Description: Project Infinity (PI) Kernel for ZenFone Max Pro M1 (ASUS_X00T) All Variants ============================================================ Stable, Smooth, Fast and Efficient.Based on CAF source with 4.4.y linux upstream changes merged in except CAF variants which get updated directly from CodeAurora. Implemented Fast Charging feature with temperature control and battery health management. Provides Smooth UI and scrolling, great Battery Backup with performance on demand. NEBULA and CAF-HMP-OC variants are highly optimized only for gamers with high peak performance with less temperature. Developed in pure CAF variants also for CAF lovers.
[LV] Builds HERE :
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iya memang benar di pembaruan ini tidak ada CPU minimum 300mhz, tapi di v4.4.237 masih menggunakan CPU minimum 300mhz, dan pertanyaan saya , di manakah trakhir update minimum CPU 300mhz ?? mohon bantuanya kak..
9In version.466 my device froze and i had to restart it.Also the network would be lost and only restart fixed it. In.464 i had issue of more heating. Hmp Version.462 has been the best till now for me.
10After installed Nebula v4.4.464 or above the internet speed is limited to max 1.5mbps to 2mbps... But in earlier versions speed was 7 to 8 mbps.. please fix this bug.. I'm using this with MIUI 12.5 rom.
Ratings & Comments
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
ada yg tau ? versi mana yang HMP dengan CPU 300mhz-1800mhz ??
300 MHz tidak digunakan lagi dan menyebabkan masalah tidur nyenyak
iya memang benar di pembaruan ini tidak ada CPU minimum 300mhz, tapi di v4.4.237 masih menggunakan CPU minimum 300mhz, dan pertanyaan saya , di manakah trakhir update minimum CPU 300mhz ?? mohon bantuanya kak..
Frekuensi 300MHz telah dihapus gan
9 Excellent kernel, Good Performance
10 pkm pro gawwd
1 1 ugh not
Tetapi saya memakai kernel ini di android 10 miui 12.02 bagus untuk performa nya mengalahkan kernel yang pernah saya coba sebelumnya, trimakasih
which version is ultimate match with Corvus 16.5 ? good for gaming at the same time for daily use
first update corvus to 16.6 and then flash caf hmp. for more detail contact in telegram group.
will this be a good choice for a long term use? I want to settle with corvus os and pi kernel for the next 1 year
10 Caf version is good on rr 8.6.7 official.
10 One of the best kernel gaming in or normal usuage in battery backup and performance Thank you much @pkm774 sir Keep it bro I support yo❤️
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
10 Guys can you please make a 67 hz vershion ?
9 In version.466 my device froze and i had to restart it.Also the network would be lost and only restart fixed it. In.464 i had issue of more heating. Hmp Version.462 has been the best till now for me.
10 After installed Nebula v4.4.464 or above the internet speed is limited to max 1.5mbps to 2mbps... But in earlier versions speed was 7 to 8 mbps.. please fix this bug.. I'm using this with MIUI 12.5 rom.
10 Can you make oc kernal 2.8 GHz
10 Mic and speaker not working on calling but does work on internet to fix?
You can contact me in telegram group . Long to explain here