Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
I was looking for something to match a GTK-2.0 theme I built for PuppyLinux-Fossapup64 that I called "geo-console." I made it by modifying the images of a "cayan-glass" theme, and the only problem was that I couldn't get a GTK-3 matching equivalent to it. And this almost identical. I didn't think there was anyone else in the world that wanted a modern desktop to look like an old fashioned text based system, and this is unbelievable. Thank you!
10 10 awesome
10 10 the best
10 10 the best, super theme, thank you
10 10 the best
Okay, first bug report - on Xubuntu 18.04.3 LTS, none of the green borders render. Example: libgtk-3-0 is version 3.22.
it's because there's no bundled Xfwm theme. Working on it
should be fixed
Unfortunately, it's still broken. I'll see if I can help you find out why, because I'm not sure yet.
Pretty shure you haven't changed the xfwm theme. In settings > window manager > themes
Still broken unfortunately. I popped open a terminal to show you the files, which I got from here. Still looks really cool! I'll keep playing with it.
10 Holy crap you did it, you absolute madman! This! Looks! Phenomenal! BEAUTIFUL!!!!
lol migrating wasn't that hard since I basically cloned Blackout, changed some colors and some controls and called it a day. Hopefully I find a better packaging solution though, bundling a simplified Azurra package in src isn't that great
If I knew how to theme GTK 3 or where to learn how to do it, I'd gladly help! Still, amazing work!