Available as/for:budgiecinnamongtk2gtk3-20gtk3-22gtk3-24gtk4-0gtk4-2gtk4-4gtk4-6matexfce-414xfce-416
Description:Theme for Cinnamon Desktop (also support gnome shell, mate, xfce, unity and budgie desktop)
Be aware the main focus of this theme is CINNAMON DESKTOP!!
* GTK 3.24 *
* GTK 4.0+ *
extract all files on the themes folders(the Marwaita folder contains all the files for the others versions)
**** USE libadwaita-without-adwaita package ****
Ratings & Comments
10 .linux mint MATE 22...
I see the theme was renamed from Marwaita-Manjaro to Marwaita-Darkcyan. Is this definitive? Are you going to rename the other variations of the Marwaita theme, from a distribution name to a color name?
yeah i have to change the names...is wierd to have a theme called "manjaro" on ubuntu right?
Could have been Teal, for what it’s worth.
sorry non native english speaker here, i put the hex code and that name came in the results
No problem, non native english speaker as well. :)
9 Crisp and neat.
10 10 the best
9 My favourite
Thanks for the update
10 the best
No XFWM, no 10
I've just uploaded an Xfwm port of the GTK3 CSD borders from Marwaita. It's at https://www.xfce-look.org/p/1877124 in case you're interested! The xfwm4 themes in there should handle all the major color combinations, albeit with a not exactly 1:1 mapping.
7 7 good
8 I'd give all the Marwaita's a 10 if they only had XFWM support. As a pure GTK desktop poping in a colored window border matching the theme would make this this perfect theme for a number of DEs that are purely GTK and include XFCE which a number of people use.
10 10 the best
Thank you
This theme is perfect. My favorite of all. Can you please show one more trick? I'd like to have the button for "dangerous" action to really stand out. For example when doing "Shift Delete" in Gnome FIle. SCREENSHOT: https://imgur.com/DOvGWJb Can you please show which file and which section to edit?
This author makes very professional themes. Even better with responsive support. Personally I like the Marwaita Manjaro Color Dark and Quartz. But they are separate themes. Do you have a plan for a "Quartz Color Dark" version ? ie. add the green headerbar and select bar from Manjaro to Quartz?
I always used the green version and didn't notice the change in the blue Marwaita 9.4 until Marwaita Manjaro 9.4 is released today. In my opinion, the colored menubar is not a good idea. This now makes a big colored bar. The menu bar is fused with the title bar (b/c same color) which makes it less visible. I think the menu bar with neutral color of the previous version was better. If you think menu bar background should have the theme color, maybe just make it a very dim green, just to stand out enough?
It also greenifies the toolbar in apps like Transmission, and all the playback controls in Quod Libet. It's pretty overwhelming with big saturated color zones right now, not good. Thankfully, Lim Green Color and all the other Marwaita variations still exist.
Show screenshot? Thanks goodness, the toolbar in Audacious app is "normal". Too much of a good thing sometimes yields the opposite effects. At my side the only thing I find un-necessary with the green is the menu background under the top bar. Screenshot: https://imgur.com/KYKdGoY
9.4 (see log in marwaita theme) A link would be practical. Thanks
the link is in the descritiopn :)
sorry in xfce i have problem to use this theme , my taskbar at top , when i open two program use mouse to switch program away missing click , please see picture https://ibb.co/1JLb7g7 . is it possible to change ? many thanks