Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Fixed gnome-shell 47 issues
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Ratings & Comments
the download button is showing up as disabled..can anyone help out?
10 10 the best
9 9
What is this file manager called, I'm new on Linux.
I'm using Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
Nautilus, if you're using the Gnome desktop environment. It probably appears as "Files" in your menus though.
I am using tweaks to change designs but was not finding where to change file manager design, But after changing application select option there it changed. Thank you BTW.
10 Finally i found a good one!
8 8 great
10 10 the best
Thank you!
8 This is a great theme, but it has some issues on gnome 42. For example, new screenshot tool looks not good and it isn't possible to use it. Also, with Dash to Dock extension it's hard to see pure white text of app titles (when you hover mouse on icon in dock). I know, that on this version of gnome a lot of theming stuff has been broken, but I hope you will keep on fixing it as it's possible
I'll fix this!
Small info: I noticed, that problem happens when I change shell theme of GDM using special app, if it will help you. Without it screenshot tool displays normally, but anyway it have default adwaita style
9 If anybody wants to change default colors of this brilliant theme I discovered three main colors: * a382ff for files highlight and menu sections * 6C6AF2 for left panel * Again 6C6AF2 and 4648FB for top search form gradient You are to replace the colors with your choice in Layan-Solid/gtk-3.0/gtk.css There many others, still don't know what they stand for
Made a mistake. 5657f5 for for files highlight. Haven't found for menu sections and mountain logo. Probably u can find some remaining colors for switches, its relatively simple
Your themes are awesome, you should do a Layan NORD color pallete version, it would be awesome
By the way, the command-line was: ./ -c light -s solid
Fixed om github now!
Tried to customize the install with the script on github. Worked to some extent but got some error messages: ./ -c light -s solid 'gnome-shell' not found, using styles for last gnome-shell version available. Installing '/home/francois/.themes/Layan-light'... Installing '/home/francois/.themes/Layan-light-solid'... Installing '/home/francois/.themes/Layan-solid'... cp: impossible d'évaluer '/home/francois/Téléchargements/Layan-gtk-theme/src/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-solid': Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type Installing '/home/francois/.themes/Layan-solid-solid'... cp: impossible d'évaluer '/home/francois/Téléchargements/Layan-gtk-theme/src/gtk-2.0/gtkrc-solid': Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type cp: impossible d'évaluer '/home/francois/Téléchargements/Layan-gtk-theme/src/gtk/3.0/gtk-solid-solid.css': Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type cp: impossible d'évaluer '/home/francois/Téléchargements/Layan-gtk-theme/src/gtk/4.0/gtk-solid-solid.css': Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type (It didn't change anything to the previous bug reported)
9 Great theme, but same bug I already reported (and fixed, thanks) for a few other ones. Selection gets black background when doing a drad and drop from file-roller. See
10/10 perfect!!!
It is not working on Linux Mint. I just see I can choose only Lyan control from theme but other things like window border, theme is missing
No cinnamon theme yet
Can you please transform it into cinnamon theme :/ I really liked this theme and want it to work on my system.