- Add/delete/edit stations in the list
- Display album art (if possible) and more info for track
- Search for radio stations
Requirements (for v2+):
- Gstreamer and gstreamer-plugins
- Qt >= 5.12
- QtQuickControls >= 2.12
- KDE Frameworks >= 5.89
- Radio Browser (API for search stations)
- LastFM (Track recognition API)
If you want to help with the translation of the plasmoid into your language, write to me on dr@i-glu4it.ru or create suggestion on https://invent.kde.org/saurov/arp
Ratings & Comments
10 habrá version para plasma 6???? porque es una de las mejores para mi.
For Plasma 6 it will be released as a separate application.
Just upgraded to Plasma 6, and missing your app already. Do you have a date for when it will be available? Thanks and regards.
It is already at the testing stage (for now also as a plasmoid). As soon as there is a release, I will provide a link. Thank you for your patience!
Not at all. Thank you for a great app.
That's great news! I've only been testing Plasma6 for one day and I already miss it.
Some functions will unfortunately be lost.
I honestly only used the most basic functionality, so that's fine by me. The great thing about ARP is the convenience to play a few pre-set stations, I don't mind if it doesn't have a lot of configuration or info "bells and whistles".
That is great news! Thank you so much for your work. If you need a tester for the plasma 6 version, send me a message. I am happy to test it.
Great app! Look forward to the update.
it is ready (for now is plasmoid for Plasma 6) https://store.kde.org/p/2136933/
Great app. Thanks for making this! One issue though, on one of my machines I am unable to see playing song metadata or station genre. Playback works fine and i see the current bitrate. However hovering the plasmoid icon only shows "Advanced Radio Player / Radio with editable list of stations" even if a station is playing. This works just fine on my other PC and I'm able to see song name, artist, and even click through to last.fm page, so I assume its something on my end but I can't figure out what. Do you have any advice on what I might be missing?
Maybe the widget versions are different on different computers?
Thank you for your quick response, but unfortunately both versions were fresh re-installs through "download new plasma widgets" in plasma of version 2.4. In the end I made it work, but I didn't figure out the exact root cause - my other PC had a lot of python packages, some of which sounded like they handle fetching, installed as a dependency of Inkscape. I didn't think much of it but as I grew more desperate I was willing to try anything. After installing Inkscape the song metadata shows up without issues, so it must have been one of its dependencies that solved it!
7 great app thanks, just killing my head to find out how to edit radio list :(
Good day. For edit stations open widget settings.
hello, how can i disable the pop up?... when you hover the mouse on the icon i mean
Great also that you can export your stations list for a backup. Would be interested in others' station finds or recommendations. But posting them here seems wrong unfortunately....
10 Empowering good mood since 2019. Thank you. Try Radio Paradise in flac quality ;)
10 Thank you for maintaining this one.
8 Really liked this app, but since moving to Arch I just get "Check internet connection" at the bottom of the stations list. The internet connection is OK. Maybe there's some package I'm missing.
Good day. Make sure that plasma-nm package is present on your system.
Hi, thanks for the quick reply, yes plasma-nm is present. Sorry, I'm just heading off for a week, I'll have a closer look when I get back.
Turns out I needed to start NetworkManager.service, all good now thanks
One of my favourite plasma apps, thank you. I have it sitting in the control bar, not on the desktop. Previously one could use the middle mouse button to control the volume (spin) and start/stop playing (click). This doesn't work anymore since version 2.0.2 or so. Also, in the configuration dialog, the search tab seems to be empty. Would be great if we could get this nice functionality back.