Description: Radon is a system theme based on a classic 90s style. It offers great readability and zero distractions. Radon automatically synchronizes with GTK color scheme so it's going to work well with any GTK theme.
Greetings, community.
Could someone help a total Linux noob? I'm not able to install themes that doesn't have a index.theme file. How to proceed?
Ratings & Comments
10 10 the best - I really love this theme
10 Shiny,
Hi, MAFIKPL. Greetings, community. Could someone help a total Linux noob? I'm not able to install themes that doesn't have a index.theme file. How to proceed?
Managed to do it. No more assistance needed for now I'm able to see the errors of my ways.
10 10 the best
10 10 the best :D
10 10 the best