Prof Light KDE
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Prof pack for Plasma Desktop.
Now available:
- Plasma Theme
- Kvantum Theme
- Aurorae Theme
- Yakuake Skin
- Color-Scheme
PLEASE DISABLE BLUR ON KDE SYSTEMSETTINGS, because it's not good worked with Aurorae, Yakuake, widgets on Workspace and GTK too.
And use Kvantum Themes:
Big thx @paulxfce for cool idea:
Big thx @antechdesigns for great wallpaper:
Now available:
- Plasma Theme
- Kvantum Theme
- Aurorae Theme
- Yakuake Skin
- Color-Scheme
PLEASE DISABLE BLUR ON KDE SYSTEMSETTINGS, because it's not good worked with Aurorae, Yakuake, widgets on Workspace and GTK too.
And use Kvantum Themes:
Big thx @paulxfce for cool idea:
Big thx @antechdesigns for great wallpaper:
Ratings & Comments
Together with the gtk-theme Prof it becomes the best and most uniform desktop experience for KDE. Many thanks!
9 I love this theme. The colors are perfect, and with the right font it can look as a very professional desktop instead of a colorful modern desktop that mamy themes around provide. The only thing I had to change to make it perfect for my taste was to center the window title
10 One of the very best!