Firefly-Dark Theme
Click on the "Homepage" link for additional infos
INSTALL "Lightly" Window Decorations to match the above screenshots!
Go to the official Lightly repository
Complete list on the GitHub repository.
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Ratings & Comments
10 10 the best, thank you very much
8 I have a hate-love relationship with dark themes, but this one seems to be have found the sweet spot for me. Very well done and consistent through-out. Perhaps you could create a matching konsole scheme in the mix. Works very nice with various icon themes. What is the font you use in your screenshot?
Thank you for your comments! The font is called "Inter", you can find it here -->
Why can't you show all the elements for this install to show people what is included. I look for the most complete Global Themes. If there is missing thing like Icons , splash screen, login screen,kvantum Ect. Others do! If others can do it so can you. If things are missing then it is not a Global theme. Just let people know, thats all.
Thank you for yet another feedback! Unlike other creators who churn out 2 themes a day (all the same) I prefer to focus on very few suggestions that I use myself every day. As a result, the themes I propose follow my personal tastes: only in this way I can verify with my hands what users are going to install, giving them maximum flexibility in customization. In my everyday use I don't use spash screens different from the default one, I don't use kvantum themes, I don't use window decorations different from Lightly. I propose only the components that I can try and test myself. It's simply my way of working and my personal definition of "quality". In addition to all this, these themes are solely the result of my free time, which for a year now is incredibly reduced to minimum terms. Thanks for the feedback, I'll try to improve as much as I can and solve the issues you pointed out.
10 Great theme
10 Nice colors!
Been trying to install lightly from your git hub site but it is not set up for an easy install? Really cannot understand what and where to do anything. Did install the qt packages? How to uninstall that package if I cannot install firelight? Why did you not make all dependencies Her on the KDE store. Please make things more clear and easier to get your theme. What Icons do you use? Where is all the essential dependencies ie: Splash screen, startup login and more , along with your wallpaper? I love the theme but it is too technical for many people I am sure. Again put all dependencies on this site and make it easy. Thank you!
Hi, thanks for your feedback. Lightly is not one of my GitHub repositories: I'm not the creator of it neither one of the maintainers. So if you are having problems with it and need support open an issue on Lightly GitHub page. Be aware that Lighlty is not a mandatory dependency and that you can use Firefly Dark even without it, they are completely independent from each other. As I said in the previous comment it is impossible to me (for every theme maintainer actually!) to bundle certain dependencies (Lightly, for instance) as their installation requires sudo privileges and must be done manually. I use the original KDE Plasma Splashscreen, so no external dependency is needed. Icons are Papirus Wallpapers can be found as a link in this comment section (I forgot to add them in the description, sorry for that). I cannot bundle them with the theme for licensing purposes IIRC. Thanks again for the feedback!
Why make it so hard to get?
Could you please be more specific on the issue you're facing? 1) Downloading themes may be problematic due to server load and other issue this site faces from time to time, nothing related to this specific theme; 2) If you're referring to any difficulty you may have found while matching the setup provided in the screenshots, please be aware that every theme I create is intentionally released in the most generic and simplest configuration possible: this allows every user to customize later the theme following their inspiration/likings. The screenshots are there just to present my current setup and one of the infinite possible customizations; 3) Moreover, due to technical (and security) limitations, many customizations (such as Lightly Window Decorations) MUST be installed manually at a later time.
10 Love the blue coloring on all the windows and system widgets!
This wallpaper is not there in the archive brother. Just some boring bland wallpapers are in there.
Ohh yeah sorry wrong keyword ahaha Here it is:
Perfect. Thanks brother.
10 This is brilliant. Wallpaper please.
Hi! Thank you so much! You can find them here:
Awesome. Thanks mate.