Available as/for:release-stablewindows-binaryx86-64
Description:# Qttitude
Homepage: http://www.geovariant.com/qttitude.html
Github: https://github.com/George-Sithole/Qttitude
## Introduction
Qttitude is a free desktop application designed to create Qt style sheets for GUIs based on QtWidgets. With Qttitude you will be able to quickly produce stylesheets and test style sheets for your application's user interface.
## Why Qttitude?
Qttitude is a project based design environment for interactive Qt style sheet design. If you have written Qt stylesheets before you will appreciate the power of Qttitude.
## How it works
User interface files (*.ui) files can be imported into Qttitude and interactively styled. See the visual effect of the changes that you make to your style sheets in real time. If you have ever written Qt style sheets you will appreciate the power of Qttitude.
## Variables and snippets
Keeping track of parameters (such as colors, borders, etc.,) in a style sheet can quickly become cluttered and unmanegeable. Qttitude helps you manage parameters in a style sheet by providing named variables and snippets. You can use the variables and snippets in the page editor and Qttitude will make the appropriate replacements when you export the style sheet.
## Page Styling
In cascading style sheets the order in which styles are applied is important. To keep track of the order in which styles cascade Qttitude allows a stylesheet to be divided across multiple pages. The pages can be reordered so that you can see the effect of the cascade. Pages can also be turned on or off, allowing the effect of styles to be tested.
## Tools
Qttitude provides tools for creating color schemes. You can create a color scheme manually or from images. More tools are planned in the future.
Exporting multiple versions of style sheets
Once you are happy with your style sheet you can export it as a text file and import it into your Qt Widgets application.
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