Based on the Aether and Breeze icons for a Windows10X style
Details for theme KDE
+ Light theme
+ Dark theme
- Plasmoids for KDE
* Main launcher: Menu X (under development for compatibility with Kubuntu)
* Launcher search panel: Menu Z
* Clock: Split digital clock
* Virtual desktops indicator Simple pager
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Ratings & Comments
10 very good, clean friendly
9 9 excellent
10 10 the best
1 Maybe WindowsX
10 Essential.
10 10 the best
Hi! This icon theme is good, but could you change the icons that come directly from Windows to something that matches more Linux apps? Discover should not have a Windows logo on it, and LibreOffice apps are not MS Office apps, which means it is not consistent to have a Excel icon for Calc. Keep that style but if possible, don't just take Windows or MS icons just to apply them on other apps. It's not always a good idea.
8 8 great
10 10 the best
10 10 the best! Very cute!
10 10 the best