1.- Extract the zip file to the themes directory i.e. ~/.themes/ or /usr/share/themes/ (create it if necessary).
2.- To set the theme in Gnome, run the following commands in Terminal.
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme Dracula
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences theme Dracula
or Change via distribution specific tweaktool.
The DRacula theme is available for free. if you're enjoying the DRacula theme, feel free to buy me a cofee

camino hacia el terror 7
Bugs and Issues :
If you find a bug, please report it to the github issue tracker:
Dracula issues
Ratings & Comments
10 Would love an alt style pink! These are fantastic themes that look great on XFCE.
Thank you so much for your support! :) Nice suggestionn btw I'll think about adding it
GTK4 Apps like nautilus don't show buttons on title bar
Please make sure to follow all the installation instrucions here =>
Many thans !! I didn't copy assets' directoy that why it didn't work
Nice theme, thanks!
Thank you so much for your support! :)
Thank you so much for your support! :)
Please support xhdpi.
That was added some time ago :)
Did not work on gnome 46
I tried to copy gtk-2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 folders' contents to each ~/.config/gtk- dirs. somehow it works. But unfortunately I still can't see the window buttons on some apps. Nothing changed on topbar of ubuntu neither in system tray area.
Please make sure to follow all the installation instrucions here =>
muy bueno uno de mis temas favoritos
it is amazing, best theme ever
This theme is Perfect!!!
10 couldn't look any better
10 10 the Best, Nice theme bro..
9 It's great the only problem I have is when I try to apply the theme for Flatpaks nad Libadwaita using "sudo flatpak override --env=GTK_THEME=Dracula-standard=buttons " instead of giving me regular button's for the WM it defaults to the trafic lights buttons instead using XFCE.
10 Awesome, thanks for the topic, you're a good person, you made my day better
Thank you so muuch for your words @guibash! :)
Using POP_OS - The Applications Menu doesn't change for me, any idea why?
Hi, I'm guessing that you are maybe using the wrong shell version, please take a look to this ->
Recently, I tried Dracula on Fedora Budgie Spin, and that didn't come out well at all. ( It's not your fault, as Fedora Budgie can't even properly handle the original themes shipped with the OS, but if you feel ready for the challenge... ;) Here are a couple of screenshots: [1] [2] [3] [4]
Thanks for reporting! I'll take a look :)