Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Enhanced Classic icon theme (used with Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows ME, Windows 2000 systems) from MicroSoft Memphis project for GNU/Linux inspired by Chicago95 theme (actually it’s a manual copy-paste fork) of Grassmunk with icons in Windows 98 SE style added and/or created by myself. There are icons in 16x16, 22x22, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64, fiew 72x72, 96x96, 128x128, 160x160, 192x192 and 256x256 px (and regular folders in 512x512 and 1024x1024) sizes that I've made myself. Icon theme currently is in process of creating, so there are many icons from Faenza and Chicago95 themes... I want to replace them with 98 style icons someday...
To install fresh version, download it from here and unpack SE98 directory to your /usr/share/icons or ~/.local/share/icons or ~/.icons directory.
To have always fresh icon theme run the commands from your user accaunt (not superuser):
git clone https://www.opencode.net/nestoris/Win98SE.git
cd Win98SE
ln -s $PWD/SE98 ~/.local/share/icons
And then, if you want to update the theme, go to the cloned Win98SE directory and run:
git pull
You must have the "git" package installed in your system.
if you think that some icon is missing in this theme (actually a lot of :-)), write about it here, or on my page on Github in the "Issues" or "Discussions" section.
P.S. The very freshest version is always on my GitHub page!
Packages for some Linux distributives (Arch/Manjaro: TAR.ZST, Debian/Ubuntu/Mint: DEB, RHEL/CentOS/Fedora/openSUSE: RPM, Slackware: TGZ) are here:
* org.xfce.genmon
* audio-volume-low-zero-panel, audio-volume-muted-blocking-panel
* panel icons; indicators; status icons
* update manager & locale symlinks
* mintubiquity
* diodon
* blueman-disabled-symbolic
* blueman symbolic icons
* cs-desklets cs-windows cinnamon-virtual-keyboard application-x-object
* far icon less size
* update & locale
* word 64
* application-x-lz4
* sound.png as yelow speaker
* edit-paste 64x64
* remove 64 icon from 72 and 96
* removed exec permission for all files in theme except scrips
* cinnamon locale icon
* cs-region Globe icon
* some cinnamon categories
* Cinnamon categories and settings, network settings
* org.gnome.Characters
* drawing picopixel kolourpaint as pbrush
* emblem-scripts
* thermal-monitor icons
* some power managers 64
* panel launchers for cinnamon, mate, xfce
* xfce settings icon as control panel
* dwg, dxf, wmf as vector docs
* galeon, edit-urpm-sources
* abiword
* accessories-camera 16 24
* parole as mplayerc
* display icons
* timeshift
* undo-redo, cut 48x48, timeshift, rooler
* edit-redo
* sleep, undo-redo-ltr
* photocamera icon
* x-office-drawing 128
* gnome-fs-regular as empty
* x-office-address-book address-book-new
* inkscape 128
* driver-manager 64
* vmware actions icons
* removed ugly scalables from mimes
* removing most from scalable devices
* removing ugly scalabled places
* removed errors
* many symlink corrections
* fiew deadlink removings
* microphone-sensitivity-symbolic,ac-adapter-symbolic
* gnome symlinks
* zorin symlinks
* more gnome symlinks
* preferences-system-splash,org.gnome.Settings-symbolic
* kde preferences symlinks
* some actions, kde symlinks
* window-pin,window-unpin
* chromium,kmenuedit,preferences-system-session-services,gmusicbrowser
* disk-usage-analyzer 96 128
* cropped 24 icons from 22 directory to 22
* added missing links
* notification-symbolic
* pamac
* emblem-locked
* typo fix
* removed svgs for nautilus
Ratings & Comments
10 the best, manny work behind, it let show ;)
Wow, nice, looking great !, but one typ, the lines on the TextIcons be really thin and make by a high ressolution screenirritation because it is so thin, also the "new folder" with the star stripes, should you make bigger, take a original Text-icon and look on the the thickness of the strips , in the zoom, this i mean it... the irritation of the screen on the zoom because the thin strips.. but all in one, greate Icontheme a bit corn"ig" but niiice :) thank you for that :)
My friend, what an amazing job, thank you very much! If possible please develop a version for us to use in dark mode, when I put this one [which is incredibly nostalgic and addictive in light mode] in dark mode, it doesn't look good. Thank you one more time!!!
Oh, yes, I understand, I myself face the problem of a dark theme. But unfortunately, I'm not up to that right now. I have already started replacing some gray shadows with black semi-transparent ones in some places. My colleague, Dejweed, also adds symbolic icons on GitHub that are clearly visible in a dark theme. I think I'll do it sometime, but not now.
10 Some tray icons (notably updates, notifications, wi-fi and brightness) still show the default theme on Cinnamon https://i.ibb.co/0rJjPw4/image.png . I believe it's a bug? Great theme otherwise!
Thank tou. This is a flaw (with Cinnamon). I took up this theme for myself (for Mate and Xfce environments) first. When I saw that many people liked it, I began to refine it for other environments: Gnome, KDE, etc. But I don't have the time and energy to bring everything to perfection. You can join the development like Dejweed and MalekMasoud on GitHub. There is a link upthere to it :-)
I replaced the update icons recently with the ones I drew. They should appear in the archive "main.zip" of workflow version.
Hi, nice theme, but is not shown on the KDE 5.2, it's need a correct index.theme, i have build a bash-script therewith could you update you're theme : https://www.pling.com/p/1224130/ make first the icon-folder-struckture, then could you insert in Source your icons and can folder for folder build svg's best Blacky
Always this KDE complicates everything :-) OK, I'll try as time goes by! Your script makes some kind of svgz icon folder and change the index file?
it makes svg and svgz out of png's, it's configurable in the header of the script (if you still show on maybe) i think about pure copy png' into the themefolder hmm.. also configurable for have the choice for making also an theme for trinity (kde3), .. and it generate automatical via loop and some games in the script by "compress" an index.theme readme.md, Autor, copyright .. all adjustable at the header of the script.., if you have build a theme folder and let create icons (it's at moment not directly fit to the actual Plasmastandart, what you can adjusting in the script or in the generate templates (add/delete templates and overwrite with your icons) can you adjust the script at the header what it is normally.. imho so far understandable configuratable .. check it out.. this script make a theme folder in your home and inside be 2 Fodlers, one "source" and one "the Theme" in the theme folder do your png's in the theme can you put your normal folders , like 8,16,22,32 and 16x16@2, all be only linked if not exist and unlinked, if it's not a link so it is a folder not delete, gives only a error.. ehhmm.. at moment.. (todo:i should let it check (if) if it's a link or a folder..) All it is normally aligned to the "scalable" folder.. but at end it is only work with ln-s and unlink so no delete and the whole "the_Theme" is compressed at end and then unlink the whole links and the "salable" stay still in the "the_Theme"-folder you can put your png's into source/apps and so on, make in your folder png2svgz-SE98.sh (rename it to your theme)... "png2svgz-SE98.sh apps " for generate all apps/png's into your $HOME/theme-working-folder-SE98/the_Theme/scalable/apps/*.svg via inkskape, it works at moment not without an person, because need to press anykey for getting the png into svg.. but so far, the compressing of the theme and others makes all automatical.. check out the bash script.. At head it's the configuration, and the other is the whole routines and commands.. you well intuitive understand all.. in my opinion.. so check it out and have fun.. it's in any case a tool for making more easy a theme.. best :)
by the way.. check out my XP theme.. search only to "blacky" in the download theme selector best
Nice Work! I think C:\ Letter needs change to Linux Shell Style.
10 It looks very good. I think I'm going to make a Windows 98 desktop theme for KDE Plasma and I'm going to recommend your icon theme.
Oh yes! It will be good if you'll report me what icon names are missing in my theme! (some names in KDE and GTK are differrent)
9 Looks faithful to the original Win9x. Great work!
9 Firefox uses the old Mozilla dinosaur icon. Can you replace it with something more similar to the actual Firefox icon please? Thanks!
I can do it, but I don't want to make an elephantware. I've actually made 4 scripts for toggling win2k/win98 main desktop icons and smooth/sharp Windows logo icons (including unknown file type and Start menu logo). You may download the modern Firefox png icon yourself, open the firefox.desktop file with text editor and change the string "Icon=firefox" to an "Icon=/home/fblais/icons/firefox.png" for example. By the secret, there is a legacy in my theme from Grassmunk's "Chicago95": the "firefox_2" low-color icon. It looks like modern but not the same.
9 Works great in KDE, except that the Networks, Power Management, Bluetooth, and Disks
Thanks! Please write the icon names you need (you can find them in the icon chooser -- from .desktop file editor for example). I know: there is no mounted drive icon currently in my theme because KDE uses overlays only for symlink (maybe for shares too) and for mounted drive it uses a separated special icon name. I'm not a KDE user (sometimes I tested TDE -- fork of KDE3), my laptop KDE5/Plasma is too hard for my patience :))).
Thanks for the reply, but I don't know what an icon chooser from .desktop file editor is. I'll be happy to try and track it down, though.
10 Love it! Brings not only back some good old memories, but also explanatory icons. I mean, you know what content type a file has just by seeing the icon. Wow! Nowadays, some ultra clean-licked icon themes just give vague hints about the files. Flat. Tone in tone, rounded, similar... Not me, gladly using SE98! Thanks a ton!
10 Depending on gtk theme you might delete rm */*/pan-* and edit the inherits file. Apart from that very good theme. Likle it very much.