Description: A KDE Plasma widget inspired from the Cleartext rainmeter widget from windows. Still in beta. In the second screenshot it is paired with panon, another awesome audio visualiser widget.
This is v0.1 and I intend to add more customizations to it in due time. Feel free to make suggestions, issues or any feature requests on my github.
9Other then some bugs like now playing is displayed even when no song is playing and the player controller doesn't sometime work correctly like song is playing and it show pause button but instead it should show resume to show current state of song.
Ratings & Comments
8 Very Useful! Would Be cool a background, for cases when wallpaper is the same color of the text
9 Other then some bugs like now playing is displayed even when no song is playing and the player controller doesn't sometime work correctly like song is playing and it show pause button but instead it should show resume to show current state of song.
Я думаю, что из этого может получиться хороший виджет. Нужно добавить slider регулировки громкости и визуализацию аудио потока.
The panel does not work, on which the frequencies of the music should be reflected
10 Very good widget. Was searching for something like this. A very useful and stylish widget.