Available as/for:mycroft-bigscreenmycroft-mk2mycroft-phone
Description:Allows you to send commands to mycroft by email
Want to turn on the tv before you get home? use you phone and tell mycroft to do it
NOTE: you need to edit mycroft.conf before using this skill, there is no GUI to do this yet
# Skill configuration
I did not use mycroft home backend for skill settings, it is irresponsible
to get your email credentials in there. Instead you need to edit mycroft.conf
This is a security measure, i will not change this behaviour
Add the following section to your [mycroft.conf](https://mycroft-ai.gitbook.io/docs/using-mycroft-ai/customizations/mycroft-conf)
"email": {
"mail": "",
"password": "",
"whitelist": ["thisemail@isallowed.com", "email@thatcansend.commands"]
only mail, password and whitelist are required, other parameters use the
defaults for gmail, if using a different provider you might need to change address and port
time_between_checks is in seconds, it is the time to sleep between checking
for new emails, the "lag" between a command and its execution
whitelist is a list of emails allowed to send commands to mycroft, if the
sender is not in this list then the emails will be ignored
# Email configuration
You might need to change some settings in your email provider, for gmail you need to
- enable less secure apps https://myaccount.google.com/lesssecureapps
- enable imap https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1/?tab=mm#settings/fwdandpop
Ratings & Comments
Awesome skill!
10 10 the best