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A Latte Dock indicator that tries to mimic the style of Windows 11 taskbar.

I hope you'll like it!



Based on Latte Win10 indicator by psifidotos:

with the "glow on the top" portion is taken from this other Win11 indicator by JM-Enthusiast:



* v0.7.0 (and up) requires Latte 0.10.4 (...and up). Compatibility with older versions are neither tested nor guaranteed. v0.6.0 will be kept for the users who don't have the newest Latte Dock yet.

* Top and bottom panels have stylisations, while the remaining two use the bottom one's (for now?).

* The "separator curve" can look a bit thinner when the display scale is set to 100%. It was appearing correct when I used 106.25% and 112.5% scales. I even had it not showing up at all when I switched distros so I have no idea what exactly happens there.

* I don't (and cannot) use Win11, so I have no idea how accurate this indicator is. It is becoming better in that regard but still, any suggestions are appreciated!

* For the screenshots:

- Themes used: Breeze (with Light and Dark color schemes), Win11OS-light and Win11OS-dark

- Latte panel's opacity was set to 75%, panel thickness was at 15% and panel's absolute height was at 50px. Any size smaller than (and in some cases bigger than) that might not look correctly.


How to install (manually):

- Download and extract the zip file to somewhere you desire.

- Change into the extracted folder and run this command: "kpackagetool5 -i . -t Latte/Indicator"

- Restart Latte and pick Win11Styled indicator in the settings for your dock/panel


How to update (manually):

- Follow the steps above but replace the command with "kpackagetool5 -u . -t Latte/Indicator" instead
Last changelog:

Version 0.9.1

* Indicator line now grows in width when it is in "in progress" state, matching Win11 behaviour.
* Fixed (hopefully?) a bug where the window minimized/closed animation was moving the icon in the opposite direction it was supposed to.

Ratings & Comments



10 Love this, beautiful design!


This is beautiful, thanks for creating? I do however have a question about "Task Length" under "Effects". Is it possible to go below 25%? Thanks!




Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed it! As for your question, it seems it is doable, would something like 10% be fine for you?


Actually 15% seems more better, it gets ugly with 10% Task Length with 100% Task Icon Scale


Perfect, thank you!


Np! I'll post the new update real soon!


Aaaaaand it is up!


9 Congratulations on your work! A small detail, the background of the application with more than one instance, in Windows 11 is smooth and follows the rounded corner.


Thank you! And I tried my hands on it, and this is the closest I could get: As you may have noticed, this one also misses that "transparent" part around the arrows in your pic. And if I increase the width any further with these instance indicators, they "overlap" with each other (in fact in the example pic I sent they already do but it is only a 1px overlap so it is not much of a bother). I am still inexperienced with QML so... any better ideas here are always appreciated!


Updated the indicator to 0.5.0! It should look much more like what you said now!


10 10 the best


One note please, X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name record at metadata.desktop should be unique, it can be anything actually. Unfortunately now there are two different Win11 indicators from different creators with the same X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name. The problem is that they are identified from Latte as being the same. Please update X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name in order to be unique or communicate with each other if you want :)


Oh shoot! Will fix it asap!


Changed the metadata, I hope it is fixed now!


Oh wow thanks! Right when I was about to do it too lol. Btw love the new changes you added to your indicator!


Np at all lol! And thanks so much, I am glad to hear it! :D


really nice! :) I was expecting for a lot of time for someone to upload other latte indicators that have not been created just by me :) I hope the experience developing it to be simple and straightforward. If you want full access to Latte Indicators API, I try to update it and you can find at:


I am happy to hear that! To be honest, what made me create this one, apart from having no such indicator that has this style available in the first place, was stumbling upon another indicator on github, so it made me go "Oh, so these can be done by other people too!" haha! As for creating it, it was somewhat confusing, though I'd chalk it to me not having much experience in QML. I was especially puzzled on how to show those "additional rectangles" when there are more than 1 window open (I think I used some code from your Win7 indicator for that one), though ultimately everything was about adding some margins here, setting some width a different value there, and so on. Lastly, thanks for the heads up! I think that will prove to be quite useful!


10 10 the best

0 Affiliates
license GPLv2 or later
version 0.9.1
downloads 24h 1
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 3

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