Material-Solarized [new color animations this update]

GTK3/4 Themes cursors dark icons material solarized

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A GTK, xfwm4, openbox-3, GNOME-Shell, and Cinnamon- Dark Mode Theme - Based on the Official Color Palette Created by Ethan Schoonover.

At last, a Solarized desktop theme is available with general appeal. Introducing Material Solarized. This Solarized Material desktop scheme adheres to both Material-Design standards as well as those put forth by the official Solarized Color Palette. The fruits of this combination are a real bonus for those who need the scheme because they have to use their computers for hours - but still wish it to look elegant during those long periods.

Solarized-Dark-Mode - as originally created by Ethan Schoonover - is the highly valued color scheme for code editors and terminal emulators. Material-Solerized GTK dark-mode-scheme strictly adheres to Ethan Schoonover's original color scheme, which has been published for many major applications, with some including the scheme pre-installed. Coders and GUI users, alike, know that - once you try Solarized-Dark-Mode - it is hard to go back to anything else.

In His Own Words:

"Solarized is a sixteen color palette (eight monotones, eight accent colors) designed for use with terminal and gui applications. It has several unique properties. I designed this colorscheme with both precise CIELAB lightness relationships and a refined set of hues based on fixed color wheel relationships. It has been tested extensively in real world use on color calibrated displays (as well as uncalibrated/intentionally miscalibrated displays) and in a variety of lighting conditions."

Over time, every element of this well-embraced theme package has been re-built from the ground up - an ongoing morphing process starting with the 1.4 version - to address any issues which may arise over the lifetime of the theme. Accordingly, the minor issues which have come up, have likewise been wholly resolved within the Material format - a particularly challenging scheme to keep bug-free. We are glad to hear Material-Solarized has been performing well on most systems sense its inception. Thank, again, secuvim - "" - for providing needed, early insight into some of those issues, along with additional package support. Thanks, as well, to Rikard Jungman (I rjungman), for your talent, hard work, and dedication to our cause!

This is the matching desktop theme.

Manual Installation Is Easy:

For themes: 1) Extract the "tar.xz" file into your "~/.themes/" folder - to install for current user only - or into the "/usr/share/themes/" folder - for the theme to be applied globally. 2) Use GNOME Tweaks, Dconf Editor, or an equivalent 'Look & Feel'/configuration app to enable it for your desktop.

If installing manually, make sure to install the dependency: "Murrine theme engine" if you do not already have it; and update your GTK+packages if you have not.

When installing the Geany text editor theme, put the unzipped file in your home directory at: ~/.config/geany/colorschemes (create the 'colorschemes' directory, to mimic previous directions, if it doesn't yet exist )

Logging out and then logging back in may be necessary on some operating systems to fully implement themes and icons.
Last changelog:


This update colors the shells' landing page, search-entry:focus-icon. Here, the magnifying glass icon in the searchbox now renders Material-Solarized's accent color when hovered over or when the searchbox is active/in use. Previously, this icon element rendered just an off-white/light-gray hue. This tweak serves to beautify user experience while showing differentiation to indicate that the searchbox element is in action. Comment: 93ab6a4

Ratings & Comments



10 there are serious problems with the icons in the office tabs, I can't see them


Thanks for the top rating! On the icon thing, I haven't seen that one before on this series; what icon name, OS and OS version is presenting these gremlins please?


Archman Linux based on Arch linux.


I went to the homepage of Archman and tried to find out what version of Gnome you may have been using, but I couldn't find an English interface. Earlier, I had asked what "OS version" you had, e.g., Gnome 4x.x. Could you please provide that info, if you are using this theme; so I can find out what is unique to your setup and fix you up perhaps? Thanks! :)


Archman Xfce (Xfce 4.18)


Yeah, i noticed there is Xfce and Plasma at least when I was on the Archman site. Thanks for the version info. I have an idea for the newer Xfce elements of the theme. It will change up the theme's structure some, but hopefully the differences won't be bad just somewhat different here


Innovations will be useful. Thanks


If I am not mistaken, the thing is that you need to indicate in LibreOffice another icon theme (LO does not detect whether the current icon theme is light or dark, nor tries to adapt it to current theme). Some LO icon themes, like Breeze, have a light and a dark version. Yaru theme (you can install it via an extension) is designed in such a way it looks good both in a dark or light theme. I hope this helps!


10 Really magnificent, at least for me.


Cool; thank you!!


10 Beautiful but doesn't work on Nautilus or Gnome calculator. Ubuntu 22.04.2, Gnome 42.5. I have heard that Gnome 4x has libadwaita that messes up with theming. Is there any solution to remove libadwaita ?


You may remember, I've been adding an alternate file for material, that has been getting it done better on the peskier Gnome 4x apps. Material is quite obstinate with changing up stuff within itself (it's just plain obstinate universally IMHO). If someone (including you) really wants to have have whichever of my material themes, and needs me to whip up a FrankenGnome version, I'll get to it as soon as I can. Otherwise, Arc-based themes are usually a best bet on Gnome 4x right now. Speaking of material, was it you who wanted that Plata-Light updated?


No need to waste your time on any extra work on this theme. I like better your ChromeOS dark series. But the ChromeOS too also suffers from libadwaita disease. There is this magical utility But it works on themes created by I was able to get Nautilus rethemed to your ChromeOS darkby that libadwaita-tc utility. But somehow it is not repeateable.


9 9 excellent


10 I dont have to switch my day


I dont have to switch my day and night theme with this one


Sorry for noob question, but how do I make it look good on latest Fedora with libadwaita and gtk 4? I pasted the gtk.css in /home/user/.config/gtk-4.0 but doesn't really work very well


The main theme's folder is intended to go in your home directory's hidden ".themes" folder - to install for current user only - or into the "/usr/share/themes/" directory - for the theme to be applied globally. Then use GNOME Tweaks, Dconf Editor, or an equivalent 'Look


(goes with above - it cut me off)


This thread is continuing to cut off my response to you, but you can message me for more info.


Thanks for your help :) I've think I've done everything right. But still looks like this:


10 Very beautiful.Keep up the good work ! THANKS !!


You bet, thanks a lot!


Can I say it's a bit like the good old Adapta-Nokto theme? Excellent.


9 9 excellent

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license Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike
version 2.1.0
downloads 24h 2
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 18

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