LyraX Global Theme
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
LyraX kde is a light clean theme for KDE Plasma desktop.
In this repository you'll find:
Aurorae Themes
Kvantum Themes
Plasma Color Schemes
Plasma Desktop Themes
Plasma Look-and-Feel Settings
LyraX-dark Plasma Theme:https://www.pling.com/p/1481623/
LyraX-dark Aurorae Theme:https://www.pling.com/p/1481620/
LyraX-dark Sddm Theme:https://www.pling.com/p/1481618/
LyraX-dark Color Theme:https://www.pling.com/p/1481621/
LyraX-dark Wallpaper:https://www.pling.com/p/1481617/
LyraX-dark Kvantum:https://www.pling.com/p/1481622/
Lyra icon theme :https://www.pling.com/p/1460991/ Last changelog:
In this repository you'll find:
Aurorae Themes
Kvantum Themes
Plasma Color Schemes
Plasma Desktop Themes
Plasma Look-and-Feel Settings
LyraX-dark Plasma Theme:https://www.pling.com/p/1481623/
LyraX-dark Aurorae Theme:https://www.pling.com/p/1481620/
LyraX-dark Sddm Theme:https://www.pling.com/p/1481618/
LyraX-dark Color Theme:https://www.pling.com/p/1481621/
LyraX-dark Wallpaper:https://www.pling.com/p/1481617/
LyraX-dark Kvantum:https://www.pling.com/p/1481622/
Lyra icon theme :https://www.pling.com/p/1460991/
Added new icons.
Ratings & Comments
6 Certainly looks interesting, however this specific variant has readability issues due to the light blue background colour being too low contrast with the light text. This is especially pronounced with anything using Kirigami.
First up, I have to say what great attention to detail, especially with the icons and visually very pleasing to the eye. There is however a major issue with the colour scheme in particular the presentation of text when something is right-clicked, the contrast is so poor that the dark text on a dark background is near impossible to read. The button text on pop-up boxes suffers similarly. I cannot account why some text is presented in a whiteish colour in some right-click scenarios which is easy to read but most are dark. You need to make all text a light or white colour so it has a high contrast with the dark background. I am using Kubuntu 21.04.
Um, the version may be different, I don’t know your problems, if you can provide a screenshot, so that I can know the problems more clearly.
Please use this link: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ag2UoFuJVGMmmykIjg1Itkq568-z?e=1ZiPbV
What is invalid?
Sorry, the link you gave could not be opened.
I tested the link on another PC without issue, anyway do you have somewhere I can send the screenshots to as it appears they cannot be uploaded here?
You can try imgur.
Link: https://imgur.com/avNdlb3
As with the onedrive link, just highlight it, right-click and select open in new tab
You did not choose the right color, you need to choose the same color.
Ah, I just re-did the actions that appear in the screenshots I sent and find they are perfectly legible now. I suspect my system must have required a reboot or something else I am not aware of to apply the colours correctly as the global theme install supposedly installs the correct colour, which when I checked in system settings it had but for some reason was not executed when I did the sddm download, maybe firefox needed to be restarted... I can fully retract my initial comment and add that the colour scheme works well, looks good and is very easy to read.
Thank you for your time you took to address my issue and a superb theme, especially the detail icons.
You're welcome
You are using the black version, but you have chosen the white color. It is recommended that you choose the matching color.
4 4 soso
10 10 the best
Thank you.
10 Really good has some issues with rendering but it worked when i used Kvantum
Thank you.
9 9 excellent
Thank you.
10 My wish list: A light version of this global theme would be quite nice. The Lyra light is nice but LyraX is definitely tops.