Available as/for:release-stablesource-packagex86-64
Description:A simple program written in C that can run Windows screensavers in Linux via Wine when idle.
With version 2.0 I have included the binary compiled on Kubuntu 18.10
[1] Edit the files (startscreensaver.sh and killscreensaver.sh) (You must modify the name/path with your Windows Screensaver already installed in wine)
[2] Modify (time.txt) (Here you can set the time in seconds for when your Windows Screensaver should start after idle time begins)
*Note: You must keep all files in the same directory [screensaver *linux binary, time.txt, startscreensaver.sh, killscreensaver.sh]
If you still want/need to compile this program:
-First install: build-essential, libx11-dev, libxss-dev
-Open the file: runscreensaver_2.0.c with your text editor.
-Compile with "gcc -o screensaver runscreensaver_2.0.c -lXss -lX11" leaving out the quotation marks
*It works with Multiple Monitors (Unified Only) starting with Wine 5.0
*If you would like the program to start when you sign in just add the executable to "Startup Applications" in Linux.
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