Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Described here: https://github.com/reiryuki/Miui-Security-Magisk-Module Last changelog:
- Fix status bar visibility
- Fix conflict with modules_update while installing via recovery if Magisk installed
- Fix MagiskHide & SUList
Ratings & Comments
I found a new mod, maybe it will help you https://t.me/llionsmodscloudstorage/1674
Anyone can speak whit me in Telegram? I wanna know why Game Booster not appear me in the app, pliss contact me i go leave muy number down, y open the app and Game Booster not appear me, and then y go to the settings and appears normally and i active but not happen nothing, not can acces por find him inside of the app, and when i execute a Game is the Same not appear. Pliss contact me and help me... 53 59147844
Download forbidden why ????
Ask pling.com
Should i download the app ??
i don't understand what you mean
the apps not instaled,just name com,miui.security ,how fix this
read the readme
App lock not working!!?
read the README
For anyone having No internet connection problem on custom roms. Find an app called "System service plugin". And give it network access. It's hidden from app menu. But you can access it when game turbo app is open and go to App overview by pulling up navigation gesture. Hold the app icon and go to app settings. Give network access. And Game turbo will work.
10 Do you plan on adding the "additional settings" on game turbo? for the touch response, touch resistant area settings, etc.
Will it work on Samsung devices?
Link Not Working
Try again tomorrow
game turbo does not connect to the internet, even though it runs in the terminal (su resetprop -- delete ro.product.mod_device killall com.miui.securityadd com.miui.securitycenter) what I do?
Read github bug report!
Game Turbo can't connect to the Network
run terminal: su resetprop --delete ro.product.mod_device killall com.miui.securityadd com.miui.securitycenter
Download problem...
And for global version, when??
please read github optionals
3 3 bad
Crashing after few moments.