Description: I considered that I'd like to redesign titlebar buttons, other window elements get changed more often but these haven't changed much for many years, the goal was to make them like long-established ones but modernised where possible and improved:
- buttons should be clean, clear and distinctive - most users like buttons that look nice but it could be easy to know what they are for - buttons should be simple but not too simplistic, however remain being aesthetically pleasing - user coming from windows should be able to smoothly know/grasp new design - buttons shouldn't be tiny, too blurry nor badly rendered - buttons should be better than if Microsoft designed them - design of buttons should span across many WMs and OSes - users with poorer eyesight should possibly have some assistance in seeing the buttons.
1 pixel stroke around buttons, color #161616 makes them more apparent. For the functionality I thought that maximize button would change when you hover over it to maximized window button when you have unmaximized (ordinary) window and to unmaximized (ordinary) window button for inverse case, sticky button would change to sticky on when sticky is switched off and to sticky off when sticky is switched on when you hover over. Shade button would change only after clicking and would indicate if a window would be shaded or unshaded, I think its purpose would be ambigious if it changed on hover. Themes can be done differently but that's my view.
Images in archive that can be downloaded have also other handy buttons that can be on titlebar but probably mostly aren't.
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