Ruega Kernel X00T [LV]
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Ratings & Comments
i take this project btw
Bro, ¿Se puede en un redmi note 9 pro, con evolutivo x , Android 13?
10 HAYZEL- Stock Frequency ONYX- OC(2.2Ghz) Also can the developer also add Spectrum Support? P. S:- The deep sleep is awesome
what is the difference between hayzel and onyx
10 Excellent performance latest version no lag in games
Thanks you sir, sorry for some bug
10 Just need to fix some possible bugs sir
Oke bro thank you:)
10 The kernel is very good, the EAS and HMP are really "suitable for use
10 Yes
10 Real 100% 67hz di ASUS ZENFONE MAXPRO M1 Mantab Gan...!!!
thanks guys :)
10 Plz make the kernal to 2.8ghz of Kernal and add corvus parts love your work
10 Can you add about good things in the kernel? BTW nice kernel i love it:)
Thank you very much sir _/\_
10 Bro,kalau bisa kasih penjelasan di description bro,extinction itu apa move on tuh apa,dll...thanks...
oky bro:)
10 Destroyer 246 overall good Good performance and battery backup Nice kernel sir
but privacy maybe :D
10 wow battery backup which is great for gaming too
10 FORGET ver के लिए बढ़िया game
Thank you very much
9 Kernelnya mantap bang, saya pake di A10
wkwk wkwk
8 8 great Batery backup bro