no longer work.


Yes, I've installed it, and apparently it works a bit like Gnome with non-CSD applications: it creates a window decoration based on CSD decoration. I think it uses metacity only as a fallback option (like gnome-panel). And thanks for the donation, by the way! :)


10 Created an account and donated on Paypal just for this theme. I love soft skeumorphic design and this hits the mark better than anything else I've run into. "10, truly the best"


Tank you so much!


8 Hey there, Nestort! Nice work you do keeping non-flat philosophy alive! Seems to be the most functional on minimalist (non-GNOME) setups I've worked with. Enjoying the latest update, the soil color scheme is really worth its own terminal and vim scheme tbh.


Hi, thanks! I love "real" buttons and stuff. I haven't dug into terminal or vim color schemes. I know Oomox allows you to create a custom Terminal theme (and gtk themes too, which is its main point!), but I don't know where they are stored (I didn't spend much time investigating, though).


9 9 excellent


10 Excelente tema :)


tuve que hacer una cuenta para poder felicitarte :) excelente tema.


Qué bien, gracias! :) Me alegra contribuir


10 10 the best


10 10 the best


10 10 the best


10 Nice!

0 Affiliates
license GPLv2 or later
version 1.3
downloads 24h 2
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 18

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